London: Record Numbers Protest Boris Johnson's Covid-19 Mandates & Policies!
But the Neo-Marxist mainstream media remains largely silent! (18.12.21)
In London this weekend, according to this short article by Britannia News, people filled the streets to protest against the British government’s Covid-19 policies. But the western mainstream media has largely ignored the story, or attempted to down play it. Britannia News reported that:
“Sky News played down the size of the protest saying 5,000 turned up (the video below shows differently).”
The most common signs carried by the majority of the protestors in London was:
Another sign, which highlights the insanity of the vaccine mandates, and reflects on how health workers across Britain, and the world for that matter, who refused the vaccine mandates went from - ‘heroes to zeroes’ - was this:
NHS - 2020 CLAPPED - 2021 SACKED
The NHS is the British National Health Service. In early 2020 during the first lockdown, the British government, as did most western government encouraged people stuck at home to show their appreciation for health workers, who they called the ‘heroes’ of the pandemic, by clapping for them. In Italy and New York people banged on pots and pans.
Despite having worked for 18 months through the dangers of the pandemic, when the mass vaccination program was ramped up, governments introduced vaccine mandates with the threat ‘no-jab, no-job.’ For those health workers who decided that they did not want to recieve the experimental mRNA Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ they have lost their jobs or are losing them. They went from heroes to zeroes when the government no longer needed them.
As the anti-Covid mandates protests in London continued into the night, violence erupted between the police and the crowds outside Downing Street as protestors marched in Whitehall, with some London police suffering minor injuries.
What is almost unbelievable is that the British Broadcasting Commisson, the BBC, did not report on the London protests. If you go to the BBC home page, you will find the only stories about Covid are that the British Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, does not rule out more Covid measures, and a story about the Dutch going into Christmas lockdown over the Omicron wave.
If you search the BBC website using their search bar, and look for ‘London anti-Covid protests’ there is nothing about the London protests this weekend. The most recent story is dated the 8th of November, and it is a critical piece attacking anti-vax protestors outside schools.
It is like the BBC is living in a parallel universe to the British people, and its mandate is to push the Covid-19 draconian policies down the throats of not just the British but every nations citizens on earth, without ever listening to, or reporting on the protestors concerns. It is very similar to the Chinese governments own media propaganda machine.
Meanwhile there are rumours of new plans being drawn up to impose lockdowns in Britain again after Christmas, but the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson assured the public that:
“We are not closing things down”
But can the British public believe their prime minister. The Sun newspaper reported the very opposite, and said that:
“Officials have been mulling proposals for a two-week circuit-breaker, which would include a ban on meeting friends and family indoors.”
Professor Neil Ferguson, who is one of the British governments key misinformation creators, dubbed ‘Professor Lockdown’ for the mathematical models that he produced in early 2020 of doomsday death numbers from Covid-19 for every country in the world, which were out by a factor of up to 100 times, but helped lead the entire world into the first - ‘lockdown for 2 weeks to flatten the curve’ - he is back again trying to whip up more fear.
Despite the fact that Ferguson’s models predicted catastrophe in every country on earth, but his models failed completely, he still enjoys a privileged role in Boris Johnson’s Covid-19 pandemic policy planning. So it appears that Professor Lockdown is serving the purose that the British government wants from him.
Ferguson just told the British public that there could soon be 4,000 deaths a day due to the Omicron variant. The doomsday professor is again doing what he does best, promoting fear, and public health catostrophe with his fake science to give the government justification to impose more Covid-19 restrictions.
If the British government does locksdown again, and it is my personal prediction that this is exactly what they will do in the coldest months of winter in early 2022, then we can expect the protestors to come out in ever increasing numbers.
The British people, along with the majority of western citizens, have had enough of the lies, misinformation and Covid-19 propaganda from their governments.
Throughout my lifetime, I have seen many protests for many issues from the Vietnam War protests, to the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, but I have never seen such monster crowds as the crowds that are flooding the streets of western cities all over the world to protest against the Covid-19 policies, especially the vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports.
But what is truly terrible, is that I have never witnessed the utter indifference, silence, and betrayal of the citizens of western nations by the now neo-Marxist mainstream media companies, and the refusal by democratically elected governments to listen to the will of the people, while they continue to march on relentlessly with their Covid-19 tyranny, still masquerading as a public health policy.
Why do I call the western mainstream media neo-Marxist?
Because most of the western mainstream media companies is acting like a communist propaganda machine. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic the western media transformed, and has relentlessly promoted fear, and promoted the draconian Covid-19 policies of the World Health Organization, which interestingly were first recommended by China, and then were adopted by most of the western governments, despite never being reccomended in public health pandemic plans of our nations to that point, and certainly were not based in real science.
The MSM repeats lies, half-truths, and misinformation, and applies Goebbel’s rule of propaganda, which is to repeat untruths until they are believed.
And quite apart from the sin of repeating the Covid-19 propaganda, the greatest sin is that the western media companies have relentlessly attacked their fellow citizens who are protesting against the fake narratives, and draconian, totalitarian policies.
This is unforgivable!
The British government and most other western governements, who are continuing to behave as Covid dictators, and trying to force their countries into medical tyranny and medical apartheid, along with their partners in the neo-Marxist mainstream media, do not represent or reflect the will of their nations citizens. And given their obsession with refusing to listen to the will of the people, especially over lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports, they need to be ripped out by their roots, and replaced with patriotic honest politicians, and honest media, who will serve the best interests of their nations.
The question is:
How do we get rid of the neo-Marxist Covid tyrants and their neo-Marxist media?
Ivan M. Paton
Our planet has taken a savage pounding since production line manufacturing enabled astronomical profits for parasitic financiers who invested in CONSUMERISM. Some well intentioned industrialists like Henry Ford wanted us to share in the benefits of mass cheap manufacture & the concept soon spread across the globe. All with good intentions at outset. Profits soared. Competition trimmed the fat out of everything... Compare a 1920s telephone to a recent one. The concept snowballed and parasites homed in looking for fast fat profit & in only a few short decades most manufactured goods are especially designed to break down, fail altogether, become obsolete overnight, not interact with newer products or just be rendered useless through legislated policy as will happen to around 20 Billion Piston Driven Motor Vehicles in the very near future. This of course is FORCED CONSUMERISM, causes massive waste, makes fortunes for advertisers, financiers, insurers, manufacturers & retailers & so on & so forth. The metals, plastics, paints, lubricating oils & fuels ALL came from under the ground & as these products become useless they litter the planet like a slowly decomposing series of scabs. Irreplaceable resources are scattered & lost, the atmosphere is contaminated & rubbish is ever present everywhere. IT HAS TO STOP.
Our elites made it happen so they could profit. Consumers were largely supported, encouraged to consume & have bred out of control. Now consumerism threatens the fundamental health of the planet. The heartless profiteering parasites who have amassed massive fortunes & who now have all the wealth, luxury, security & power on Earth hav themselves cemented into that power, think they own the world, want to save the world, cannot profit from consumerism anymore, so what is their plan? CULL THE MINDLESS CONSUMERS BY CONVINCING THEM TO CONSUME INJECTED POISON & to gain absolute control of all humanity in the process... Hence the propaganda campaign, the mandates, the lockdowns, the police brutality & the mounting deaths & injuries through poisonous injections. It is no longer safe to profit from consumers so the consumers get the chop... Can we stop this?... Probably not... Most consumers are thoroughly mindless, believe craftily worded advertising and just consume. Consuming chemical injections WILL end mindless consumerism. The elites have quietly initiated a war on stupidity. Billions of stupid people are targetted & they are too stupid to realise it or resist.
Thanks. I virated it.