Here is something to think about.

They are always pushing this Malthusian Nightmare of overpopulation and starvation, right?

They have been pushing this for decades.

But is it true?

They have been telling me -through the magic lanterns that bestow all our knowledge- that the average family in the USA has 2.3 children.

2.0 is replacement rate. 2.3 is just above that.

Of course no one has 0.3 of a child.

So what happens if you have 2 children and one dies in a car accident? It happens quite often.

You are now by a stroke of fortune below the replacement rate.

They have already succeeded in the world depopulation agenda, haven't they?

All they need to do is to add more "accidental deaths" into the system.

Make China more dangerous.

Make India more dangerous.

Let people die from "natural causes" so the bodies don't pile up too quickly.

I think they already have us right where they want us.

Also, consider this:

How do you REALLY know the population of the Earth is 8 million?

The magic lanterns tell us this.

I know I did not go out and count heads.

How easy would it be for them to inflate the numbers so we can live in fear of constant starvation?

They inflated the COVID numbers, right?

They inflated Joe Biden's vote numbers, right?

Computer numbers are easy to fix.

Why do we trust the numbers reported by our overlords sometimes and other times we doubt them? Is not that a form of schizophrenia? It is, in fact, a symptom of mass schizophrenia.


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You raise a very good point here which I have made notes of.

I saw a comment somewhere in the last few weeks where someone said that using ChatGPT they'd estimated the global population at 50% of what the UNITED NATIONS tells us it is - 4 billion (not million lol).

Now why would we believe a goddam word the UN says?

Elon Musk has been pointing out for a long time it's bullshit and we are on the verge of population collapse - due to the vastly reduced birthrates - which are down EVERYWHERE below the replacement level.

Then a Chinese-American vlogger put out an analysis that she did of China's true population and she said using AI they'd worked it out to be 35-50% less than the CCP says it is - again why would you believe the CCP. That shaves off 700 million right there.

So it begs the question - Why would they lie about it?

And this is the most important part.

In order to get all the people at the upper part of society across the world on board with their mass killing programs - to turn them into mass murderers - for the common good.

You see it in all the stupid comments of these globalist fuckwits - like the Ape Lady - Jane Goodall I think - there's a video of her repeating the same bullshit about overpopulation and pushing the same attitude 'We have to think the unthinkable.'

That's why Harbinger - to create mass murdering bastards out of previously moral people.

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In some respects, yes (the primary caveat I'd argue here is that "wokeness" is the direct ideological product of neo-Marxism and not entirely from Communism, though commies traditionally *did* head into that realm): I've been reading some of Emanuel M. Josephson's books, namely "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers" (https://archive.org/details/TheFederalReserveConspiracyRockfellersTheirGoldCorner), and his analysis of the Jesuit-Rockefeller manipulation of radical "Red" movements in the 1960s (a rather paternalistic and excessive viewpoint, I will admit, though otherwise a fascinating outlook) seems to mirror what one observes of modern-day "woke" causes.

Communism is simply a "back" tentacle of the Jesuit cabal blaming societal ills on the very "laissez-faire capitalist" hegemony created by British Freemasonic coordination with Vatican capital. Similar situation with "race" issues constantly hijacked by Communist manipulation: the Jesuits/Vatican traditionally facilitated slavery AFAIK and their earliest Marxist propagators weren't particularly tolerant of darker-skinned people, yet they simultaneously co-opt the "civil rights" card to leverage racial strife controlled by Freemasonic proxies (the KKK was/is run by Scottish Rite Freemasonry; while black radical movements operate as Jesuit "liberation theology" fronts sometimes with Prince Hall Freemasonic assistance considering that agitators i.e. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are evidently Prince Hall lodge members).

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Yes, Wokeness comes from the development of Cultural Marxism, which was developed to attack the western nations - and part of it is Biological Leninism, a term I only heard recently that explains the entire strategy behind the DEI-ESG-LGBTQ movement, which is to put low status fools in charge and by so lifting their status you reward them and earn their undying loyalty - which is what the communists did with the peasants when they put guns in their hands. I have noted the hypocrisy in the communists attacking 'capitalism' but never attacking the true evil, which is the Crown Monarchy Imperialism - as you noted British-Vatican, which is a monopoly of everything.

Some time back I made a long list of the structure and philosophy of the Roman Imperial Catholic Church and the communist party of China - it is literally the same thing - to get you thinking about it: the pope is an elected king and dictator, so is Xi Jinping - they operate on a religion - the religion of Atheism, they have a General Secretariat like the Church - same name!!! It goes on and on and on. And because we see that the communists adopted all of the Roman Empire symbolism, we know they are a colony of Rome, or rather the Zion Imperial Empire, and their control point is the bankers, and they have used the banking system to enslave and exploit the wealth of all communist countries citizen-slaves.

I have come to the conclusion that communism accurately describe is simply a rebranding of the regressive tyranny of the Crown Monarchy Imperialism-it is a slavery system, that stripped out the illusion of Christianity, and replaced it with the true religion of the elites, atheism and the rule of Might is Right. It is a neo-monarchy. And the Roman Catholic Church is the source of communism. Absolute power, tyranny, that's communism.

Your point about hijacking the black civil rights movement is spot on. And black nations. All over the world you see the same paradigms playing out - they promote the rule of oligarchy and enrich and reward their useful idiots - Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Mugabe in Zibabwe, that twat that's running South Africa today - you find them in every nation, as they have all nations covered.

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Yeah, Communism is just Caesarism passing as "proletariat socialism." Modern Communist revisionist-denialist stupidity is in my opinion rather hilarious.

Exactly, the only high-ranking goons who survive in Communism (also Nazi-Fascism) are the unconditionally loyal stooges, because everyone who knows too much is liquidated or suppressed. Nazi Germany (the "Nazism is anti-Communist" narrative is semi-farcical considering their entire ideology follows a Red motto albeit "atheism" replaced with Teutonic racialism) followed a parallel structure: Hitler's 1934 "blood purge" saw the liquidation of longtime Jesuit adviser Bernhard Stempfle, probably because Stempfle knew too much about what happened to Geli Raubal.

Absolutely concurred, Communism is an outgrowth of RCC ideology. I'll have to check on the details, but I'm relatively certain Pope Leo XIII's "Rerum Novarum" was parallel in content and "conclusion" to the Communist Manifesto. There's also something about the prototypical model of Communism first "tested" by the Jesuits in their reductions on Paraguay as I recall hearing from Veith.

Yeah, it's a considerable tragedy how the Jesuits have subverted and undermined African nations alongside their manipulation of the "black community" (I see the residual effects firsthand near where I live). Worse, the newly invented hybrid (and typically self-destructive) "cultures" being propagated, namely here in the U.S. (I don't know so much about African nations per se), have become so seeped into the collective mentality that to ever-humbly and politely inform them on the sinister origin of the fifth column would be viewed as tantamount to "racism." The ignorant masses everywhere are conditioned to seethe at what they don't understand, lest they learn the truth, open their eyes, and find out who's been using them...

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You're a gem Emmanuel, because you keep increasing my knowledge in so many ways, I appreciate the insight on Pope Leo's Rerum Novarum, and that will go into a building folder on the Papal bulls, declarations and treaties that help me connect the dots of tyranny through history. I am aware of the reductions but still haven't done much reading on it. Paraguay is a country that I want to go visit. It is the only country in the world, as I understand it, that has constitutionally protected the right to start colonies, and there are over 50 foreign colonies within its nation. Fascinating. One of the locations I have on my target list of places to start new communities of self-sufficiency, self-government, with a new religion based on a progressive philosophy.

It is really shitty what they are doing between the white people and the black people all over the world. And there is so much they've done since WW2 to create a 'child ego' as one of my Substack mates calls it, which will 'seethe at what they don't understand.'

And yes it is happening all over the African continent. The Zion Imperial Empire runs Africa through its black traitorous oligarchs. I have good friends, black and white, in Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe - and I get a lot of news from them and local insights. It's a mess. Last night I watched a video about Namibia and how the German descendants still own all the land, 0.3% of the population 4,500 people own 40% of all the land and 70% of all the agricultural land. The girl doing the video was black-German, and she was all indignant about the history of German genocide - which is what the video was all about - which is right to expose as it is little known - but then her final solution was that it is the 'State' that is to blame, and that reparations should be made by the 'State' - and who would that be? The citizens at home in Germany who are the taxpayers. My teeth started grinding at that point. It is not the taxpayers who went out and waged colonialism's wars on the world - it was the Vatican, the monarchies, the banksters, and the billionaires and their multinational corporations - all of whom are still in existence and it is this group of psychopaths who are the true white supremacists and they should pay, in fact they should lose all their wealth to pay. Which won't happen in our lifetime, but we can daydream.

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Thank you a ton, Ivan, and glad to hear my analytical thoughts are of substantive value; as to Rerum Novarum and Communism, I recall here was the first resource that led me to hearing about the connection: https://www.jamesjpn.net/government/the-authors-of-communism-socialism-jesuits/?print=pdf

Yeah, the race divide is a grotesque sight to behold. Among myself and my IRL fellow ethnically Asian friends (I'm ethnically Chinese BTW) who grew up in a common second-generational American experience (a.k.a. reared by authoritarian parents bent on grades, pfft), none of us who ever held a fully thinking mind would endorse the ridiculous level of Marxist race-baiting agitprop shoved down our throats in high school despite all the efforts of the Communist lunatics to push the CRT line of "light-skinned majority = oppressors, dark-skinned minority = oppressed" alongside the ridiculous notion that all ethnic minorities naturally get along. Nor were we subjected to any serious "systemic racism" when we learned to ingratiate ourselves into society as everyone else did.

While I cannot speak with authority for other ethnocultural groupings, it's been my culminated observation that the identity politics manipulation within the so-called "Chinese American community" at the mainstream level produces a twofold "Bolshevist" and quasi-"Zionist" strain, both aligned with Marxist/Communist-type collectivist braindead lunacy. The "Bolshevist" element would be the typically second-generation (and onwards) "assimilationist" liberal pantywaists voting straight-ticket Democrat and endorsing the far-left direction of whatever the "Cultural Marxists" support; the "quasi-Zionist" side (analogically speaking) are the "dual-loyalty" (more like single-loyalty) non-assimilationists who refuse to integrate into American culture, think the CCP is a utopia, and then hypocritically accuse Americans of "Sinophobia" when rightly criticized for lack of patriotism. The cancerously obnoxious "Asian advocacy groups" manage to accommodate both realms by screeching "Sinophobia" and dangerously conflating criticism of CCP totalitarianism with anti-Chinese racism, much as the Judeonazi ADL conflates criticism of Zionazi war crimes with "anti-Jewish racism" or whatever. Whoops, I must be ranting too much... oh well, unexpected New Year's transparency. Some resolutions are a double-edged sword... :)

Anyways, yes, your analysis of the African situation seems to line up with what I've heard from Walter Veith's lectures and also what I'm currently reading in Josephson's "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers": the Jesuit cabal runs proxy agents on both the "white supremacist" and "black radical" side to perpetuate a continuous state of degradation and misery. Walter Veith showed that Nelson Mandela was certainly a Vatican/Jesuit coadjutor and apparent Knight of Malta; and Josephson argues that the Jesuits in the 1800s simultaneously ran schools for slave plantation owners' children teaching them to brutalize black slaves, while simultaneously whipping up black radical agitation continuing into (at least) the 1960s.

Looks like there's a common theme on the "African" dimension: the Jesuit cabal and their motley crew of Rockefeller tycoons (among the financial elite) -- who indeed are truly the highest white supremacist orchestrators (since the intentionally destroy black culture in a tremendously disproportionate and cruel manner) -- employ fifth column proxies within African communities co-opting the anguish and strife so the masses are duped into popular support for the puppets who then sell them out.

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Yes, I like your analysis of Renum Unum a lot. It highlights the trail of pinning communism on Rome. Which is absolutely the source - the idea of a one world dictatorship is the Pontifex Maximus, the Annunaki-Babylonian Enlil (evil) faction that wants Crown Monarchy Imperialism to rule over all of mankind as slaves.

Renum Unum actually breaks that down as it spells out exactly how the Vatican sees the entire worlds human society:

1. Church (run by the hidden Zion Imperial Aristocracy and uses religion to control the masses with the cult of Yahweh, salvation is through 'Jesus Christ' - remember my explanation - that is salvation is through the one world monarchy of 'God' (a king from the House of David) to rule the earth - Bingo! Rome's New World Order.

2. Capital and Capitalism - this is clearly the Money Monopoly (banking) and Monopoly Capitalism (Multinationals) - that's really what the Vatican means - and this is the rule of oligarchies who monopolize everything

3. Government - this is the nation's puppet leaders - 'kings' 'president's 'prime ministers' and 'communist leaders' - who control the people through centralized federal governments. And extract the wealth via taxation

4. Labor - and this is where the Vatican's view on mankind is really really clear - they don't regard the masses as people who have the right to farm, to live in self-sufficiency, or to run their own small and medium businesses. - nope. It's all one group - LABOR - which are the slaves.

And the Church has an army of foreign (traitor) agents worldwide stretching into almost every community on earth that takes the Pope's diktats as GOSPEL and puts them to work - we call them priests!!!!!!

I read those links on Communism - brilliant. And then I bashed out this comment at the top of my Communism Conclusions file. What do you think? Accuracy?

Communism was created by the Roman Catholic Church as a new form of colonizing the world with original Roman Catholic Church styled imperialism, with the pesky Christian ‘God’ stripped out – the Jesuits perfected it in their Reductions in Paraguay, and then fed it to Karl Marx, and the Zionist bankers put it into effect using the Communist Manifesto, and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which was not written by Jews, but by the Zion Imperial Empire’s agents, most likely the Jesuits themselves, and they launched Communism in Russia and took out the enemy of the Vatican, the Russian Emperor and head of the Orthodox Christian Church-and ever since the communists have been on a killing spree and never once has the Vatican clearly denounced this evil, because in truth the communists are a colony of Rome, which is shown not just by the structure of their absolute monarchy system, their copy cat organizational structure, but all of the symbols of the Roman Imperial Empire, which dates back to the Annunaki gods and goddesses in the Sumer-Babylonian Empire, are proudly flown by all communist countries showing their allegiance to Rome, and these symbols are used by China, but were never used by the Chinese people prior to the communists takeover. Confucius said that ‘Signs and symbols rule the world’-and the signs and symbols used by the Chinese communist party show they are a colony of Rome, and the Zion Imperial Empire that wants to rule the world under a one world dictatorship, which communism has since its inception actively worked towards. All sponsored by the Vatican and its partners the bankers, the International Money Cartel. All part of the Zion Imperial Aristocracy.

Last point for today - and here's something I have dug up that is fascinanting about our religions, and how our Zionist-Babylonian mates likely highjacked a religious practice that was aimed at developing mankind's best potential and to realize the (Annunaki) 'God' potential within us all - Have you ever heard of Ausar: The First Christ?


In this article the writer explains that the first resurrection myth is from this religious practice of Egypt, which used to be called Kemet, and this was the zone of Enki, the humanity friendly Annunaki Lord who was the rival to the evil brother Enlil, which is the archetype for the religions of Yahweh, and it was his family clan that were the leaders of all the god-king-emperors all the way through Mesopotamia to Rome, with his son taking his place on Earth as the 'Enlil' - Lord of the Air, meaning Lord of the Earth-and his son is Rome's Jupiter, and the Bible's Nimrod.

Now coming back to this religion - it is all about realizing Christ Consciousness, which is what the Gnostics talk of, by following the pathway of MEDITATION - and what religion did the Aryan Magi from Persia (Zoroastrianism-Not Yahwehism) teach to the Eastern world??? That which was named Buddhism. It's the EXACT SAME PHILOSOPHY.

So as I was reading it today a light bulb went off.

This is like;ly the source of the Zealots that hated the Romans and hated the Jewish elites, and there is probably a real leader back in those days which they had the Romans do away with - but we don't know his name as there is no record of it anywhere - but they took the search for the Christ Consciousness and TWISTED and DISTORTED IT into the Jesus Christ myth - which says that the only salvation you get on this earth is to be a slave to the one world dictatorship of the cult of Yahweh!

I can't explain it, but I can feel this is the truth in every cell and DNA of my body.

We were 'made in the image of God' - that is the image of the Annunaki and have the potential for great development - which is exactly what the Zionist and Roman Catholic Church slavers have spent 2,000 years denying to enslave us all.


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Hi Emmanuel,

What's up? I noticed that you unsubscribed from my Substack, which seems to have taken place after I posted this last comment, which you either missed, overlooked, or are ignoring.

Perhaps your busy, or taking a break from Substack.

In the last few weeks we have touched on an enormous range of topics, at a very deep level, spanning back thousands of years. And based on your encyclopedic knowledge and apparent commitment to exposing elements of the globalists agenda, I had begun to think of you as a genuine humanitarian and adding your part to the collective fight against this Zionist Crown Monarchy tyranny.

But I occurred to me today after I noticed the unsubscribe that you could also be an agent of the Zion Imperial Empire - However that begs the question that if you are, then what is your role? You will note that in my relentless pursuit of the truth, and too many disappointments in exposing controlled opposition agents, that I have become a hyper-vigilant suspicious thinker that is prepared to toss around any issue and look for the truth as reflected by the past, present, and future. Another possibility is that you are a true humanitarian and belong to the clan of Enki, and are doing your part to fight the clan of Enlil, and help humanity wake up to this evil that's been assaulting mankind relentlessly for at least six thousand years.

Well no matter which side you are on, I have to tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed the discussion, and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Best to you,


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Spot on Ian Paton.

Rhodesia tried to become independent from the British commonwealth and declared UDI. It wasn't long before the Queen let the Marxist dogs(freemasons) loose called ZANU–PF under Mugabe. Not sure if he was knighted?

South Africa was granted independence in 1960 after a referendum. It wasn't long after that the Queen let out another Marxist dog the ANC under Mandela. He was of course knighted as a Knight of Malta and was Mbeki and his henchman the Archbishop Tutu too.

The British monarchy had provided the ideological air-cover for the other monarchies who hide behind the UN. The Perfidious Albion provocateurs were entrenched within all the political party ranks.

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Hi Sunface Jack,

Nice to see you in the comments my friend.

Yes you are dead right about Rhodesia, I have a growing folder on them.

The goddam United Nations Security Council DECLARED WAR on Rhodesia, Rhodesians both black and white, and ignited the ANTI-WHITE RACE BASED WAR in Africa in 1965 just after the PM Ian Smith issued a declaration of independence from Britain and declared themselves a republic. The UN resolution 265 I think it was is about 2 pages long, worth reading, and it is one of the VILEST documents I have ever read. A clear declaration of war. Especially on white people.

What was the real issue? Rhodesia REFUSED to follow the UN and Britain's demands to create Universal Suffrage - my investigations of this based on Rhodesia changed my attitude about it. It was to bring in 'MOB RULE' - so the outside globalists could control politics - which the insider families descended from the original settlers WERE IN CHARGE OF. They did this in all the colonies!!!!! That's how the globalists took control over the nations we had developed. Universal voting. Which with their media control they could control. Nuts.

The white and black people in the Rhodesian army fought the communists the UN and Britain sent in through their proxies China and Russia - and NEVER lost a battle. Period.

Why did they give up? Henry Kissinger blackmailed South Africa into ceasing its support for Rhodesia and Ian Smith decided they'd lost. Bloody fool. He had the best fighting units in the world. They should have kept going.

But he didn't and as soon as the black parties took power, Britain's man, Mugabe, who they tried to knight but public backlash canned it, but he tipped Zimbabwe straight back into the British Commonwealth where it remains to this day - so Britain still has control.

And look at the shit hole it is for the people.

The Zionist British globalists don't care as they are still making their money.

Yes it is the monarchies, (includes Vatican and communists), banksters, and billionaires - in that order.

The richest pricks in the world waging war on mankind for six thousand years since their ancestors crawled out of the mud in Sumer and Babylon.

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