Well keep doing what you do - it shows you read far and wide and bring great stuff to our Substack table - I've often used the impetus of your work to boost it, as you've seen.
Worse than that ( he is only ing his mother's ans Diana's 'stuff' probably for profit and to get rid of 'the old'...I read recently that, if someone dies in the North of England with no will having been drawn up, Charles can sell the house and keep the £ !!!! That seems like theft at least ue a crime but, as we know, anything the royals, rich and powerful do is rarely punished including genocides. Complicit MSM, journalism etc means this crime only got a tiny mention in middle of a newspaper
....UK Zionist, WEF ( 'king'Charles is WEF) owned. Banking Centre of the world ie 'City of London' separate coun try within London for banking giants yet multi millions in UK have no home even working people, shocking widespread poverty killing huge numbers...Today saw thatc'prince' William has a new slogan and was on tv 'We Can End Homelessness'.....I guess Depopulation does end homelessness.. as would depopulating the royals...
The slogan "End poverty" means getting rid of the useless eaters.
In fact that is what Britain, Ireland and Europe did for hundreds of years by exporting people to the colonies - I recall reading about an England landlord in Ireland whose tenants farmers were starving so he packed 2,000 of them on a boat to America. And I have read that the Swiss had a policy of shipping poor people out to America as well. And of course the British just sent them to Australia. Out of sight is out of mind. But now they've impoverished the whole world it's the same policies they applied to indigenous peoples to drive down their populations. Multiple ways of SOCIAL MURDER - policies that kill.
And the royals often knight the best depopulators, paedophiles even (Jimmy Saville and a few others) .I was amazed to learn that Bill Gates has been knighted as has Klaus Schwab - un til recently head of the World Economic Forum & mentor to Charles for decades (Schwab says's billions of Useless Eaters must die, that Paedophilia must be legalised..his mother a Rothschild, father a good friend of Hitler) And of course the Oxford 'vxeen' creators both knighted (sterilisation, maiming, murder of billions worldwide..)
Yes, I've seen that trend of knighting and daming the men and women who serve the empire. It's made me suss about every single knight and dame in history. Same with things like the Nobel Prize.
Have you read the book Rulers of Evil? F. Tupper Saussy.
Available free on Internet Archive.
At first you are inclined to think the title says that 'the rulers are evil'
It doesn't.
And while the entire book brings all the receipts to show that the group that is attacking mankind is in fact the hidden Roman Empire, which I call the Zion Imperial Empire, and those at the very, very, top are what I call the Zion Imperial Cult - and they run the Roman Catholic Church, and yes the Church, and the Jesuits and numerous other Zionism based organizations are in fact waging war on mankind - but it is all because their God declared that those that opposed the Laws set by God are the true 'EVIL' - and so 'God' has given them the. mission on earth to use the rule of law, and to destroy all heretics and non-believers!!!!! The Condemers are labelled as the 'righteous' and those that fight the Crown's (meaning Gods) Kingship are evil.
So the Rulers of Evil really means the Rulers of Mankind that is considered Evil for refusing the slavery of their God-King.
I can now relate it all back to the Annunaki - a simple way to do it is to replace God with King. The king of the Annunaki. The Kingship of God. The kingship of the Annunaki. The Word of God. The Law of the King of the Annunaki. etc.
I can answer the police conundrum for you Ivan. I will expand this somewhat considering many readers may be unaware of just who is who, what , when and how.
The Zionist centre of power is divided between Switzerland (Basel (BIS) & the capital ) and the City of London. The City of London, a square mile of separate sovereign nation, surrounds the more ancient Bank of England and was created by Nathanial Rothschild (eldest sone of Mayer Amschell Rothschild who launched his war on himanity in 1815).
The British East India Company and British Empire are both just names for the City of London. The police are separate to the English police and are the London Metropolitin Police who now appear to have launched a coup on the British police. This is linked to certain soldiers of the British Army who were selected around 15 years ago when all were asked if they were prepared to shoot British civilians if so ordered. Those who said yes, were earmarked for their current role and those who said "no" are labeled for passive roles, such as traffic direction and closures.
A similar survey was done in the early 1990s, and in Australia. The vast majority of grunts said no, but the officers said yes. This resulted in a decision to replace Australian army guys with foreign mercenaries. It seems the police experienced the same, except in the NT, the only place in the world where poice refused to assault mandate protestors.
The City of London represents the Black Nobility, some of whom are still involved in major crimes and others (ie the Hapsbergs) whose inbreeding dragged their intelligence down to levels of uselessness. Several bike gangs are funded by the Black Nobility and they also do their hit jobs to eliminate nuisance investigators. and whistleblowers.
The longer term agenda is to scrap state police altogether and rely on private security and mercenaries.
Yes, this is actually a very long story. I grew up in Britain and observed many things directly through personal experience. There is a kind of spiritual melancholy exuding from deforested landscape, cooling towers and overall a claustrophobic, congested post-industrial void. Coiled springs of neurosis, violence, self-hatred and parochial tribalism in the historically downtrodden underclass boiled up first against Pakistani immigrants. They are now being baited and trapped by a cynical establishment who, as we know, has weaponized migration towards the destruction of all Western civilization ( in all the territories you mention). The British establishment, rooted in their primary doctrine of class supremacy, has always been uber exclusionary. In recent decades, the Big tech-fattened Anglo-American family of public-private military-corporatism has been promoting DEI and using wokism to disguise its vicious totalitarian outgrowth. The British upper classes have always looked down upon the masses below them as their livestock. The latest twist in contemporary Orwellianism is the chair of Hunting Kind staking the claim that British foxhunting groups are being discriminated against in a manner similar to Roma and LGBTQ, and that fox hunters are actually a sort of Good Samaritan service to wildlife, weeding out sickly animals, thus making nature more... erhm ...sustainable. Thus, cruelty, dominance, eugenics, and thin-skinned victimhood fuse into one. A peculiarly British cocktail perhaps. Very similar, in essence, to the stem cells of both historical national socialism and communism. Schadenfreude, tribal hatred and "ressentiment" (Nietzsche's term) have always been fertile ground for Wall Street to "capitalize" on. Small clues, big lessons.
Thanks for that Dr. Nicholas - as an Antipodean, we in the colonies didn't realize how much the overlords in London hated the common people in the colonies, but it is evident in the bureaucracies intergenerational nastiness to the common man in Australia. We have the same brutal authoritarianism deep at the heart, which has been on full display since 2020.
Exactly. It is very well disguised of course by gentlemanly sports such as cricket. The gentler and civilizing aspects of Britain are real and good, it is just that beneath these qualities, under the radar so to speak, lies a vicious contempt in the blood of the ruling classes and their confraternities. Yes, they have infused this viciousness into their bureaucratic command engines of the Commonstealth, now integrating with the WEF. What happened to Australians and Canadians over past four years is truly horrible and utterly revealing.
I think it arrived in 1066 with William the Conqueror, a Norman, and the Normans were the Vikings, and they were vicious, and added to that is Talmudic finance, which is equally vicious - a lovely combination in the City of London.
Well, the Battle of Hastings was taught in detail to every English primary school child, with the arrow in King Harald's eye as the key event. The Scandinavian Vikings directly invaded and settled the northeast of the British landmass. The City of London (as you of course know so very well) is an unaccountable entity aligned axially with the Vatican. To me, the term Talmudic finance is a total misnomer. The predatory limbs of Big Jewish finance and Zionist Israel are a far remove from old scholastic texts but people refer to the whole glibly without having ever actually studied it in the original. Rothschild is symbiotically intertwined via with European royalty bloodlines for centuries as Dean Henderson has demonstrated. I do agree with you that mockery is a very powerful tool. Rowan Atkinson is a master at that art. As for Mr. Augustin Carstens, the "hippo" you refer to, I have often wondered how on earth he gets to work, or even out of bed each morning without the aid of a fork lift truck. I have walked by both BIS buildings hundreds of times and never seen him leave or enter either of them. The architecture of both edifices evokes a fusion of the Tower of Babel and a Flying Saucer. The better known of the two buildings has green terraces gardens reminiscent of the famous Hanging Gardens from Babylon, and are viewable only form above.
Dr. Nicholas you had me laughing, thanks for the name of the Hippo, I really must commit it to memory. I think your right that the BIS is meant to look like the Tower of Babel.
We know the global deep state are families that track back thousands of years likely to Babylon and perhaps Sumer. I am now fond of calling them the Zion Imperial Empire, the leaders the Zion Imperial Cult - all the symbols lead to Zion - look at the British and European monarchies and aristocratic bankers - it's all ancient symbols, the Lion of Judah for example, connects them all.
I believe it is the bloodlines that track back to the priestly families of Moses - have you read this book: The Secret Society of Moses-The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning 3 Millennium??? It seems to have been removed from the Internet Archive - if you want it let me know and I'll email you a copy. Brilliant book. Another good one in similar vein is Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great.
The reason I used the phrase 'Talmudic Finance' - is because I read in this book below The New Babylon (have you read it?) that the original R-O-T-H-S-C-H-I-L-D used the Talmud as the core principles to run his banking empire. And I also learned in this book that the Talmud is the original source of the New World Order.
Yes, I do see where you are coming from. The old Zion spigot derives its source from original Annunaki "invasion" to set up a global system of control? Higher sources of learning (exoteric and esoteric) infiltrated by covertly marshalled groups, like worms in the apple (or the nanotech in the jabs). Modified, cherry picked fragments of old texts twisted towards nefarious ends like strands of synhthetically modified DNA by shadowy covert interest groups. All this evolved into woke lawfare we suffer under today and which you refer to in contemporary Britain. Most perniciously, we have seen it spread across global "health" (One Health). By the way, what do you think of William Cooper's perspective?
Why does it hurt my friend? I suspect from what you've told me that your family is part of the extended group whose elites wage war on us. Not all do - it's the clique at the very top. Do you know Elizabeth Nickson's work? She rages against the Deep State cabal because her family line is connected to all the aristocratic lines from Britain. I suspect that almost all westerners if they could find their real histories, which have deliberately been wiped for most of us, would find at some point in our ancestry we are all connected to all the bloodlines. I read recently that 50% of the European men have DNA that came from King Tut of Egypt!!!!
It hurts simply because the world is so screwed and we're all so accustomed to the lies and B.S.; it now hurts to feel pleasure...And, psychologically that's a very poor situation to be in.
As for my heritage...There's some kind of scuttle about the genetics being associated with the Nordics; but then, that's so far back...Who knows? Family has been in North America for its European duration with the Pilgrims; but there's also the Native American aspect which was here for thousands of years before the Europeans and as that was 17 generations ago it no longer matters genetically.
The earliest ancestor we've found was of Germanic heritage during the time of the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemayne. Another was of Irish Lineage and nobody special except he was a cleric of some sort...There's a long history of education in the Classical sense. We knew how to read and write, do figures, foreign languages. There's the French and English...As well as Swiss. That's the most known.
It's said 60% of the men in the whole Asian Continent have genetics going back to Ghengis Khan and I never heard about King Tut and doubt it's true about Tut. HE WAS HORRIBLY DISFIGURED AND VERY ILL AS A PERSON IN HIS SHORT LIFE. Without a bit of health, it's impossible to sew the seed too many places, huh? Then again, they married their own siblings and suffered terrible hermaphrodite characteristics. The genetics from that line could be attributed to any number of Egyptian Monarchs...Just as the Monarchs of Europe could be attributed to any number of Monarchs as they're all RELATED due to incest marked by hemophilia as a misery of many.
Who knows what's really true about those times?
While the human animal hasn't changed so much...The times have changed and there's MUCH better record-keeping now even with all the lies and gossip recorded as truth. Those winning the wars are now those we know to be the actual enemies and it's no surprise because I do have our records since 1617 before the Europeans came to North America. My family overall is highly revolutionary and involved in the Govt. of this nation as well as all the earliest wars and development. They were Governors, Senators, Reps...And, always Landowners. So, suppose they were some form of Landed Gentry if that is the measure of all those calling themselves 'Elites'.
Though we were as we were and remain as we were; we haven't been in the Government or Corporatist-Level aspects of life beyond the local level...We do remain highly responsible to our family and neighbors including the Native Americans in our area my 8 times removed Great-Grandfather saved when all the horrible things happened to the tribes...After they saved him upon arriving and becoming ill. Upon his death, he signed half of his land to the Native Americans and the cultures remain here and have survived together now for almost 220 years in this location. There are so many connections it's impossible to separate our families.
No, I do NOT rage against the ancestors. These times are these times and I did not do anything right or wrong; nor am I aware of any of them doing horrible things either right or wrong. The family pretty much hung with themselves and kept their noses clean. We're a bit on the quiet side and perhaps that's a good survival mechanism. Am aware of Elizabeth Nickson's Substack and her general opinon about her ancestor's pasts. THE RESTLESSNESS OF TODAY IS NOT HEALED BY THE PAST...Going forward to do the best we can now is the only logical path.
UK 'crown' ( 'Corona' in Latin...remember 'Prince' Philip sayin he would like to return after death as a deadly virus to stop 'overpopulation' planet is not near overpopulation but reieat a lie often enough...).colonies treated appalingly during 'Covid' as was UK with genocide of at least 40 thouelderly in care homes for starters..I was shocked at film clips I saw of police hitting elderly woman etc & much more. Rothschilds and Uzk royals are blood relatives ie UK royals own large amount of the planet still - and, like Rothschilds, loathe mist of the 'Useless Eaters' and are killing in as many ways as they can think of - designed poverty ue 'Austerity' fir 15 years still a gov policy which must have killed millions. Depopulation by WEF royals is the plan. Have you seen 'Deagel'? Shows the before and after numbers for the ongoing depopulation- eg UK to be reduced by 75%...The 'Covid 'jabs' are helping them reach Deagel target worldwide - birthrates are plummeting for last 4 yrs worldwide even gov stats show.
Hi Neve O, first thanks for following me earliier I saw that so thanks, and I don't recall seeing this comment above - ahhh, it's only 6 hours old as I write that's why. Prince Phillip was a POS, glad he's gone. Have you seen the Queens April 2020 speech to the nation telling them to lockdown? And then her later speech telling Britain to get jabbed "Do it for those you love" she said. Another POS gone. Thank god for small mercies. I've seen the Deagel. Downloaded it in early 2021 right before they wiped it from the website and made it hard to find. And yep you are right about their numbers. Another thing their website used to say was that their explanation for the numbers plummeting was "suicide." And what do we see happening now?
Don't believe Wall Street to be the Root and Trunk of the Tree of Evil...That Eminent Standard of Recognition is allocated to The City of London; Central/International Banker Family Cabal Extraordinaire and now spreading the International Crime Syndicate Offices OPENLY to Switzerland. Of course, it was already in Basel since the advent of the BIS; but it wasn't an open bit of information common people were aware of.
The monies being thieved and laundered from Middle Class Americans goes to develop and sustain China and as profit to The Central Bank of England from the Cartel's in Mexico and Central America. They do their banking offshore in the Caribbean on many Islands at the many locations of The Central Bank of England.
THAT IS THE ROOT AND TRUNK OF THE TREE OF EVIL from which all Investment Bankers originate; Blackrock and Vanguard, State Street...THE CENTRAL BANK OF ENGLAND and the BIS is where they do their banking; thus the ROOT AND TRUNK OF EVIL.
Thanks for that. Appreciate it. In all I've done I haven't come across Phrygia.
What's interesting is it comes after Sumeria by a couple of thousand years. I found a great Italian researcher this week Mauro Biglino who has written a couple of great books linking all the bible stories to the Annunaki's genetic creation of mankind, and how the source of the 'fallen angels' and the Yahweh god - fascinating stuff.
Hey Ivan Paton...Been re-reading your posts and thinking about an appropriate response to cover the multiple bases you've presented in depth from all the work you've undertaken in these last years.
Reassure you; HAVE NOT FORGOT.
In the meantime, this post arrived today from a brilliant and talented activist and conservationist residing in Arizona. I just adore his Postings as he's always presenting accurate and viable information applicable to the moment in a timely manner. He specializes with growing and architecture of Bamboo. He's been all over the world doing what he does. INCREDIBLE PICS FROM HIS TRAVELS AND CREATIONS ARE INSIDE HIS ARCHIE. I've spoke with my son about him growing this product as there is Bamboo possible to grow in our temperate climate near the Great Lakes where extremes are the norm...Both freezing and hot-ass, humid heat in opposite times of the year.
Thought you would find him an interesting person...As he provides some answers you're seeking about Infrastructure for Energy Efficiency and Independence. He's generally in Solar...While we're using both Geo-Thermal and Solar Energy here. The issue isn't so much about generating the Energy; it's about STORAGE. There are any number of options for you in your vicinity which is far more tropical.
Hi Blaze - thanks for the recommendation to Kyle's Substack. I think I like this guy.
Your dead right about bamboo, it is an amazing plant and has literally countless uses.
And has been used for thousands of years in this part of the world. In Asia it is not unusual, especially in Hong Kong in the past, to see scaffolding going up high rise buildings made of it. A Thai friend of mine started a school he called The Bamboo School and made almost all of the buildings out of this construction, and one of my Aussie mates out of town here built his home from it.
Regarding energy - a couple of days ago I did a deep dive into the costs of wind turbines in the USA. And it turned up some fascinating insights into how organized capital uses our dependence on their electricity to rob us blind. Literally. Here's the key points.
1. A wind turbine on average costs $1.3 million dollars
2. There is wind only 39% of the time on average so one turbine creates enough electricity for 940 homes.
3. That means the capital investment cost is $1,382 per home. Remember that number.
4. Each home in the USA uses on average 886 kWh per month and pays a retail price of 15.98 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) which is about $140 a month or $1,700 per year.
5. Note that cost - $1,700 per year is more than the wind turbine company invested per house to create and sell electricity - but they don't get it all.
6. The wind turbine company is paid when they sell it to the electrical grid wholesaler and they get on average 7.2 cents/kWh. Less than half.
7. The wind turbine company after costs are deducted makes about 50% as profits based on the above information.
8. The grid operator sells it to the end users, the consumers - at a national average of 15.98 cents/kWh - which is 8.78 cents.
9. During transmission on average the industry loses 50% of the electricity which is generated by the power generation company (no matter the type) because it often has to be transmitted hundreds of kilometers to the end users, and 50% is lost as heat during transmission.
10. This means that the end consumer pays double - you pay for the electricity that you use, but on top of that you pay for the electricity that is wasted in transmission.
11. So let's go back to the wind turbine company that makes the electricity and gets paid a wholesale price of 7.2 cents/kWh - 50% is profit, and so the costs are 50% which is 3.6 cents/kWh, but the operator has to produce twice as much as you use to make up for transmission costs, so the true cost is half of that - the power that you actually use is only 1.8 cents/kWh!!!!!
11. But the "consumer" pays 15.98 cents/kWh - 14.18 goes to the operators and losses in transmission - the part that the consumer actually uses which costs just 1.8 cents/kWh is 11.26% of the total paid by the consumer.
12. And that means 89% of what the consumer pays for is waste and profits for the industry.
What a racket!!!!
It also illustrates that you only need to create on average half of the amount of electricity these utility companies create to consume the same amount - but there is a potential 89% savings!!!!!
Decentralized energy production saves costs, saves fuels, and saves capital – but denies Monopoly Capitalism its predatory profits.
I have a brilliantly simple idea to create a decentralized energy turbine, which I'll share another time.
Yes - it's a great song. You dropped in on another one of my articles and I checked it out and left you the following comment - which you probably didn't see as I am shadow banned on YouTube, as well as Facebook and Twitter. Here's what I said about 3 weeks ago at the top of the comments section - can you see it on YT?
"Ivan here from In Pursuit of Truth, Substack. Your song is absolutely brilliant. You hit (almost) all the nails on the head. And illustrates that you see through all of the illusions. The only group you left out was the monarchies!"
Just imagine that...The Tristam and Jane. Know some here with the Paton name. A Doctor and in High School, their kids. Wife was named Kramer before marriage. Good athletes. It's not an uncommon name; although not overwhelming either. Since that family member came so early; those first settlers to the colonies including Australia have many descendants now.
Some in my family have settled in Australia from here...Mines I recall. Last name of 'Lee'. God knows where as it's pretty barron in some places from what pictures indicate about various Mining Industries....The oldest Continent in the world.
You did one heck of a job with this post today...You're good with research. We MUST begin to stand and fight back against this tyranny and I'm not certain how the 'Weapons' issue is being addressed in Australia. Heard they wished to take them away and folks lined-up to hand them in willingly.
Here, weapon's, ammo and other materials to make a variety of ordinance sales have went through the roof at the mention of the PLANDEMIC 4 years ago and it hasn't quit. Govt. Officials are at a loss to understand the reason people have went overboard with weapons. WHAT A JOKE...AS IF PEOPLE DON'T GRASP BEING ATTACKED.
Actually where I grew up there were no other Patons, all our relatives were down south. A lot of them. My father came from a family of 11 children. I also discovered today a variation on the spelling of our name is Patton, and that the General tracks back to Scotland, which is where we are from. We might be related. I have my sister in Norich tracking the family tree to see if there is a connection. The general is about the most distinguished member of the Paton Clan. Earliest recording back to 901AD. I'm not impressed with the coat of arms. The family motto: Virtute adepta - Aquired by Virtue. It's a tiny clan today - worldwide probably not 20,000.
Australia had a gun amnesty to take the guns back in the late 1990s after a massacre where about 35 tourists got shot at a remote place in Tasmania, 19 died of single shot head shots, and the shooter was a patsy who had never owned a gun in his life and was autistic. My family all had guns as we grew up. My father was a champion shooter with countless trophies, and my middle brother was a crack shot - I've seen him take a kangaroo down with a head shot while it was running away at 200m. None of them could have done what the autistic guy was supposed to have done. His mother has been crying about his innocence for decades. Australia is TOTALLY OVER RUN by British agents - and all our police, military, government and politicians and judges swear allegenice to the Crown not the people or the constitution. So we are a colony of slaves.
I watched in confusion as a young man as Rupert Murdoch built an first an Australian media empire, snapping up all the small, medium, regional and then national spaces, and then went global. Now I get it. The International Money Cartel funded him - But his family are absolute insiders. They control their share and the banksters have non-voting rights.
I've noticed that weapon sales and ammunition sales have gone through the roof in the USA. This is always what has stopped invasions of the USA. Some famous Japanese admiral made a quip about it during the WW2 era saying there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.
It's why they keep trying to get your guns. They know.
And not long after many nations were disarmed they flipped communist. Funny that.
When you said "you did one heck of a good job with this post today" were you referring to the article or comments?
My biggest skills are my voracious appetite and ability to read, the fact that before I started on the COVID-questions I always had an interest in economics and had spent about 12 years thinking and analyzing the factors that relate to the cost of living, and had developed a huge base of research on this and learned to frame everything through this lens, but the biggest advantage is quite simply the Internet and not just the scope and breadth, and depth that it gives us access to, which would in the past have taken lifetimes, but it also gives us access to the power of the crowd - the greatest artificial intelligence on earth was the connectedness of the crowd before censorship set in, I solved 3 major health issues, one for me, and two for my girl, by using the power of the crowd.
That power is still there but now it is muted terribly - but I still find it in the comments sections - which are a gold mine if you trawl through them - especially under YT videos.
People certainly understand being attacked when they feel the pain.
And therein lies the problems with the useful idiot, most of whom didn't feel pain.
That's what disappoints me about modern people so much - they've been so disconnected from their families and communities that they think it's important to wave a flag for Ukraine, get upset about the chosen people in Israel being attacked by the people they've been genociding for 75 years, which they can't see, and yet they ignore the pain of their own family members, or neighbors, while parroting the narratives.
Americans of all westerners have the most unique mindset - you have a natural distrust of government, and a high freedom quotient.
You do have a natural curiosity inspiring some truly authentic responses to the current phase of attack upon our Western Constitutional Republics now exposing themselves to have been growing REGRESSIONS INTO THE IMPERIALIST past. Now, they're camouflaged as Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and other novel 'ism's' based on the cultural differences in societies. Long recognized that aspect of yours to be a strength behind your posts and research. Your foundational knowledge is extensive and multi-dimensional. THAT makes your writing captivating and original.
Given the origin of Australia, it would be next to impossible to imagine Aussies to settle the Continent without firearms. There's so many nasty predators; not
the least of which are the most toxic snakes of the viperous reptiles in the world...And, won't even address the Sea Crocs and Kangaroos which can be deadly; especially the males as understood. Have you ate Kangaroo? To me, they're so cute it's difficult to comprehend wanting to eat them. Then, in the Ocean the Continent with the Great Barrier Reef is home to the highest population of Great White Sharks during particular times of the year.
When exactly did the Brit Intelligence begin to infiltrate...Is it possible to put a finger on when it began? It's now possible to know it began here in 1913 with the installation of 'The Fed' actually owned by The Central Bank of England which was accompanied by the legalization of Income Tax...One of the reasons the Brits HATED our Constitution was Income Tax made ILLEGAL as the primary reason the Founding Generation fought was the BRIT'S REFUSAL TO ALLOW THE U.S. COLONISTS TO BEGIN PRODUCTION FROM OUR OWN NATURAL RESOURCES followed by THEFT OF THE PRIME NATURAL RESOURCES HARVESTED TO TAKE BACK TO ENGLAND TO BE MADE INTO FINISHED PRODUCTS THEY COULD CHARGE OUTRAGEOUS PRICES FOR as well as TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.
Their only error was to assume the Monarch/Peers to be the enemy when in fact it was The Venetian Black Nobility behind the Monarch's/Peers/Bankers and Corporatists aligned through the old Dutch/British East India Trading Company. They further infiltrated with THEIR ASSASSINATION OF John F. Kennedy in 1963. With Carter, they infiltrated the Oval Office with members of Chatham House or what's called The Institute for International Affairs directly connected to the House of Windsor/Guelph/Drago...A BLACK NOBILITY FAMILY...Pagan Demon Worshipers. That group is known as The Trilateral Commission and it's membership is to the group 'The Council For Foreign Relations' directly connected to Chatham House. All are loyal to the Monarchy.
There's more to it than what's wrote here as you're aware...Those are two of the primary moments in history it's possible to know they were there in the wings staged out of Canada attacking the U.S. society all the time following the Revolution. Don't know if it's possible to determine when this covert activity is more clearly defined in Australia or even Canada.
Not certain what the medical issues were that you found answers for yourself and your girl...What was wrong? Yes, we also find many Medical answers Online. There's less research available now than before 4 years ago; but some is still out there. I have access to Medical/Psychologial Research with my University Campus Pass into the Data Banks. THEY'RE NOW PRETTY TRASHED. Always wondered at the reason the Educational Programs included theories and research based in Nazi Germany before...And, now the reason is clear as the Advanced Tech with Bio-Digital Convergence is based out of Nazi Germany and carried forward in North America following WWII...North America had LARGE SPACES WITHOUT POPULATION AND MILD TO COOL CLIMATE...As in Canada and most of the year in the states; especially the southern half.
FREEDOM IS HUGE HERE...WITH FEW NOW UNAWARE TO THE FACT OF FREEDOM BEING THE RIGHT TO BEHAVE ACCORDING TO GOD AND THE BIBLE instead of unfair and selfish 'Civil Rights' determined by some tyrannical King. The Declaration of Independence defined UNALIENABLE RIGHTS as 'The Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness' as given by God. Further, the Constitution's Amendments defined 'Bill of Rights' are openly spelled out in the first ten amendments. When one of those basic rights is threatened, it's VERY CLEAR TO MOST PEOPLE. The Constitution here is DIRECT and there's little ability to COVERTLY REMOVE A RIGHT.
THAT HAS NECESSITATED A SUSPENSION OF THE CONSTITUTION with Regulations according to MEDICAL REGULATIONS based in Emergency Use Authorization (EUA's) as determined by an UNELECTED OFFICIAL in HHS (Health and Human Services declaring a Health Emergency WITHOUT having proof of any kind). Right now, there is no CONSTITUTION and the U.S. is in Anarchy which the Puppet Govt. seeks to cover and hide from the population to maintain CALM-MM-MM. Yes, the Officials ARE TERRIFIED of this armed Nation having people knowing how to use those arms. The Interior is more than aware of what's happening and they also know to remain quiet and to hide what's really happening. Nobody knows who's doing what and there are many having military experience in all branches.
Am impressed with your family heritage...You have to come from some pretty stalwart and strong people. Do you shoot as your father and Grandparents clearly knew how to do? We shoot here all the time...I and my brother used to hunt together; but I didn't enjoy killing so I just hiked along with him. However, I CAN SHOOT and if I must, can kill to feed the family. Skinning animals, dressing out the meat and processing fur as well as cleaning fish is a breeze. We have livestock and have processed the meat; but I prefer to get it done in a Slaughter House. Market Days are bad days for me...And, the older I get the worse it is.
I like you, Ivan...You're an interesting person. What do you do for a living...What does your girl do? You're a fascinating couple, no doubt.
As always you never fail to lift me up and inspire me by saying the most wonderful and insightful things - I am truly humbled by your kind words, and it means a lot to me that you like my writing as much as you do, and express it in such an amazingly inspirational way back to me. Thanks. I cut and pasted your words into a file where I keep such comments, as I think I might have told you once before.
Australians certainly settled our continent with guns, like all colonies did in fact. Which is what they took advantage of during WW1 and WW2 - our people were the cannon fodder, from the colonies and our boys who were all crack shots because they grew up on the farms, on the land, which was what won the wars for those pigs in the British establishment who engineered the wars.
Apart from nasty predators, of which there were many, hunting was a way of life right up to my generation - it's only been in my lifetime that they drove all the rural people off the farms and into the cities.
So when I was a boy, as I think I said, we had a house full of guns and everyone knew how to use them. Everyone did. But if you go back into the past, especially the early settlement, like the Indians, one of the dangers settlers face were from aboriginals, and conflict between the colonizers and the aboriginal people went on for a long time. The early settlers would just shoot them if it was necessary.
Sea crocs - made me laugh.
Yes we have them in our harbor in my home town. We hunted the crocodiles almost to extinction and it stopped somewhere around the 1970s and was banned - and they've come roaring back, and so now across the top of Australia they are everywhere.
Yes I have eaten kangaroo - you can buy it in the supermarkets - and yes they can be mean if you're around a big one and you annoy it.
But if you can box you can simply punch them and they'll back off - lots of videos now on the net of exactly that scenario.
Kangaroo meat is lean beef and very good.
When I was a teenager and we went camping in the bush we'd occassionally shoot them and eat them. And I used to go shooting with a mate of mine on weekends when I was around 15-17 to get kangaroos for their family who used to feed the meat to their many dogs.
A lot of people used to make a living shooting kangaroos and selling the carcuses to factories who made pet meat from it. And their leather is the best in the world for athletic sports shoes, Adidas used to use it - but thanks to the Eco-fascists of I think it was PETA or some such organization who went on about how they were cuddly and cute they were they canned the industry, which destroyed a valuable sustainable industry.
Now the farmers consider them pests and will just shoot them because they compete with the cows for food. Before the ban on the leather they were literally farming them with almost zero cost, a native animal living on the farmers land, and being sustainably harvested. Killing the industry was stupid.
The British intelligence didn't 'begin to infiltrate' - they arrived on the 1st boats. It's a British colony, and still is.
Remember the Freemasonry movement - it's HQ is the City of London, and the King is the head of the Freemason movement.
When my grandfather wanted to join the government as a young man in the 1930s - he was a surveyor - he had a choice to join the Freemasons or the Roman Catholics - it was an open secret that these 2 groups ran our government - in reality 2 sides of the same Crown coin. My grandfather was a Church of England man, and the Freemasons ran the surveying department - and that's who he joined. And like all Freemasons he never talked about it, but he was best friends with all the most powerful people in cities he lived in. It's power is immense.
So, it didn't begin at any time - the British arrived on the 1st boat and never left. But the world Enclosure Acts arrived in 1901 with the amalgamation of the 7 different states and colonies into one nation under one Australian Federal Government and a new constitution, giving us the ILLUSION we were independent - but in fact national passports for the colonies like Australia was ring fencing us - remember passports and the loss of the freedom to travel worldwide is only a new idea historically - they did it to close us all in, so it is harder to run from their tyranny - as they locked in Australians during Covid-19 - 2 years!!! A giant prison.
I strongly disagree with you about 1913 - that was simply the last step in the American coup, there are numerous other steps that date all the way back, for example to the Civil War- which got you tied up in debt to the 8 banking families for generations and resulted in the formation of Washington D.C. that operates just like the City of London and the Vatican.
This step by step marching towards the tyranny of a Federal Government I think is a model of empire building that goes back millennium, they did it in America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa.
In America I think you went independent in name only, look at the Federal Reserve logo - you see that eagle and the 12 stars - that's the 12 tribes of Israel IMHO, now find a police badge and you see the words 'To Protect and Serve + the Eagle' - the Eagle is the Federal Reserve - the Federal Reserve is owned by the global banks - those banks home of origins is the City of London, and it is the monarchies, bankers and billionaires that own those banks together and all the central banks and the 'too big to fail banks' and that is the Crown system.
In Britain and all the British commonwealth, European and all the European colonies you see the same symbols - but it is the words "To Protect and Serve + The Crown" - and that's the symbol for the Crown Imperial Empire, which I call for this ruling winning faction - the Zion Imperial Empire. That's the true deep state.
I know you have some great things in the Constitution, and in the Bill of Rights, but essentially the American structure is a replication of all things British -The president is the new prime minister that acts like a King, the Congress if the new Parliament, Washington D.C. is the new City of London, Wall Street is an extension of the City of London, the Military Industrial Complex replaced the British one, the CIA is the new MI6, both a worldwide menace, the FBI is the new Scotland Year, the Federal Government is the new Crown etc.
Here's something I just saw a couple of days ago that made me think of you.
You remember my suspicions about Thomas Paine?
Look at this:
1776 - Common Sense - Thomas Paine - pushing the revolution
1986 - Common Sense Renewed - Robert C. Christian - the guy who built the Georgia Guidestones and promotes an 'Age of Reason' - code for world government - and 500 million people living with Net Zero in balance with nature. Look at his initials. R.C.C.
2021 Common Sense for the 21st Century. Roger Hallam.
The 1776 book and the 1986 book are connected. That's why they used this title. Now look at the 2021 book - this absolute scumbag by the way is the puppet that they have who founded the vile Extinction Rebellion NGO, which like Just Stop Oil, is all about the Net Zero Marxist fascism and wants to literally TURN OFF OUR ECONOMY - I haven't read his book yet, but I signed up for a free copy.
But as soon as I saw the title, and I know he is a scumbag British establishment agent pushing the climate change hoax, I connected it to the other 2 books!!!!!! Thomas Paine was not your friend or mine. He was an agent of the Zion Imperial Empire. He was an Englishman for god sakes that got on a boat came to the colonies and put out a book, the first and last, that spewed about what a vile institution the monarchy was, and that the only option was to have a revolution, and then he went back to England and onto France to stir up more revolutions. If he was such an anti-monarchist where is the book telling the British people to overthrow the British monarchy? There isn't one. Why wasn't he arrested or thrown out of Britain. Because he was working for the establishment. To destroy opposition to their control abroad.
Regarding the comments you made about the reasons for the American Revolution - yes all of them are valid - but remember the oligarchs in the British colonies were all BRITISH, and all royalty and aristocrats. It was never "American colonists" vs. Britain. Nope.
As it is true today - it is the enemies of the people in the group at the top in the 1% - the monopolist who want the rule of oligarchy, monarchy members, bankers and billioinaires, using the top 10% which makes up the Federal Government and all its institutions, raping, pillaging and plundering the 90%. And they succeed because as Prince Charles said in mid-2020 when he launched the Covid-19-The Great Reset tyranny at the World Economic Forum, he said "We must use all the levers at our disposal.....this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." By levers he meant their army of agents worldwide that are all positioned in the leadership or close to it or both. A nest of vipers at the top. All you need is the man at the top for Top Down Tyranny.
Here's what I believe is the real reason for the American Revolution, and the events that led up to it which helped to whip the colonists into turning against Britain and the king. The monarchy is the biggest partner of the Zion Imperial Empire, but it has to play it's role. After the 7 years Indian wars, where the Indians had beaten them to a stalemate, and if it had all carried on they would have lost from my understanding of it, so the British monarchy signed a treaty and created the Proclamation Line - which stopped westward expansion in its tracks. And the monarchy had to be seen to be upholding that.
The real reason for the revolution is because the monarchy, the bankers and the billionaires wanted the rest of the land going west, and as much of the continent as they could grab, because they knew how rich it all was and that it would give them the wealth to build the empire we see today. The war with the British was to establish the appearance of independence from Britain - and as soon as that was established in short order you'd taken over most of the continent and formed a huge nation. America remained Britain from the start, and despite one half of society resisting the imperialism model, that's what America did because the other half the oligarchs were already embedded from the start.
But at that time it was mostly empty, wide open spaces with just the Indians and the Mexicans in the way. Generations of immigrants, mostly poor were kicked out of Europe, which didn't want them, and emigrated to America, and those generations carved America out of the wilderness, and created what it is today. Under the illusion of freedom. Exactly the same paradigm has been used in countless colonies, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc. The settlers carve it out and the Deep State and the bankers then steal it.
The next step in America was that over time the Federal Government grew into the monster it was always designed to be, which you can see it was meant to be from the start, and the bankers slowly but surely expanded their power and influence, and with the era of the railroads they became super rich and super powerful, and then funding Rockefeller into the oil monopoly was probably their smartest move, along with funding Fords monopoly on cars. Monopoly Capitalism with the Money Monopoly.
And then they executed the last part of the coup which was the treachery of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act - which I believe is unconstitutional - and they've been robbing you, and all nations, ever since - with the Money Monopoly - they control the gold, the money supply, the interest rates etc. And the banks that own the Federal Reserve are the ones that are 'too big to fail' - because they own the system. The International Money Cartel.
The first thing they did was start WW1, and that crushed the Russian Emperor, the German Emperor and the Ottoman Emperor - remember they were all Emperors ruling over empires which were competitors to the British Zionists empire and dreams of ruling the world.
The Great Depression was engineered by the Fed and the bankers and they smashed countless tens of thousands of small and medium banks worldwide - and took the land off the farmers and our ancestors endured ten years of deprivations created by the bankers - which drove the people into the cities - just in time for World War 2 and the rise of the Military Industrial Complex in all of our nations!!!!!!
And remember Hitler built a thriving economy in the same period by taking over the central bank. And held the 1936 Olympics in the middle of the Great Depression and Germany was booming, the only nation on earth!!! Because the communist bankers were not in charge - and they declared WW2 in 1933 as soon as Hitler took power because the Zionist media screamed out the headlines 'Jews (read bankers) Declare War on Hitler.' It was always the bankers - there were literally no Jewish Zionists in 1933. Ordinary Jews didn't give a dam - but the Zionist Jews are an essential part of the army of agents for their empire! They turned everyone against Germany and German people branding them 'The Huns' an expression never in use before this.
After WW2 the hidden empire had the 1944 United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - called Bretton Woods to mislead us from the real power - and they formed the swamp under the United Nations to take the baton from their failed 1st attempt post WW1 - the League of Nations.
The International Institutions were formed for World (Communist) Government from the start - they are set up as Neo-Monarchies. Unelected. Immunity from prosecutions. No accountability and no transparency. Tax free. Visa free. They are a law unto themselves. And they've used the treaty system to abuse it and wrap the world's nations in knots pushing policies from the top down. Tyranny from the top. It's all coming from the U.N., the bankers, and the World Economic Forum's multinationals who apply it all - DEI, ESG, Net Zero - most of it is ILLEGAL, but they are forcing it down because they can, and making uncountable trillions in profits.
Meanwhile the real power behind the U.N. are the dictators of the United Nations Security Council - the 5 Permanent members - who started negotiations for the post-WW2 GREAT RESET in 1941 with the Atlantic Treaty - and continued with America, Britain, China, France and communist Russia - that's the core global team right there. The hidden Zion Imperial Empire's most powerful players.
In WW2 - the Zion Imperial Empire was on display - the communists of the western nations and the communists of Russia, and they knew they were about to flip China communist, so they helped China drive Japan back home. They tamed the Japanese emperor by the end of WW2. When the communists started a civil war none of the western nations who'd just won WW2, and had millions of fighting men and equipment that could have been deployed to beat back the communists, but nobody went to their aid.
Because the plan was for China to be communist.
Communism is the core of the Crown Monarchy System.
Rulers and slaves.
They took us into WW2 on LIES and ILLUSIONS - 'democracy, freedom, fight the Hun.' All lies. We had no reason to hate Germany, and we'd always been their friends - hell, all of our colonies are filled with Germans, and the bloody British Royal family are GERMAN - in fact WW1 was a fight between the 3 Emperors that were all 1st cousins - I think we've talked about this before Czar Nicholas, Kaiser Wilhelm and King Edward - they look like triplets, same grandmother Queen Victoria - and they were all emperors of empires - fighting to be number one!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been called the Great Game. The wars between empires to be number one - and get that New World Order into place - a 6 thousand year old plan dating back to the Sumerian Empire.
The entire Cold War in my opinion was a lie and a sham - designed to keep squeezing nations worldwide - between the fascists on the right and the communists on the left. And we can see the truth of this just by how from 1971 onwards they funded the rise and rise of Communist China, because the International Money Cartel are all in China - BYD, the allegedly Chinese electric car maker, supposedly in competition with Tesla - who is the biggest shareholder? Warren Buffet, BlackRock and Vanguard - same people that own Tesla. It's globalism that runs China and are the real communists.
I read recently that EVERY President of America has been a member of the European monarchies. EVERY ONE OF THEM. And many like FDR were 33 degree Freemasons. Who are the Freemasons obedient to - the secret society they swore allegiance to on pain of death - and therefore the Monarchy of Britain and the Crown - Do we really believe they are loyal to the US Constitution????
This cancer arrived in dozens of way - the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestants, the secret societies, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the Jesuits - schools and universities, CFR, it goes on and on and on - and they are always recruiting.
Sad to see the medical data bases being trashed.
It's a shocking assault on the access to knowledge.
I can't recall what all the medical issues were that we solved but one of them was serious though my girl got mysterious pains in her sides, and one of the doctors wanted to open her up and cut out her appendix - and I was cautious. I found someone on the net who'd had the exact same symptoms and had cured it with a a homemade remedy which I had been using for years, garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey, all organic - foul to drink but it kills the bugs incredibly well.
I put her on this regime and we cleared it up over the weekend, and she got a couple more bouts less serious each time, and we cleared them the same way each time, and then it cleared up and never came back.
Yes you are operating right now in ANARCHY - I get that.
I have read a lot of Katherine Watt's work on the laws they've passed. Most of which are unconstitutional. The whole COVID-pandemic didn't even meet the legal definition of 'emergency' and you can't have an emergency that never ends. One of my uncles was a law professor, died from the Pfizer shots, but before he did he pushed out a long article telling the Australian public that what our government was doing was operating outside the law because they could not legally keep rolling over the emergency. But of course the Zion communists rule Australia so they just ignore it.
Regarding the use of guns - yes I grew up in an age where almost every family had a houseful of guns and the children grew up using them, and being able to hunt. I was a fair shot, but not a crack shot. And somewhere in my twenties I just stopped using them. City life. Moved to the big cities.
What you said "However I can shoot" - right there is the importance of having the the skills. And yes we come from stalwart and strong. people, I think all Aussies of my generation did, but today they are too many pussies, weak and cowardly.
It's clear that you too come from incredibly strong, stalwart and resilient people. It's families like yours that made America great, and it was families like ours that carved nations out of the wilderness of the colonies - which is why they are attacking us today - to try and wipe us out so they can take it all.
Thanks for saying you like me, the more I chat with you the more I like you too. It's like having a pen-friend!
You are right - but it needs to be done quietly, in a decentralized fashion, and let it spread out like ripples on ponds all over the world - because if this is attempted in a visible way they crush it, kill the inventors, and destroy those attempting to subvert their money monopoly. German, Russia, China, Libya, the list goes on and on and on.
I suggest that the key - THE key - is free energy tech. They so avidly hide and suppress it because They know it means the demise of Their single tool. And I advise inventors to NOT patent free energy successes, but rather to share as wisely as possible (making killing Them rather pointless...), because in the end, We ALL will live richly - as We should on Our planet They're trying to steal from Us.
Talking about 'avidly hide and suppress' - are you aware of the America 1951 Inventions Secrecy Act? An act to not only suppress technology, but to STEAL IT, which violates the property rights of the US Constitution, but no judge will touch it, and for those poor bastards that took the government to court, they couldn't reveal the details of their inventions, due to the act - 'national security - and so couldn't prove loss!!! And of course you know the military contractors get it all. Since WW2 over 20,000+ inventions stolen by the Fed, and many of them efficient energy devices. Wikipedia has a page on this. I had begun to suspect long before I found this act that the patents system was working not just as a monopoly system, but as an early warning mechanism for disruptive technologies, and sure enough turns out the US Patent's office and Fed gov. have an organized system for reviewing all patents to check for 'national security' concerns.
So to register any patent in the USA is dangerous.
I also once noticed that the cabals corporations, e.g. Apple, have a habit of sneaking off to Puerto Rico to register new patents, which is the home of the U.S. IRS too - I think it must slow down the competition looking at their ideas.
Cheap abundant energy is the biggest key as you say. This I have come to heartily agree with you on. One of the ways the cabal creates so much damage, and controls and extracts so much wealth is that they run the global energy industry - and that by the way includes Russia. When you start Googling the shareholding of Russian energy companies, and the big sell off after the Ukraine war started with the false illusion that western energy companies exited the Russian market, you find the joint owners of Russian energy is the global capitalists. They own or are joint partners in all nations and all sides of the competition.
Yes, Tom Bearden spoke poignantly about patent blockades around such inventions including cold fusion, and also opined that, in his view, 10% of all scientists were truly nasty creatures, which allows for this vicious form of regulatory fascism to be sustained. This is all true, but the issue goes far deeper. The crux of human survival and evolution lies in an understanding of the nature of bioenergy. Bioenergy is the vortex of all cosmic life and flows in many forms including thought and emotion. More advanced species use this as their primary "technology". It allows them mastery of space travel and, for the malevolently inclined, infiltration and extraction of human bioenergy ranging from blood components to limbic system frequencies (this explains the nanotech in jabs, dental analgesics, geo-engineering etc.). They harvest this various types of energy for their own needs and purposes. What we consider to be physical manifestations of energy (primarily electromagnetic energy) derive from more intangible layers which are in fact antipodal and antipolar to manmade/industrial EM energy which our backward "civilization" relies on. The posting made above about access to "free" energy tech is correct. However this requires application and distribution. Application, moreover, is not essence. Such access and distribution of necessity depend upon societal mechanisms and logistics requiring payment and tilting, ultimately, towards new monopolies, unless, of course, the soul aspect of "energy" is fundamentally revisioned. The mechano-mystical split in human consciousness identified by Reich as Emotional Plague is what underlies all human servitude and permits domination not only by the cabal, but most importantly by the interdimensional galactic entities with a vested interest in subverting human freedom and human evolution. The concept of free energy, in brief, demands a much deeper reflection into (and analysis) of the above. This would lead to an even more fundamental revolution in thinking and conception: namely, namely that all our assumed notions of sterility are false. Sterility implies total absence of bioenergy. There is not one single sterile iota in deep reality, whether it be human blood, sand, air or "space". All is alive in one form or another, including what are viewed erroneously as metallic UFOs which are in truth physical projections made out of living thoughts of other beings dwelling in other dimensions. Our matrix of false cognition and projection is what keeps us imprisoned. No "thought leader" or "free energy tech" will really change anything at base level without a sea change in our philosophical awareness. It may take the massive PNW earthquake and accompanying tsunami plus the volcanic chain reactions forecast to occur imminently (within the next 50 years but could be very soon), or some other cataclysm to provoke such a sea change. After all, it is always the sea that "give rise" to everything. Personally, I wouldn't count on Mr. Musk and Mr. Trump to figure all this out, even if the "hippo" is ceremoniously dislodged from the BIS and paraded around Times Square in a diaper. Removal of consent (aka capitulation) absolutely, yes, leading on to a cleaning up of the primary psycho-cognitive neuroses underpinning such consent/capitulation.
Hi Elizabeth, I don't think I have seen David's work, thanks for the link, I'll follow up on it.
I have such a great long list of great writers that are covering topics from A to Z that it's hard to keep up, and that includes your work by the way. I think we need a war council to organize an overview from A to Z. There are so many new fighters rising too. Which is great. Did you see Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) calling out the British thought police!!
Yes, you are right it is an ORGANIZED GLOBAL CABAL, in fact its an Organised Global crime syndicate.
The Marxists use their socialist communists cadres to infiltrate all spheres and levers of power in Governments everywhere. Then use the PPP's (public-private-partnership), which are fascist arrangements with the State being a "stakeholder" with the terms hidden from public scrutiny under the guise of secrecy. Hidden arrangements by industry as "secrets or trade secrets, intellectual capital" and have a veil to cover them using these protectionist guises provided by its corrupted criminal Gov "Stakeholder'" who is financially induced to provide the air cover. Stakeholder capitalism = Shareholder communism
Brilliant, Ivan, just brilliant!
Hey Edwin, I had to thank you for that - because I saw it on your Newsletter!
Just doing what I do, hi liting interesting articles, sometimes they are even funny.
Well keep doing what you do - it shows you read far and wide and bring great stuff to our Substack table - I've often used the impetus of your work to boost it, as you've seen.
I heard you, Captain!
Has anyone else noticed that there are TV shows about King Charles selling-off, auctioning-off, different Palaces' items ?
No, I'd like to see that.
Jan. 2024: A Surprising Highlight of The Crown Online Auction Has Symbolic History
Fans of 'The Crown' are bidding on 300 unique items from Princess Diana's "revenge dress" to porcelain corgis and signed scripts
King Charles III sells beloved racehorses inherited from the Queen
Princess Diana's iconic 'black sheep' sweater is SOLD for over $1.1MILLION - fourteen times more than asking price
Worse than that ( he is only ing his mother's ans Diana's 'stuff' probably for profit and to get rid of 'the old'...I read recently that, if someone dies in the North of England with no will having been drawn up, Charles can sell the house and keep the £ !!!! That seems like theft at least ue a crime but, as we know, anything the royals, rich and powerful do is rarely punished including genocides. Complicit MSM, journalism etc means this crime only got a tiny mention in middle of a newspaper
....UK Zionist, WEF ( 'king'Charles is WEF) owned. Banking Centre of the world ie 'City of London' separate coun try within London for banking giants yet multi millions in UK have no home even working people, shocking widespread poverty killing huge numbers...Today saw thatc'prince' William has a new slogan and was on tv 'We Can End Homelessness'.....I guess Depopulation does end homelessness.. as would depopulating the royals...
WOW, I never thought of that. You are right about what William just said.
Neve O is exactly right.
The slogan "End poverty" means getting rid of the useless eaters.
In fact that is what Britain, Ireland and Europe did for hundreds of years by exporting people to the colonies - I recall reading about an England landlord in Ireland whose tenants farmers were starving so he packed 2,000 of them on a boat to America. And I have read that the Swiss had a policy of shipping poor people out to America as well. And of course the British just sent them to Australia. Out of sight is out of mind. But now they've impoverished the whole world it's the same policies they applied to indigenous peoples to drive down their populations. Multiple ways of SOCIAL MURDER - policies that kill.
And the royals often knight the best depopulators, paedophiles even (Jimmy Saville and a few others) .I was amazed to learn that Bill Gates has been knighted as has Klaus Schwab - un til recently head of the World Economic Forum & mentor to Charles for decades (Schwab says's billions of Useless Eaters must die, that Paedophilia must be legalised..his mother a Rothschild, father a good friend of Hitler) And of course the Oxford 'vxeen' creators both knighted (sterilisation, maiming, murder of billions worldwide..)
Yes, I've seen that trend of knighting and daming the men and women who serve the empire. It's made me suss about every single knight and dame in history. Same with things like the Nobel Prize.
Have you read the book Rulers of Evil? F. Tupper Saussy.
Available free on Internet Archive.
At first you are inclined to think the title says that 'the rulers are evil'
It doesn't.
And while the entire book brings all the receipts to show that the group that is attacking mankind is in fact the hidden Roman Empire, which I call the Zion Imperial Empire, and those at the very, very, top are what I call the Zion Imperial Cult - and they run the Roman Catholic Church, and yes the Church, and the Jesuits and numerous other Zionism based organizations are in fact waging war on mankind - but it is all because their God declared that those that opposed the Laws set by God are the true 'EVIL' - and so 'God' has given them the. mission on earth to use the rule of law, and to destroy all heretics and non-believers!!!!! The Condemers are labelled as the 'righteous' and those that fight the Crown's (meaning Gods) Kingship are evil.
So the Rulers of Evil really means the Rulers of Mankind that is considered Evil for refusing the slavery of their God-King.
I can now relate it all back to the Annunaki - a simple way to do it is to replace God with King. The king of the Annunaki. The Kingship of God. The kingship of the Annunaki. The Word of God. The Law of the King of the Annunaki. etc.
Makes me so mad.
I can answer the police conundrum for you Ivan. I will expand this somewhat considering many readers may be unaware of just who is who, what , when and how.
The Zionist centre of power is divided between Switzerland (Basel (BIS) & the capital ) and the City of London. The City of London, a square mile of separate sovereign nation, surrounds the more ancient Bank of England and was created by Nathanial Rothschild (eldest sone of Mayer Amschell Rothschild who launched his war on himanity in 1815).
The British East India Company and British Empire are both just names for the City of London. The police are separate to the English police and are the London Metropolitin Police who now appear to have launched a coup on the British police. This is linked to certain soldiers of the British Army who were selected around 15 years ago when all were asked if they were prepared to shoot British civilians if so ordered. Those who said yes, were earmarked for their current role and those who said "no" are labeled for passive roles, such as traffic direction and closures.
A similar survey was done in the early 1990s, and in Australia. The vast majority of grunts said no, but the officers said yes. This resulted in a decision to replace Australian army guys with foreign mercenaries. It seems the police experienced the same, except in the NT, the only place in the world where poice refused to assault mandate protestors.
The City of London represents the Black Nobility, some of whom are still involved in major crimes and others (ie the Hapsbergs) whose inbreeding dragged their intelligence down to levels of uselessness. Several bike gangs are funded by the Black Nobility and they also do their hit jobs to eliminate nuisance investigators. and whistleblowers.
The longer term agenda is to scrap state police altogether and rely on private security and mercenaries.
Yes, this is actually a very long story. I grew up in Britain and observed many things directly through personal experience. There is a kind of spiritual melancholy exuding from deforested landscape, cooling towers and overall a claustrophobic, congested post-industrial void. Coiled springs of neurosis, violence, self-hatred and parochial tribalism in the historically downtrodden underclass boiled up first against Pakistani immigrants. They are now being baited and trapped by a cynical establishment who, as we know, has weaponized migration towards the destruction of all Western civilization ( in all the territories you mention). The British establishment, rooted in their primary doctrine of class supremacy, has always been uber exclusionary. In recent decades, the Big tech-fattened Anglo-American family of public-private military-corporatism has been promoting DEI and using wokism to disguise its vicious totalitarian outgrowth. The British upper classes have always looked down upon the masses below them as their livestock. The latest twist in contemporary Orwellianism is the chair of Hunting Kind staking the claim that British foxhunting groups are being discriminated against in a manner similar to Roma and LGBTQ, and that fox hunters are actually a sort of Good Samaritan service to wildlife, weeding out sickly animals, thus making nature more... erhm ...sustainable. Thus, cruelty, dominance, eugenics, and thin-skinned victimhood fuse into one. A peculiarly British cocktail perhaps. Very similar, in essence, to the stem cells of both historical national socialism and communism. Schadenfreude, tribal hatred and "ressentiment" (Nietzsche's term) have always been fertile ground for Wall Street to "capitalize" on. Small clues, big lessons.
Thanks for that Dr. Nicholas - as an Antipodean, we in the colonies didn't realize how much the overlords in London hated the common people in the colonies, but it is evident in the bureaucracies intergenerational nastiness to the common man in Australia. We have the same brutal authoritarianism deep at the heart, which has been on full display since 2020.
Exactly. It is very well disguised of course by gentlemanly sports such as cricket. The gentler and civilizing aspects of Britain are real and good, it is just that beneath these qualities, under the radar so to speak, lies a vicious contempt in the blood of the ruling classes and their confraternities. Yes, they have infused this viciousness into their bureaucratic command engines of the Commonstealth, now integrating with the WEF. What happened to Australians and Canadians over past four years is truly horrible and utterly revealing.
I think it arrived in 1066 with William the Conqueror, a Norman, and the Normans were the Vikings, and they were vicious, and added to that is Talmudic finance, which is equally vicious - a lovely combination in the City of London.
Well, the Battle of Hastings was taught in detail to every English primary school child, with the arrow in King Harald's eye as the key event. The Scandinavian Vikings directly invaded and settled the northeast of the British landmass. The City of London (as you of course know so very well) is an unaccountable entity aligned axially with the Vatican. To me, the term Talmudic finance is a total misnomer. The predatory limbs of Big Jewish finance and Zionist Israel are a far remove from old scholastic texts but people refer to the whole glibly without having ever actually studied it in the original. Rothschild is symbiotically intertwined via with European royalty bloodlines for centuries as Dean Henderson has demonstrated. I do agree with you that mockery is a very powerful tool. Rowan Atkinson is a master at that art. As for Mr. Augustin Carstens, the "hippo" you refer to, I have often wondered how on earth he gets to work, or even out of bed each morning without the aid of a fork lift truck. I have walked by both BIS buildings hundreds of times and never seen him leave or enter either of them. The architecture of both edifices evokes a fusion of the Tower of Babel and a Flying Saucer. The better known of the two buildings has green terraces gardens reminiscent of the famous Hanging Gardens from Babylon, and are viewable only form above.
Dr. Nicholas you had me laughing, thanks for the name of the Hippo, I really must commit it to memory. I think your right that the BIS is meant to look like the Tower of Babel.
We know the global deep state are families that track back thousands of years likely to Babylon and perhaps Sumer. I am now fond of calling them the Zion Imperial Empire, the leaders the Zion Imperial Cult - all the symbols lead to Zion - look at the British and European monarchies and aristocratic bankers - it's all ancient symbols, the Lion of Judah for example, connects them all.
I believe it is the bloodlines that track back to the priestly families of Moses - have you read this book: The Secret Society of Moses-The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning 3 Millennium??? It seems to have been removed from the Internet Archive - if you want it let me know and I'll email you a copy. Brilliant book. Another good one in similar vein is Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great.
The reason I used the phrase 'Talmudic Finance' - is because I read in this book below The New Babylon (have you read it?) that the original R-O-T-H-S-C-H-I-L-D used the Talmud as the core principles to run his banking empire. And I also learned in this book that the Talmud is the original source of the New World Order.
Gotta run! talk soon
Yes, I do see where you are coming from. The old Zion spigot derives its source from original Annunaki "invasion" to set up a global system of control? Higher sources of learning (exoteric and esoteric) infiltrated by covertly marshalled groups, like worms in the apple (or the nanotech in the jabs). Modified, cherry picked fragments of old texts twisted towards nefarious ends like strands of synhthetically modified DNA by shadowy covert interest groups. All this evolved into woke lawfare we suffer under today and which you refer to in contemporary Britain. Most perniciously, we have seen it spread across global "health" (One Health). By the way, what do you think of William Cooper's perspective?
God, thank-you for that, Ivan. YOU ARE SO CORRECT, IT HURTS.
Why does it hurt my friend? I suspect from what you've told me that your family is part of the extended group whose elites wage war on us. Not all do - it's the clique at the very top. Do you know Elizabeth Nickson's work? She rages against the Deep State cabal because her family line is connected to all the aristocratic lines from Britain. I suspect that almost all westerners if they could find their real histories, which have deliberately been wiped for most of us, would find at some point in our ancestry we are all connected to all the bloodlines. I read recently that 50% of the European men have DNA that came from King Tut of Egypt!!!!
It hurts simply because the world is so screwed and we're all so accustomed to the lies and B.S.; it now hurts to feel pleasure...And, psychologically that's a very poor situation to be in.
As for my heritage...There's some kind of scuttle about the genetics being associated with the Nordics; but then, that's so far back...Who knows? Family has been in North America for its European duration with the Pilgrims; but there's also the Native American aspect which was here for thousands of years before the Europeans and as that was 17 generations ago it no longer matters genetically.
The earliest ancestor we've found was of Germanic heritage during the time of the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemayne. Another was of Irish Lineage and nobody special except he was a cleric of some sort...There's a long history of education in the Classical sense. We knew how to read and write, do figures, foreign languages. There's the French and English...As well as Swiss. That's the most known.
It's said 60% of the men in the whole Asian Continent have genetics going back to Ghengis Khan and I never heard about King Tut and doubt it's true about Tut. HE WAS HORRIBLY DISFIGURED AND VERY ILL AS A PERSON IN HIS SHORT LIFE. Without a bit of health, it's impossible to sew the seed too many places, huh? Then again, they married their own siblings and suffered terrible hermaphrodite characteristics. The genetics from that line could be attributed to any number of Egyptian Monarchs...Just as the Monarchs of Europe could be attributed to any number of Monarchs as they're all RELATED due to incest marked by hemophilia as a misery of many.
Who knows what's really true about those times?
While the human animal hasn't changed so much...The times have changed and there's MUCH better record-keeping now even with all the lies and gossip recorded as truth. Those winning the wars are now those we know to be the actual enemies and it's no surprise because I do have our records since 1617 before the Europeans came to North America. My family overall is highly revolutionary and involved in the Govt. of this nation as well as all the earliest wars and development. They were Governors, Senators, Reps...And, always Landowners. So, suppose they were some form of Landed Gentry if that is the measure of all those calling themselves 'Elites'.
Though we were as we were and remain as we were; we haven't been in the Government or Corporatist-Level aspects of life beyond the local level...We do remain highly responsible to our family and neighbors including the Native Americans in our area my 8 times removed Great-Grandfather saved when all the horrible things happened to the tribes...After they saved him upon arriving and becoming ill. Upon his death, he signed half of his land to the Native Americans and the cultures remain here and have survived together now for almost 220 years in this location. There are so many connections it's impossible to separate our families.
No, I do NOT rage against the ancestors. These times are these times and I did not do anything right or wrong; nor am I aware of any of them doing horrible things either right or wrong. The family pretty much hung with themselves and kept their noses clean. We're a bit on the quiet side and perhaps that's a good survival mechanism. Am aware of Elizabeth Nickson's Substack and her general opinon about her ancestor's pasts. THE RESTLESSNESS OF TODAY IS NOT HEALED BY THE PAST...Going forward to do the best we can now is the only logical path.
UK 'crown' ( 'Corona' in Latin...remember 'Prince' Philip sayin he would like to return after death as a deadly virus to stop 'overpopulation' planet is not near overpopulation but reieat a lie often enough...).colonies treated appalingly during 'Covid' as was UK with genocide of at least 40 thouelderly in care homes for starters..I was shocked at film clips I saw of police hitting elderly woman etc & much more. Rothschilds and Uzk royals are blood relatives ie UK royals own large amount of the planet still - and, like Rothschilds, loathe mist of the 'Useless Eaters' and are killing in as many ways as they can think of - designed poverty ue 'Austerity' fir 15 years still a gov policy which must have killed millions. Depopulation by WEF royals is the plan. Have you seen 'Deagel'? Shows the before and after numbers for the ongoing depopulation- eg UK to be reduced by 75%...The 'Covid 'jabs' are helping them reach Deagel target worldwide - birthrates are plummeting for last 4 yrs worldwide even gov stats show.
( 'Deagel' shows numbers for most countries, maybe all.)
Hi Neve O, first thanks for following me earliier I saw that so thanks, and I don't recall seeing this comment above - ahhh, it's only 6 hours old as I write that's why. Prince Phillip was a POS, glad he's gone. Have you seen the Queens April 2020 speech to the nation telling them to lockdown? And then her later speech telling Britain to get jabbed "Do it for those you love" she said. Another POS gone. Thank god for small mercies. I've seen the Deagel. Downloaded it in early 2021 right before they wiped it from the website and made it hard to find. And yep you are right about their numbers. Another thing their website used to say was that their explanation for the numbers plummeting was "suicide." And what do we see happening now?
Zionist, oligarchical psychopathic scum.
Don't believe Wall Street to be the Root and Trunk of the Tree of Evil...That Eminent Standard of Recognition is allocated to The City of London; Central/International Banker Family Cabal Extraordinaire and now spreading the International Crime Syndicate Offices OPENLY to Switzerland. Of course, it was already in Basel since the advent of the BIS; but it wasn't an open bit of information common people were aware of.
The monies being thieved and laundered from Middle Class Americans goes to develop and sustain China and as profit to The Central Bank of England from the Cartel's in Mexico and Central America. They do their banking offshore in the Caribbean on many Islands at the many locations of The Central Bank of England.
THAT IS THE ROOT AND TRUNK OF THE TREE OF EVIL from which all Investment Bankers originate; Blackrock and Vanguard, State Street...THE CENTRAL BANK OF ENGLAND and the BIS is where they do their banking; thus the ROOT AND TRUNK OF EVIL.
P.S. You've been missed. Haven't seen you for a while. All is well?
And did you ever get that email I sent you?
Britain turns totalitarian, don’t tell the Irish, we thought they were kinder gentler little genocidal lambs
Lol, the Irish are well in the shit too - as is every single western nation.
This article could have been titled 'The West Turns Totalitarian.'
Saw this video and thought got to send it to you, Ivan.
Thanks for that. Appreciate it. In all I've done I haven't come across Phrygia.
What's interesting is it comes after Sumeria by a couple of thousand years. I found a great Italian researcher this week Mauro Biglino who has written a couple of great books linking all the bible stories to the Annunaki's genetic creation of mankind, and how the source of the 'fallen angels' and the Yahweh god - fascinating stuff.
Hey Ivan Paton...Been re-reading your posts and thinking about an appropriate response to cover the multiple bases you've presented in depth from all the work you've undertaken in these last years.
Reassure you; HAVE NOT FORGOT.
In the meantime, this post arrived today from a brilliant and talented activist and conservationist residing in Arizona. I just adore his Postings as he's always presenting accurate and viable information applicable to the moment in a timely manner. He specializes with growing and architecture of Bamboo. He's been all over the world doing what he does. INCREDIBLE PICS FROM HIS TRAVELS AND CREATIONS ARE INSIDE HIS ARCHIE. I've spoke with my son about him growing this product as there is Bamboo possible to grow in our temperate climate near the Great Lakes where extremes are the norm...Both freezing and hot-ass, humid heat in opposite times of the year.
Thought you would find him an interesting person...As he provides some answers you're seeking about Infrastructure for Energy Efficiency and Independence. He's generally in Solar...While we're using both Geo-Thermal and Solar Energy here. The issue isn't so much about generating the Energy; it's about STORAGE. There are any number of options for you in your vicinity which is far more tropical.
Get back with you soon. 🙏🏼😊🎶
Hi Blaze - thanks for the recommendation to Kyle's Substack. I think I like this guy.
Your dead right about bamboo, it is an amazing plant and has literally countless uses.
And has been used for thousands of years in this part of the world. In Asia it is not unusual, especially in Hong Kong in the past, to see scaffolding going up high rise buildings made of it. A Thai friend of mine started a school he called The Bamboo School and made almost all of the buildings out of this construction, and one of my Aussie mates out of town here built his home from it.
Regarding energy - a couple of days ago I did a deep dive into the costs of wind turbines in the USA. And it turned up some fascinating insights into how organized capital uses our dependence on their electricity to rob us blind. Literally. Here's the key points.
1. A wind turbine on average costs $1.3 million dollars
2. There is wind only 39% of the time on average so one turbine creates enough electricity for 940 homes.
3. That means the capital investment cost is $1,382 per home. Remember that number.
4. Each home in the USA uses on average 886 kWh per month and pays a retail price of 15.98 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) which is about $140 a month or $1,700 per year.
5. Note that cost - $1,700 per year is more than the wind turbine company invested per house to create and sell electricity - but they don't get it all.
6. The wind turbine company is paid when they sell it to the electrical grid wholesaler and they get on average 7.2 cents/kWh. Less than half.
7. The wind turbine company after costs are deducted makes about 50% as profits based on the above information.
8. The grid operator sells it to the end users, the consumers - at a national average of 15.98 cents/kWh - which is 8.78 cents.
9. During transmission on average the industry loses 50% of the electricity which is generated by the power generation company (no matter the type) because it often has to be transmitted hundreds of kilometers to the end users, and 50% is lost as heat during transmission.
10. This means that the end consumer pays double - you pay for the electricity that you use, but on top of that you pay for the electricity that is wasted in transmission.
11. So let's go back to the wind turbine company that makes the electricity and gets paid a wholesale price of 7.2 cents/kWh - 50% is profit, and so the costs are 50% which is 3.6 cents/kWh, but the operator has to produce twice as much as you use to make up for transmission costs, so the true cost is half of that - the power that you actually use is only 1.8 cents/kWh!!!!!
11. But the "consumer" pays 15.98 cents/kWh - 14.18 goes to the operators and losses in transmission - the part that the consumer actually uses which costs just 1.8 cents/kWh is 11.26% of the total paid by the consumer.
12. And that means 89% of what the consumer pays for is waste and profits for the industry.
What a racket!!!!
It also illustrates that you only need to create on average half of the amount of electricity these utility companies create to consume the same amount - but there is a potential 89% savings!!!!!
Decentralized energy production saves costs, saves fuels, and saves capital – but denies Monopoly Capitalism its predatory profits.
I have a brilliantly simple idea to create a decentralized energy turbine, which I'll share another time.
I wrote music about this a few years back
Yes - it's a great song. You dropped in on another one of my articles and I checked it out and left you the following comment - which you probably didn't see as I am shadow banned on YouTube, as well as Facebook and Twitter. Here's what I said about 3 weeks ago at the top of the comments section - can you see it on YT?
"Ivan here from In Pursuit of Truth, Substack. Your song is absolutely brilliant. You hit (almost) all the nails on the head. And illustrates that you see through all of the illusions. The only group you left out was the monarchies!"
Oh. Thanks man. I feel like a pest now!
Really appreciate the time taken to comment
Ha, ha, I would never view anyone who turns up to leave messages on my Substack that way, and you're a FELLOW AUSSIE mate!!!
I was doing some research on my family name today and found that we have Paton's that moved to the USA in 1637 onboard the ships Tristam and Jane!!!
Just imagine that...The Tristam and Jane. Know some here with the Paton name. A Doctor and in High School, their kids. Wife was named Kramer before marriage. Good athletes. It's not an uncommon name; although not overwhelming either. Since that family member came so early; those first settlers to the colonies including Australia have many descendants now.
Some in my family have settled in Australia from here...Mines I recall. Last name of 'Lee'. God knows where as it's pretty barron in some places from what pictures indicate about various Mining Industries....The oldest Continent in the world.
You did one heck of a job with this post today...You're good with research. We MUST begin to stand and fight back against this tyranny and I'm not certain how the 'Weapons' issue is being addressed in Australia. Heard they wished to take them away and folks lined-up to hand them in willingly.
Here, weapon's, ammo and other materials to make a variety of ordinance sales have went through the roof at the mention of the PLANDEMIC 4 years ago and it hasn't quit. Govt. Officials are at a loss to understand the reason people have went overboard with weapons. WHAT A JOKE...AS IF PEOPLE DON'T GRASP BEING ATTACKED.
Actually where I grew up there were no other Patons, all our relatives were down south. A lot of them. My father came from a family of 11 children. I also discovered today a variation on the spelling of our name is Patton, and that the General tracks back to Scotland, which is where we are from. We might be related. I have my sister in Norich tracking the family tree to see if there is a connection. The general is about the most distinguished member of the Paton Clan. Earliest recording back to 901AD. I'm not impressed with the coat of arms. The family motto: Virtute adepta - Aquired by Virtue. It's a tiny clan today - worldwide probably not 20,000.
Australia had a gun amnesty to take the guns back in the late 1990s after a massacre where about 35 tourists got shot at a remote place in Tasmania, 19 died of single shot head shots, and the shooter was a patsy who had never owned a gun in his life and was autistic. My family all had guns as we grew up. My father was a champion shooter with countless trophies, and my middle brother was a crack shot - I've seen him take a kangaroo down with a head shot while it was running away at 200m. None of them could have done what the autistic guy was supposed to have done. His mother has been crying about his innocence for decades. Australia is TOTALLY OVER RUN by British agents - and all our police, military, government and politicians and judges swear allegenice to the Crown not the people or the constitution. So we are a colony of slaves.
I watched in confusion as a young man as Rupert Murdoch built an first an Australian media empire, snapping up all the small, medium, regional and then national spaces, and then went global. Now I get it. The International Money Cartel funded him - But his family are absolute insiders. They control their share and the banksters have non-voting rights.
I've noticed that weapon sales and ammunition sales have gone through the roof in the USA. This is always what has stopped invasions of the USA. Some famous Japanese admiral made a quip about it during the WW2 era saying there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.
It's why they keep trying to get your guns. They know.
And not long after many nations were disarmed they flipped communist. Funny that.
When you said "you did one heck of a good job with this post today" were you referring to the article or comments?
My biggest skills are my voracious appetite and ability to read, the fact that before I started on the COVID-questions I always had an interest in economics and had spent about 12 years thinking and analyzing the factors that relate to the cost of living, and had developed a huge base of research on this and learned to frame everything through this lens, but the biggest advantage is quite simply the Internet and not just the scope and breadth, and depth that it gives us access to, which would in the past have taken lifetimes, but it also gives us access to the power of the crowd - the greatest artificial intelligence on earth was the connectedness of the crowd before censorship set in, I solved 3 major health issues, one for me, and two for my girl, by using the power of the crowd.
That power is still there but now it is muted terribly - but I still find it in the comments sections - which are a gold mine if you trawl through them - especially under YT videos.
People certainly understand being attacked when they feel the pain.
And therein lies the problems with the useful idiot, most of whom didn't feel pain.
That's what disappoints me about modern people so much - they've been so disconnected from their families and communities that they think it's important to wave a flag for Ukraine, get upset about the chosen people in Israel being attacked by the people they've been genociding for 75 years, which they can't see, and yet they ignore the pain of their own family members, or neighbors, while parroting the narratives.
Americans of all westerners have the most unique mindset - you have a natural distrust of government, and a high freedom quotient.
I like that. A lot.
You do have a natural curiosity inspiring some truly authentic responses to the current phase of attack upon our Western Constitutional Republics now exposing themselves to have been growing REGRESSIONS INTO THE IMPERIALIST past. Now, they're camouflaged as Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and other novel 'ism's' based on the cultural differences in societies. Long recognized that aspect of yours to be a strength behind your posts and research. Your foundational knowledge is extensive and multi-dimensional. THAT makes your writing captivating and original.
Given the origin of Australia, it would be next to impossible to imagine Aussies to settle the Continent without firearms. There's so many nasty predators; not
the least of which are the most toxic snakes of the viperous reptiles in the world...And, won't even address the Sea Crocs and Kangaroos which can be deadly; especially the males as understood. Have you ate Kangaroo? To me, they're so cute it's difficult to comprehend wanting to eat them. Then, in the Ocean the Continent with the Great Barrier Reef is home to the highest population of Great White Sharks during particular times of the year.
When exactly did the Brit Intelligence begin to infiltrate...Is it possible to put a finger on when it began? It's now possible to know it began here in 1913 with the installation of 'The Fed' actually owned by The Central Bank of England which was accompanied by the legalization of Income Tax...One of the reasons the Brits HATED our Constitution was Income Tax made ILLEGAL as the primary reason the Founding Generation fought was the BRIT'S REFUSAL TO ALLOW THE U.S. COLONISTS TO BEGIN PRODUCTION FROM OUR OWN NATURAL RESOURCES followed by THEFT OF THE PRIME NATURAL RESOURCES HARVESTED TO TAKE BACK TO ENGLAND TO BE MADE INTO FINISHED PRODUCTS THEY COULD CHARGE OUTRAGEOUS PRICES FOR as well as TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.
Their only error was to assume the Monarch/Peers to be the enemy when in fact it was The Venetian Black Nobility behind the Monarch's/Peers/Bankers and Corporatists aligned through the old Dutch/British East India Trading Company. They further infiltrated with THEIR ASSASSINATION OF John F. Kennedy in 1963. With Carter, they infiltrated the Oval Office with members of Chatham House or what's called The Institute for International Affairs directly connected to the House of Windsor/Guelph/Drago...A BLACK NOBILITY FAMILY...Pagan Demon Worshipers. That group is known as The Trilateral Commission and it's membership is to the group 'The Council For Foreign Relations' directly connected to Chatham House. All are loyal to the Monarchy.
There's more to it than what's wrote here as you're aware...Those are two of the primary moments in history it's possible to know they were there in the wings staged out of Canada attacking the U.S. society all the time following the Revolution. Don't know if it's possible to determine when this covert activity is more clearly defined in Australia or even Canada.
Not certain what the medical issues were that you found answers for yourself and your girl...What was wrong? Yes, we also find many Medical answers Online. There's less research available now than before 4 years ago; but some is still out there. I have access to Medical/Psychologial Research with my University Campus Pass into the Data Banks. THEY'RE NOW PRETTY TRASHED. Always wondered at the reason the Educational Programs included theories and research based in Nazi Germany before...And, now the reason is clear as the Advanced Tech with Bio-Digital Convergence is based out of Nazi Germany and carried forward in North America following WWII...North America had LARGE SPACES WITHOUT POPULATION AND MILD TO COOL CLIMATE...As in Canada and most of the year in the states; especially the southern half.
FREEDOM IS HUGE HERE...WITH FEW NOW UNAWARE TO THE FACT OF FREEDOM BEING THE RIGHT TO BEHAVE ACCORDING TO GOD AND THE BIBLE instead of unfair and selfish 'Civil Rights' determined by some tyrannical King. The Declaration of Independence defined UNALIENABLE RIGHTS as 'The Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness' as given by God. Further, the Constitution's Amendments defined 'Bill of Rights' are openly spelled out in the first ten amendments. When one of those basic rights is threatened, it's VERY CLEAR TO MOST PEOPLE. The Constitution here is DIRECT and there's little ability to COVERTLY REMOVE A RIGHT.
THAT HAS NECESSITATED A SUSPENSION OF THE CONSTITUTION with Regulations according to MEDICAL REGULATIONS based in Emergency Use Authorization (EUA's) as determined by an UNELECTED OFFICIAL in HHS (Health and Human Services declaring a Health Emergency WITHOUT having proof of any kind). Right now, there is no CONSTITUTION and the U.S. is in Anarchy which the Puppet Govt. seeks to cover and hide from the population to maintain CALM-MM-MM. Yes, the Officials ARE TERRIFIED of this armed Nation having people knowing how to use those arms. The Interior is more than aware of what's happening and they also know to remain quiet and to hide what's really happening. Nobody knows who's doing what and there are many having military experience in all branches.
Am impressed with your family heritage...You have to come from some pretty stalwart and strong people. Do you shoot as your father and Grandparents clearly knew how to do? We shoot here all the time...I and my brother used to hunt together; but I didn't enjoy killing so I just hiked along with him. However, I CAN SHOOT and if I must, can kill to feed the family. Skinning animals, dressing out the meat and processing fur as well as cleaning fish is a breeze. We have livestock and have processed the meat; but I prefer to get it done in a Slaughter House. Market Days are bad days for me...And, the older I get the worse it is.
I like you, Ivan...You're an interesting person. What do you do for a living...What does your girl do? You're a fascinating couple, no doubt.
Reply # Part 1/4
As always you never fail to lift me up and inspire me by saying the most wonderful and insightful things - I am truly humbled by your kind words, and it means a lot to me that you like my writing as much as you do, and express it in such an amazingly inspirational way back to me. Thanks. I cut and pasted your words into a file where I keep such comments, as I think I might have told you once before.
Australians certainly settled our continent with guns, like all colonies did in fact. Which is what they took advantage of during WW1 and WW2 - our people were the cannon fodder, from the colonies and our boys who were all crack shots because they grew up on the farms, on the land, which was what won the wars for those pigs in the British establishment who engineered the wars.
Apart from nasty predators, of which there were many, hunting was a way of life right up to my generation - it's only been in my lifetime that they drove all the rural people off the farms and into the cities.
So when I was a boy, as I think I said, we had a house full of guns and everyone knew how to use them. Everyone did. But if you go back into the past, especially the early settlement, like the Indians, one of the dangers settlers face were from aboriginals, and conflict between the colonizers and the aboriginal people went on for a long time. The early settlers would just shoot them if it was necessary.
Sea crocs - made me laugh.
Yes we have them in our harbor in my home town. We hunted the crocodiles almost to extinction and it stopped somewhere around the 1970s and was banned - and they've come roaring back, and so now across the top of Australia they are everywhere.
Yes I have eaten kangaroo - you can buy it in the supermarkets - and yes they can be mean if you're around a big one and you annoy it.
But if you can box you can simply punch them and they'll back off - lots of videos now on the net of exactly that scenario.
Kangaroo meat is lean beef and very good.
When I was a teenager and we went camping in the bush we'd occassionally shoot them and eat them. And I used to go shooting with a mate of mine on weekends when I was around 15-17 to get kangaroos for their family who used to feed the meat to their many dogs.
A lot of people used to make a living shooting kangaroos and selling the carcuses to factories who made pet meat from it. And their leather is the best in the world for athletic sports shoes, Adidas used to use it - but thanks to the Eco-fascists of I think it was PETA or some such organization who went on about how they were cuddly and cute they were they canned the industry, which destroyed a valuable sustainable industry.
Now the farmers consider them pests and will just shoot them because they compete with the cows for food. Before the ban on the leather they were literally farming them with almost zero cost, a native animal living on the farmers land, and being sustainably harvested. Killing the industry was stupid.
The British intelligence didn't 'begin to infiltrate' - they arrived on the 1st boats. It's a British colony, and still is.
Remember the Freemasonry movement - it's HQ is the City of London, and the King is the head of the Freemason movement.
When my grandfather wanted to join the government as a young man in the 1930s - he was a surveyor - he had a choice to join the Freemasons or the Roman Catholics - it was an open secret that these 2 groups ran our government - in reality 2 sides of the same Crown coin. My grandfather was a Church of England man, and the Freemasons ran the surveying department - and that's who he joined. And like all Freemasons he never talked about it, but he was best friends with all the most powerful people in cities he lived in. It's power is immense.
So, it didn't begin at any time - the British arrived on the 1st boat and never left. But the world Enclosure Acts arrived in 1901 with the amalgamation of the 7 different states and colonies into one nation under one Australian Federal Government and a new constitution, giving us the ILLUSION we were independent - but in fact national passports for the colonies like Australia was ring fencing us - remember passports and the loss of the freedom to travel worldwide is only a new idea historically - they did it to close us all in, so it is harder to run from their tyranny - as they locked in Australians during Covid-19 - 2 years!!! A giant prison.
I strongly disagree with you about 1913 - that was simply the last step in the American coup, there are numerous other steps that date all the way back, for example to the Civil War- which got you tied up in debt to the 8 banking families for generations and resulted in the formation of Washington D.C. that operates just like the City of London and the Vatican.
This step by step marching towards the tyranny of a Federal Government I think is a model of empire building that goes back millennium, they did it in America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa.
In America I think you went independent in name only, look at the Federal Reserve logo - you see that eagle and the 12 stars - that's the 12 tribes of Israel IMHO, now find a police badge and you see the words 'To Protect and Serve + the Eagle' - the Eagle is the Federal Reserve - the Federal Reserve is owned by the global banks - those banks home of origins is the City of London, and it is the monarchies, bankers and billionaires that own those banks together and all the central banks and the 'too big to fail banks' and that is the Crown system.
In Britain and all the British commonwealth, European and all the European colonies you see the same symbols - but it is the words "To Protect and Serve + The Crown" - and that's the symbol for the Crown Imperial Empire, which I call for this ruling winning faction - the Zion Imperial Empire. That's the true deep state.
I know you have some great things in the Constitution, and in the Bill of Rights, but essentially the American structure is a replication of all things British -The president is the new prime minister that acts like a King, the Congress if the new Parliament, Washington D.C. is the new City of London, Wall Street is an extension of the City of London, the Military Industrial Complex replaced the British one, the CIA is the new MI6, both a worldwide menace, the FBI is the new Scotland Year, the Federal Government is the new Crown etc.
Here's something I just saw a couple of days ago that made me think of you.
You remember my suspicions about Thomas Paine?
Look at this:
1776 - Common Sense - Thomas Paine - pushing the revolution
1986 - Common Sense Renewed - Robert C. Christian - the guy who built the Georgia Guidestones and promotes an 'Age of Reason' - code for world government - and 500 million people living with Net Zero in balance with nature. Look at his initials. R.C.C.
2021 Common Sense for the 21st Century. Roger Hallam.
The 1776 book and the 1986 book are connected. That's why they used this title. Now look at the 2021 book - this absolute scumbag by the way is the puppet that they have who founded the vile Extinction Rebellion NGO, which like Just Stop Oil, is all about the Net Zero Marxist fascism and wants to literally TURN OFF OUR ECONOMY - I haven't read his book yet, but I signed up for a free copy.
But as soon as I saw the title, and I know he is a scumbag British establishment agent pushing the climate change hoax, I connected it to the other 2 books!!!!!! Thomas Paine was not your friend or mine. He was an agent of the Zion Imperial Empire. He was an Englishman for god sakes that got on a boat came to the colonies and put out a book, the first and last, that spewed about what a vile institution the monarchy was, and that the only option was to have a revolution, and then he went back to England and onto France to stir up more revolutions. If he was such an anti-monarchist where is the book telling the British people to overthrow the British monarchy? There isn't one. Why wasn't he arrested or thrown out of Britain. Because he was working for the establishment. To destroy opposition to their control abroad.
Regarding the comments you made about the reasons for the American Revolution - yes all of them are valid - but remember the oligarchs in the British colonies were all BRITISH, and all royalty and aristocrats. It was never "American colonists" vs. Britain. Nope.
As it is true today - it is the enemies of the people in the group at the top in the 1% - the monopolist who want the rule of oligarchy, monarchy members, bankers and billioinaires, using the top 10% which makes up the Federal Government and all its institutions, raping, pillaging and plundering the 90%. And they succeed because as Prince Charles said in mid-2020 when he launched the Covid-19-The Great Reset tyranny at the World Economic Forum, he said "We must use all the levers at our disposal.....this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." By levers he meant their army of agents worldwide that are all positioned in the leadership or close to it or both. A nest of vipers at the top. All you need is the man at the top for Top Down Tyranny.
Here's what I believe is the real reason for the American Revolution, and the events that led up to it which helped to whip the colonists into turning against Britain and the king. The monarchy is the biggest partner of the Zion Imperial Empire, but it has to play it's role. After the 7 years Indian wars, where the Indians had beaten them to a stalemate, and if it had all carried on they would have lost from my understanding of it, so the British monarchy signed a treaty and created the Proclamation Line - which stopped westward expansion in its tracks. And the monarchy had to be seen to be upholding that.
Continued # Part 2
# Part #2
The real reason for the revolution is because the monarchy, the bankers and the billionaires wanted the rest of the land going west, and as much of the continent as they could grab, because they knew how rich it all was and that it would give them the wealth to build the empire we see today. The war with the British was to establish the appearance of independence from Britain - and as soon as that was established in short order you'd taken over most of the continent and formed a huge nation. America remained Britain from the start, and despite one half of society resisting the imperialism model, that's what America did because the other half the oligarchs were already embedded from the start.
But at that time it was mostly empty, wide open spaces with just the Indians and the Mexicans in the way. Generations of immigrants, mostly poor were kicked out of Europe, which didn't want them, and emigrated to America, and those generations carved America out of the wilderness, and created what it is today. Under the illusion of freedom. Exactly the same paradigm has been used in countless colonies, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc. The settlers carve it out and the Deep State and the bankers then steal it.
The next step in America was that over time the Federal Government grew into the monster it was always designed to be, which you can see it was meant to be from the start, and the bankers slowly but surely expanded their power and influence, and with the era of the railroads they became super rich and super powerful, and then funding Rockefeller into the oil monopoly was probably their smartest move, along with funding Fords monopoly on cars. Monopoly Capitalism with the Money Monopoly.
And then they executed the last part of the coup which was the treachery of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act - which I believe is unconstitutional - and they've been robbing you, and all nations, ever since - with the Money Monopoly - they control the gold, the money supply, the interest rates etc. And the banks that own the Federal Reserve are the ones that are 'too big to fail' - because they own the system. The International Money Cartel.
The first thing they did was start WW1, and that crushed the Russian Emperor, the German Emperor and the Ottoman Emperor - remember they were all Emperors ruling over empires which were competitors to the British Zionists empire and dreams of ruling the world.
The Great Depression was engineered by the Fed and the bankers and they smashed countless tens of thousands of small and medium banks worldwide - and took the land off the farmers and our ancestors endured ten years of deprivations created by the bankers - which drove the people into the cities - just in time for World War 2 and the rise of the Military Industrial Complex in all of our nations!!!!!!
And remember Hitler built a thriving economy in the same period by taking over the central bank. And held the 1936 Olympics in the middle of the Great Depression and Germany was booming, the only nation on earth!!! Because the communist bankers were not in charge - and they declared WW2 in 1933 as soon as Hitler took power because the Zionist media screamed out the headlines 'Jews (read bankers) Declare War on Hitler.' It was always the bankers - there were literally no Jewish Zionists in 1933. Ordinary Jews didn't give a dam - but the Zionist Jews are an essential part of the army of agents for their empire! They turned everyone against Germany and German people branding them 'The Huns' an expression never in use before this.
After WW2 the hidden empire had the 1944 United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - called Bretton Woods to mislead us from the real power - and they formed the swamp under the United Nations to take the baton from their failed 1st attempt post WW1 - the League of Nations.
The International Institutions were formed for World (Communist) Government from the start - they are set up as Neo-Monarchies. Unelected. Immunity from prosecutions. No accountability and no transparency. Tax free. Visa free. They are a law unto themselves. And they've used the treaty system to abuse it and wrap the world's nations in knots pushing policies from the top down. Tyranny from the top. It's all coming from the U.N., the bankers, and the World Economic Forum's multinationals who apply it all - DEI, ESG, Net Zero - most of it is ILLEGAL, but they are forcing it down because they can, and making uncountable trillions in profits.
Meanwhile the real power behind the U.N. are the dictators of the United Nations Security Council - the 5 Permanent members - who started negotiations for the post-WW2 GREAT RESET in 1941 with the Atlantic Treaty - and continued with America, Britain, China, France and communist Russia - that's the core global team right there. The hidden Zion Imperial Empire's most powerful players.
In WW2 - the Zion Imperial Empire was on display - the communists of the western nations and the communists of Russia, and they knew they were about to flip China communist, so they helped China drive Japan back home. They tamed the Japanese emperor by the end of WW2. When the communists started a civil war none of the western nations who'd just won WW2, and had millions of fighting men and equipment that could have been deployed to beat back the communists, but nobody went to their aid.
Because the plan was for China to be communist.
Communism is the core of the Crown Monarchy System.
Rulers and slaves.
They took us into WW2 on LIES and ILLUSIONS - 'democracy, freedom, fight the Hun.' All lies. We had no reason to hate Germany, and we'd always been their friends - hell, all of our colonies are filled with Germans, and the bloody British Royal family are GERMAN - in fact WW1 was a fight between the 3 Emperors that were all 1st cousins - I think we've talked about this before Czar Nicholas, Kaiser Wilhelm and King Edward - they look like triplets, same grandmother Queen Victoria - and they were all emperors of empires - fighting to be number one!!!!!!!!!!!
This has been called the Great Game. The wars between empires to be number one - and get that New World Order into place - a 6 thousand year old plan dating back to the Sumerian Empire.
The entire Cold War in my opinion was a lie and a sham - designed to keep squeezing nations worldwide - between the fascists on the right and the communists on the left. And we can see the truth of this just by how from 1971 onwards they funded the rise and rise of Communist China, because the International Money Cartel are all in China - BYD, the allegedly Chinese electric car maker, supposedly in competition with Tesla - who is the biggest shareholder? Warren Buffet, BlackRock and Vanguard - same people that own Tesla. It's globalism that runs China and are the real communists.
I read recently that EVERY President of America has been a member of the European monarchies. EVERY ONE OF THEM. And many like FDR were 33 degree Freemasons. Who are the Freemasons obedient to - the secret society they swore allegiance to on pain of death - and therefore the Monarchy of Britain and the Crown - Do we really believe they are loyal to the US Constitution????
This cancer arrived in dozens of way - the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestants, the secret societies, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the Jesuits - schools and universities, CFR, it goes on and on and on - and they are always recruiting.
Sad to see the medical data bases being trashed.
It's a shocking assault on the access to knowledge.
I can't recall what all the medical issues were that we solved but one of them was serious though my girl got mysterious pains in her sides, and one of the doctors wanted to open her up and cut out her appendix - and I was cautious. I found someone on the net who'd had the exact same symptoms and had cured it with a a homemade remedy which I had been using for years, garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey, all organic - foul to drink but it kills the bugs incredibly well.
I put her on this regime and we cleared it up over the weekend, and she got a couple more bouts less serious each time, and we cleared them the same way each time, and then it cleared up and never came back.
Yes you are operating right now in ANARCHY - I get that.
I have read a lot of Katherine Watt's work on the laws they've passed. Most of which are unconstitutional. The whole COVID-pandemic didn't even meet the legal definition of 'emergency' and you can't have an emergency that never ends. One of my uncles was a law professor, died from the Pfizer shots, but before he did he pushed out a long article telling the Australian public that what our government was doing was operating outside the law because they could not legally keep rolling over the emergency. But of course the Zion communists rule Australia so they just ignore it.
Regarding the use of guns - yes I grew up in an age where almost every family had a houseful of guns and the children grew up using them, and being able to hunt. I was a fair shot, but not a crack shot. And somewhere in my twenties I just stopped using them. City life. Moved to the big cities.
What you said "However I can shoot" - right there is the importance of having the the skills. And yes we come from stalwart and strong. people, I think all Aussies of my generation did, but today they are too many pussies, weak and cowardly.
It's clear that you too come from incredibly strong, stalwart and resilient people. It's families like yours that made America great, and it was families like ours that carved nations out of the wilderness of the colonies - which is why they are attacking us today - to try and wipe us out so they can take it all.
Thanks for saying you like me, the more I chat with you the more I like you too. It's like having a pen-friend!
Continued #3 below
About who "They" are...
Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this
About fighting back... We would best remove Their single tool to power:
A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system
You are right - but it needs to be done quietly, in a decentralized fashion, and let it spread out like ripples on ponds all over the world - because if this is attempted in a visible way they crush it, kill the inventors, and destroy those attempting to subvert their money monopoly. German, Russia, China, Libya, the list goes on and on and on.
I suggest that the key - THE key - is free energy tech. They so avidly hide and suppress it because They know it means the demise of Their single tool. And I advise inventors to NOT patent free energy successes, but rather to share as wisely as possible (making killing Them rather pointless...), because in the end, We ALL will live richly - as We should on Our planet They're trying to steal from Us.
You are dead right IMHO.
I have come to the same conclusions as you.
Talking about 'avidly hide and suppress' - are you aware of the America 1951 Inventions Secrecy Act? An act to not only suppress technology, but to STEAL IT, which violates the property rights of the US Constitution, but no judge will touch it, and for those poor bastards that took the government to court, they couldn't reveal the details of their inventions, due to the act - 'national security - and so couldn't prove loss!!! And of course you know the military contractors get it all. Since WW2 over 20,000+ inventions stolen by the Fed, and many of them efficient energy devices. Wikipedia has a page on this. I had begun to suspect long before I found this act that the patents system was working not just as a monopoly system, but as an early warning mechanism for disruptive technologies, and sure enough turns out the US Patent's office and Fed gov. have an organized system for reviewing all patents to check for 'national security' concerns.
So to register any patent in the USA is dangerous.
I also once noticed that the cabals corporations, e.g. Apple, have a habit of sneaking off to Puerto Rico to register new patents, which is the home of the U.S. IRS too - I think it must slow down the competition looking at their ideas.
Cheap abundant energy is the biggest key as you say. This I have come to heartily agree with you on. One of the ways the cabal creates so much damage, and controls and extracts so much wealth is that they run the global energy industry - and that by the way includes Russia. When you start Googling the shareholding of Russian energy companies, and the big sell off after the Ukraine war started with the false illusion that western energy companies exited the Russian market, you find the joint owners of Russian energy is the global capitalists. They own or are joint partners in all nations and all sides of the competition.
I keep saying: DON'T PATENT IT! LOL! And also, this is why We would best stop consenting to that whole psychopathic legal/governmental system:
Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical
Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law
Yes, Tom Bearden spoke poignantly about patent blockades around such inventions including cold fusion, and also opined that, in his view, 10% of all scientists were truly nasty creatures, which allows for this vicious form of regulatory fascism to be sustained. This is all true, but the issue goes far deeper. The crux of human survival and evolution lies in an understanding of the nature of bioenergy. Bioenergy is the vortex of all cosmic life and flows in many forms including thought and emotion. More advanced species use this as their primary "technology". It allows them mastery of space travel and, for the malevolently inclined, infiltration and extraction of human bioenergy ranging from blood components to limbic system frequencies (this explains the nanotech in jabs, dental analgesics, geo-engineering etc.). They harvest this various types of energy for their own needs and purposes. What we consider to be physical manifestations of energy (primarily electromagnetic energy) derive from more intangible layers which are in fact antipodal and antipolar to manmade/industrial EM energy which our backward "civilization" relies on. The posting made above about access to "free" energy tech is correct. However this requires application and distribution. Application, moreover, is not essence. Such access and distribution of necessity depend upon societal mechanisms and logistics requiring payment and tilting, ultimately, towards new monopolies, unless, of course, the soul aspect of "energy" is fundamentally revisioned. The mechano-mystical split in human consciousness identified by Reich as Emotional Plague is what underlies all human servitude and permits domination not only by the cabal, but most importantly by the interdimensional galactic entities with a vested interest in subverting human freedom and human evolution. The concept of free energy, in brief, demands a much deeper reflection into (and analysis) of the above. This would lead to an even more fundamental revolution in thinking and conception: namely, namely that all our assumed notions of sterility are false. Sterility implies total absence of bioenergy. There is not one single sterile iota in deep reality, whether it be human blood, sand, air or "space". All is alive in one form or another, including what are viewed erroneously as metallic UFOs which are in truth physical projections made out of living thoughts of other beings dwelling in other dimensions. Our matrix of false cognition and projection is what keeps us imprisoned. No "thought leader" or "free energy tech" will really change anything at base level without a sea change in our philosophical awareness. It may take the massive PNW earthquake and accompanying tsunami plus the volcanic chain reactions forecast to occur imminently (within the next 50 years but could be very soon), or some other cataclysm to provoke such a sea change. After all, it is always the sea that "give rise" to everything. Personally, I wouldn't count on Mr. Musk and Mr. Trump to figure all this out, even if the "hippo" is ceremoniously dislodged from the BIS and paraded around Times Square in a diaper. Removal of consent (aka capitulation) absolutely, yes, leading on to a cleaning up of the primary psycho-cognitive neuroses underpinning such consent/capitulation.
Thanks for reposting, and being a subscriber too. @Don't drink the Kool-Aid
Are you following David Hughes?
Hi Elizabeth, I don't think I have seen David's work, thanks for the link, I'll follow up on it.
I have such a great long list of great writers that are covering topics from A to Z that it's hard to keep up, and that includes your work by the way. I think we need a war council to organize an overview from A to Z. There are so many new fighters rising too. Which is great. Did you see Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) calling out the British thought police!!
That was excellent !
I’m waiting to hear if Ricky Gervais will speak out as well.
Thanks Ivan for the insight.
Yes, you are right it is an ORGANIZED GLOBAL CABAL, in fact its an Organised Global crime syndicate.
The Marxists use their socialist communists cadres to infiltrate all spheres and levers of power in Governments everywhere. Then use the PPP's (public-private-partnership), which are fascist arrangements with the State being a "stakeholder" with the terms hidden from public scrutiny under the guise of secrecy. Hidden arrangements by industry as "secrets or trade secrets, intellectual capital" and have a veil to cover them using these protectionist guises provided by its corrupted criminal Gov "Stakeholder'" who is financially induced to provide the air cover. Stakeholder capitalism = Shareholder communism
You summed it up nicely Sunface Jack. :)