Thank you for sharing this. It is unfathomable that to keep my job, my employer thinks they have the right to make me accept an experimental vaccine into my body. I don't smoke, have an occasional alcoholic beverage perhaps every three months and don't even like taking prescribed medicines. My own sister has suffered from heart issues for more than four months since one dose of Moderna. What is the point of having a vaccine to keep a job, if it poses a risk of becoming too unwell to do that job? There is no logic to this mandate madness. Give people the real data, and let them make their own choice based on their own circumstances.

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Thanks for sharing Diana. You are right it is madness. I believe it is Marxist-fascist madness created by an unholy alliance between the CCP, the World Economic Forum, and all their corrupt political psychopaths, who unfortunately when you add up the combined influence of both groups is a Marxist-fascist army from Australia to Zambia waging war on humanity for power, profits and politics. The last part being the agenda of the Great Reset, which is simply a different way of saying the United Nations Agenda 2030 - and things like 'climate change' and the Paris Accords, Covid-19, the Ukraine War - all these crises they create are to smash up the world, and 'build back better' - which is code for global government and a totalitarian state for humanity. Exactly which is what they've been giving us with their lies and bullshit under C19. They are traitors - lying, evil, genocidal traitors trying to smash up humanity and reset the world the way that want it. And any good Marxist knows that to bake a good cake you have to break eggs - so they don't care about the lives they destroy and the people they are killing with policies and mandates. The only way to understand this madness is to understand what they are doing. People think they are incompetent because we see buffoons like Morrison, Arden, and Trudeau - but they are just the puppets - And most of those puppets can be tracked back to the Young Global Leaders program of the World Economic Forum - a training school for radical Marxist traitors.

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If this is well known to lawyers and others in the know, then WHY are we still enduring this injustice and having to follow these unethical and illegal mandates???!!! Why arent lawyers in every nook and cranny around the World STOPPING THIS EXPERIMENTAL POISON that has taken lives! NOT SAVED them... Why don't Judges simply STAMP IT OUT!!! your normal Joe blog doesn't have an inkling that it's even illegal, or at least the blind sheep that fight is protesters that are fighting for our rights!!!! WHY??!!!! please answer this for me😇🙏🙏🙏I'm sick to my stomach thinking my grandchildren and great great grandchildren will be slaves to a system we couldn't win against because all the major players, are corrupt and we could not fight them!!!! 😕😬😤😢😥

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Hi Tania. Firstly let me say that I really share your frustration. I come from a family that has many members that have been involved in the law all their lives, and I have wondered the same. And let me also reflect that the lockdown experience was devastating for me, wiped out years of work, and effort that was just starting to pay dividends, and I watched the polices wipe out the businesses of numerous friends and in the community around. me. As a result of having time on my hands, like many, I researched everything to do with this issue from A to Z.

And the answer to your question I think has 4 parts.

Firstly there has been massive censorship by big tech to stop the discussion of cures for Covid-19, massive fraud of scientific papers attacking cheap and effective medicines, and our controlled politicians and media have attacked the doctors and scientists speaking up. There has been a global disinformation run by the public health cartel that that aimed to stop all cures to Covid19 to allow the experimental drugs to maintain their Emergency Use Authorizations, which is allowing the global mass vaccination program. If the governments acknowledged any alternative medicine these EUA's would have had to be cancelled.

Second - dues to censorship a whole new universe of alternative media platforms, and alternative media sources that are uncensored have sprung up, and the voices that have been fighting the Covid tyranny, have migrated to those platforms - like my voice on Substack. But most people who have worked or run their businesses as normal throughout the 'pandemic' are unaware that this alternative universe has evolved.

Third- the Covid19 policies have not affected everyone in each country equally.

It has distorted society. You can really divide society into

A. those hurt by the Covid policies and lost their jobs or businesses and

B. those that did not.

Remember the 'only essential workers' - this is code for anyone who has a small to medium business, or a business not in a sector the Covid policy makers are supporting, an so is going into lockdown and going to be destroyed. As it was.

The lockdowns are a method to destroy and to redistribute the wealth to big business to make them bigger.

Do you recall that during lockdowns the supermarkets and other big business places that were open were all jammed packed with people - no social distancing! Closing all the small businesses jammed them into the bigger ones.

Apart from that we had all people that worked for government - and in many western countries that's a high percentage today - or those receiving government benefits. These people were not hurt financially.

So anyone working in 'essential services' private or government never felt the pain that their neighbours were feeling. And were for the most part going about their normal lives as they have always with some minor inconveniences. And these people have not had the time to be aware of the censorship, the disinformation, the lies and the propaganda. Because their trusted source of news has always been the government, public health, and the mass media - who are in fact the very bad actors that are waging war on humanity.

Fourth - when the Covid-19 drugs were rolled out they have preyed on the public's trust for science, vaccines and medicine in general. First as I explained in my article above they called them 'vaccines' when they are not. And the big pharma industry has been repeating the mantra 'safe and effective' for decades - And that has become the publics viewpoint. And so when people were questioning this - doctors and scientists from the start - and they were attacked and painted as lunatics - those people in society, let's call them the half that were unaffected by Covid - they believed the government and media and dismissed the critics of the Covid policies from the lockdowns to the 'vaccines.'

So, this brings us back to the answer to your question - why aren't the lawyers and judges stamping this out - Firstly let's acknowledge that there are a lot that are working on it, like the team running the 'Nuremberg 2.0 trials' - but as a percentage of the whole group they are still a small group. So the answer in my opinion is because the legal profession has been one of the least affected groups in society - And in many western countries the vaccine mandates have not affected them either.

So they just have not been able to see the truth of what is really taking place. And they have felt no imperative to do anything about it.

Best regards


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