Listen to Neil Oliver call out the absolute truth of the global situation today, that our G20 leaders are waging war on their own citizens for what we can call GLOBAL FASCISM (6th Feb 2023)
Hello Cindi - I am doing okay. How about you? I finally found the mental tools to calm myself right down and turned into 2023 in a place of calm which I haven't felt for 3 years. I apologize for being slack about pumping out any work. I have been trying to figure out where to place my energy for maximum leverage. I will get back and do some more missives soon. I have a huge pipeline actually. Thanks for saying hello, I always like hearing from you.
O Ivan, I’m so glad you have found a coping mechanism & are in a much better place for the new year. Using your energy to best effect is the way to go & I’ll patiently wait! I’ve no doubt you have a huge pipeline, as all the accelerating chatter from the Davos set re CBDC, digital ID, so-called “15 minute cities”, shortages of everything & WWIII (to name merely a few) seems to be on steroids now, as the jenga tower starts to wobble. This could be a very bad year, so “calm” is good
Thanks Cindi. Yep, I agree with your assessment of it being a very bad year. It already is for so many millions in so many countries. Calm is absolutely necessary. And it helps the thinking! I just penned some thoughts for an article "Global Fascism: A Call For A People's War." - which would do an assessment of where we are how we got here and then topics A-Z and what people can do to fight back short of shooting back. The communists call this "people's war." And what was not well reported on by our treacherous media is that Xi called for a people's war in China in 2019 against the west, and mainly America. And then we got Covid! Lol - What do you think of this idea?
I think it’s a great theme. My only argument (w/ no evidence) is that - esp after the abuse the Chinese people have suffered the past couple of years - surely none of this is a “people’s war” but it is definitely a “globalist war” - against the West, against each other & most esp against their own people.
The LGB-FJB crime family here have their heads so firmly up the asses of China & Ukraine that of course US taxpayer $$ & weaponry are being laundered in the latter & for the former, spy balloons fly unfettered across the breadth of the U.S. - over wide swaths where there would be no danger had it been shot down - to gather intelligence or just push the envelope to see what that neutered demented fool would do - which was NOTHING. They have so much on him & his family that he’d rather sell out the country.
But of course we are not alone in the psychopathy “leader” game. They are seemingly everywhere.
I forget, are you in Thailand? I have heard that country may finally go after Pfizer because a princess has been in a coma since her jab?
You are right of course about the CCP - but they called it the "people's war" to justify the shit they are doing. COVID is a war on all humanity by the entire G20 traitors cabal working for the UN-WEF global fascism project which has been in play since 1946, but has its roots in the 1800s, and perhaps beyond that.
Joe Biden was put into play at the age of 27 years with the help of an orgqanization linked to the USSR which also put Obama into play. Can't recall the name of it off the top of my head.
Biden has been on the global fascism, one world government team for decades.
The USSR and the Bolshevik revolution was a British construct - read Richard Poe's work for background - and Wall Street, the City of London and various western businesses funded the technological rise of the Soviets to create the "Cold War" - which was really a charade for building a global military empire.
China's CCP in my opinion is a construct of the western fascists, the USSR helped them a lot and I suspect the British had a hidden hand in it.
But we see the link clearly since 1971. Henry Kissigner, a global fascist, opened China and the western nations rebuilt it - with our capital, including our pension funds. And so the CCP has always been in partnership with Wall Street, the City of London and the EU - they are all on the same team and waging war on the citizen-slaves for profit and power.
So Biden isn't selling out now - he sold out eons ago.
I believe Putin and Biden are on the same team - because the war is destroying our western nations capacity to fight a war, and the COVID terrorism has weakened us all, and the weapons they send and tanks, Russia just blows them up. Biden and the traitors are destroying America's military capacity after Lloyd Austin vaxxed them all.
Yes, the psychopaths are everywhere. But it's getting easy to spot them.
Yes I'm in the land of facemasks, it is no longer the land of smiles.
Thailand is not going after Pfizer - that story needs a fact check. I've done up an outline on an article on this I'll try and get it done in the next day or so.
But one thing has happened they stopped the fear mongering overnight. Which I think is due to Dr. Bhakdi's visit.
Thx for all the insight, so much more knowledgeable than me!
Did you hear about the Grammys? I refuse to watch but heard snippets. A revolting homage to debauchery & the devil by Sam Smith & some tranny, the whole thing sponsored by Pfizer & CBS tweeting it was “ready to worship”….
What I find so distressing & depressing is not only the scale of it all but how far back it goes. That pure evil is out in the open, smirking. It leaves me feeling that too much is in place, too much power for evil is consolidated, too many people lulled into apathy & complacency. Is there hope, Ivan?
Yes you are right. The fascist globalists of the western world have been waging fascist warfare for global capitalism against the rest of the world for hundreds of years. I point to the date 1600 which was when the British East India Company was formed - the first of many multinationals that raised money from the newly invented markets, built ships and armies and waged war on the world for profit -pure unadulterated fascism. And they left the people at home alone. But now our corporations have gone global they live in tax havens, and since 1946 when the formed the United Nations, the WHO, the IMF and the World Bank - they've been building what I call neo-monarchies, which are the global institutions, and then the World Economic Forum and neoliberalism stripped our wealth and put it in tax havens and rebuilt China with their partner the CCP. And here we are. Now the fascists, both red and western, are waging war on the western citizens because if you don't destroy the western populations you can't bring in global fascism.
Hello Ivan! How are you doing? Have missed your missives!
Hello Cindi - I am doing okay. How about you? I finally found the mental tools to calm myself right down and turned into 2023 in a place of calm which I haven't felt for 3 years. I apologize for being slack about pumping out any work. I have been trying to figure out where to place my energy for maximum leverage. I will get back and do some more missives soon. I have a huge pipeline actually. Thanks for saying hello, I always like hearing from you.
O Ivan, I’m so glad you have found a coping mechanism & are in a much better place for the new year. Using your energy to best effect is the way to go & I’ll patiently wait! I’ve no doubt you have a huge pipeline, as all the accelerating chatter from the Davos set re CBDC, digital ID, so-called “15 minute cities”, shortages of everything & WWIII (to name merely a few) seems to be on steroids now, as the jenga tower starts to wobble. This could be a very bad year, so “calm” is good
Thanks Cindi. Yep, I agree with your assessment of it being a very bad year. It already is for so many millions in so many countries. Calm is absolutely necessary. And it helps the thinking! I just penned some thoughts for an article "Global Fascism: A Call For A People's War." - which would do an assessment of where we are how we got here and then topics A-Z and what people can do to fight back short of shooting back. The communists call this "people's war." And what was not well reported on by our treacherous media is that Xi called for a people's war in China in 2019 against the west, and mainly America. And then we got Covid! Lol - What do you think of this idea?
I think it’s a great theme. My only argument (w/ no evidence) is that - esp after the abuse the Chinese people have suffered the past couple of years - surely none of this is a “people’s war” but it is definitely a “globalist war” - against the West, against each other & most esp against their own people.
The LGB-FJB crime family here have their heads so firmly up the asses of China & Ukraine that of course US taxpayer $$ & weaponry are being laundered in the latter & for the former, spy balloons fly unfettered across the breadth of the U.S. - over wide swaths where there would be no danger had it been shot down - to gather intelligence or just push the envelope to see what that neutered demented fool would do - which was NOTHING. They have so much on him & his family that he’d rather sell out the country.
But of course we are not alone in the psychopathy “leader” game. They are seemingly everywhere.
I forget, are you in Thailand? I have heard that country may finally go after Pfizer because a princess has been in a coma since her jab?
You are right of course about the CCP - but they called it the "people's war" to justify the shit they are doing. COVID is a war on all humanity by the entire G20 traitors cabal working for the UN-WEF global fascism project which has been in play since 1946, but has its roots in the 1800s, and perhaps beyond that.
Joe Biden was put into play at the age of 27 years with the help of an orgqanization linked to the USSR which also put Obama into play. Can't recall the name of it off the top of my head.
Biden has been on the global fascism, one world government team for decades.
The USSR and the Bolshevik revolution was a British construct - read Richard Poe's work for background - and Wall Street, the City of London and various western businesses funded the technological rise of the Soviets to create the "Cold War" - which was really a charade for building a global military empire.
China's CCP in my opinion is a construct of the western fascists, the USSR helped them a lot and I suspect the British had a hidden hand in it.
But we see the link clearly since 1971. Henry Kissigner, a global fascist, opened China and the western nations rebuilt it - with our capital, including our pension funds. And so the CCP has always been in partnership with Wall Street, the City of London and the EU - they are all on the same team and waging war on the citizen-slaves for profit and power.
So Biden isn't selling out now - he sold out eons ago.
I believe Putin and Biden are on the same team - because the war is destroying our western nations capacity to fight a war, and the COVID terrorism has weakened us all, and the weapons they send and tanks, Russia just blows them up. Biden and the traitors are destroying America's military capacity after Lloyd Austin vaxxed them all.
Yes, the psychopaths are everywhere. But it's getting easy to spot them.
Yes I'm in the land of facemasks, it is no longer the land of smiles.
Thailand is not going after Pfizer - that story needs a fact check. I've done up an outline on an article on this I'll try and get it done in the next day or so.
But one thing has happened they stopped the fear mongering overnight. Which I think is due to Dr. Bhakdi's visit.
I invoked your name today on El Gato Malo when he asked what is going on in Thailand.
Thx for all the insight, so much more knowledgeable than me!
Did you hear about the Grammys? I refuse to watch but heard snippets. A revolting homage to debauchery & the devil by Sam Smith & some tranny, the whole thing sponsored by Pfizer & CBS tweeting it was “ready to worship”….
What I find so distressing & depressing is not only the scale of it all but how far back it goes. That pure evil is out in the open, smirking. It leaves me feeling that too much is in place, too much power for evil is consolidated, too many people lulled into apathy & complacency. Is there hope, Ivan?
Yes you are right. The fascist globalists of the western world have been waging fascist warfare for global capitalism against the rest of the world for hundreds of years. I point to the date 1600 which was when the British East India Company was formed - the first of many multinationals that raised money from the newly invented markets, built ships and armies and waged war on the world for profit -pure unadulterated fascism. And they left the people at home alone. But now our corporations have gone global they live in tax havens, and since 1946 when the formed the United Nations, the WHO, the IMF and the World Bank - they've been building what I call neo-monarchies, which are the global institutions, and then the World Economic Forum and neoliberalism stripped our wealth and put it in tax havens and rebuilt China with their partner the CCP. And here we are. Now the fascists, both red and western, are waging war on the western citizens because if you don't destroy the western populations you can't bring in global fascism.