We truly need to get free energy tech out in the open... That will strip the psychopaths in control of Their single tool to power - it buys all the rest that They use, the things and the People.

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

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Jan 24Liked by Ivan M. Paton

We are assaulted on every aspect of our lives now, & it’s all picking up incredible speed. Wasn’t it NObummer who famously said “at some point you’ve made enough money”, which of course never applies to him & his ilk. W/ all of the incredible wealth they already hold, why the need for more, esp w/ the only path they want is to impoverish & enslave everyone else who survives the depopulation agenda? I just want to quietly live my little life & be left alone!

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“They bail themselves out, privatize their profits, while socializing the costs.”

Wow! What a racket…

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All true, Ivan.

The problem is that the globalists have been planning this heist since 1815; which is time to be thorough, and they have all the exits covered.

The biggest gatekeeper is the City of London, which was and is the power behind the British Empire and Zionism. It is by far the most creative wing of Zionism/globalism, probably more so than the Rockefellers and BIS; although I have to admit that on this speculation, I am on the outside looking in. But this is what the evidence tells me.

OK, you ask, what then is their biggest gate closure?

Put your mental seat belts on, fellas, this is going to be a wild ride and most of you will bail out. I guarantee this.

London created Mohandas Gandhi, a crooked and ruthless Indian lawyer livng in Africa. Africans know this full well and have been calling him out ever since, but nobody listens. Perhaps this will change, what with the South African challenge of Israeli Genocide in Gaza and the Sahil Nations rebellion. One can only hope.

Gandhi was guided and nurtured on his campaign of non-violent peaceful protest, London having already decided that military containment of colonies was no longer fiscally efficient, and control of national leadership had proved to be way more efficacious. But the Zionists were more ambitious than controlling mere India. They wanted to create a new mindset, one that would eliminate meaningful resistance to their programme of world domination. Anyway, it worked like a charm in India, even to Gandhi destroying Indian unity and forever alienating Islam. Divide and rule.

However, the US had ceased to be influenced by Britain so another Gandhi had to be created. Martin Luther King suited the bill perfectly. You all know the story, but not so many know that the FBI and CIA protected King from lynch mobs and premature assassination. But when the time was right both men were assassinated, thus validating forever their philosophy with martyrdom. Nevertheless, many people still remained skeptical about peaceful protest (SDR, SDU, Panthers, etc) so the visual media wing of Zionism, Hollywood, created epic movies about the two great men and even made their teachings part of academia. This sealed the deal.

Thus, when each contemporary nation began to realise that their leaders were psychopaths and that the mRNA jab was a weapon of democide, instead of marching on their respective parliaments with flaming torches and hay forks, and hurling their tormentors off the battlements, as commmonsense and historic precedent would dictate, they shouted fiesty slogans and sang songs of triumph... all recorded on selfies. "Take that!" they shouted to electronic posterity.

Now you understand why all WEFers and Jab Mandarins, wear inexplicable smirks. You think you are winning. They know you lost decades ago.

But some of us clarified the equation: Psychopaths are devoid of empathy and psychopaths get pleasure from causing pain and injury. Why then would they be melted by earnest exhortations to desist from causing pain and injury? We viewed the overall picture of jab democide and burgeoning WWIII and realised the only valid equation is 'Kill or be killed'.

There you go. How to lose an audience in one fell sweep.

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Ivan, Another issue we can agree upon!

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