In essence I agree with You, but will nitpick from My perspective. I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - with "good" as upholding the Betterment Ethic.

Our planet is run by unEthical psychopaths (yes, psychopaths can choose Ethical behavior, but most don't, being psychopaths).

Yes, it is predicated on money, but the form is largely irrelevant beyond defining specific manifestations of power application. All money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top. They will not stop short of breaking the Laws of Ethics - virtually all of Us would not kill for money, but psychopaths, lusting after the power over Others that money provides, have no issues doing so.

Let Me define money as I use it: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. Trade and barter count - and in times when that was the exchange of the day, the psychopaths would find ways to monopolize needed things - water, land, seed, passage, etc. Thereby They would gain the power.

Anything representational of those - shells, beads, metals, paper, electronic bits - allows the psychopaths to garner all the more power for far less effort.

And, as money accounts for energy added into a system... Clearly the reason They avidly hide and suppress free energy is that free energy makes accounting for Our energy pointless. And 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy. The resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.

Add free energy and We are freed from those chains. And as I personally KNOW We do have at least one such technology, I persist in suggesting that, in Humanity's best interest, We do all We can to get it out in the open and solve for psychopaths in control. And... Effectively return to Us Our share of Our planet's wealth, presently held in "TRUSTS" (legal caps).

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

The Three Laws of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-three-laws-of-ethics

The Betterment Ethic vs. the Slave’s Creed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-betterment-ethic-vs-the-slaves

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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Ethos 👍🏼

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Hi, good article! Thank you very much. I would like you to know I try to keep humor in mind, when speaking on this. I am satirically humorous.

I have one question, we have known for ages, this type of tyranny has reigned, over and over and over again…why are we continually allowing this to happen? I asked several people about it.

Never get a straight answer. I even tore up my governor of my state, regarding a few dirty secrets and lies, like Sen. Menendez.

This is what I propose. This is a very poor example, but only thing that comes to mind, if someone is an alcoholic, they are told, to get clean and sober, go to AA or a rehab facility to get off of alcohol. Right?(cheers, mate!🤣🍻) (kidding).

The tyrants are atrocities, why can’t we send these evil people to “TA”?

Tyrants Anonymous??? 🤣

Do you all wonder if what we are doing is giving them power, and this is a psyop?

Look, I am very against the nwo, who, nih… I have been for years. It seems the more negative power we give, the more negative we get.

BUT! I am subject to also. I respect the articles on here and the people who write them. This is the best platform I have found, where I find I don’t get scrutinized. So take this as a pun.

On a more serious note, this is a high level of concern for me. Who truly is or enemy and why can’t we get together as a people, not a collective or a hive mind, just people who believe the same thing or think the same way? Just asking for me! Thanks again, Lisa 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Hi Lisa - the reason we can't get rid of them is because it is institutionalized in the Crown Monarchy System, passed down through the institutions and the group that forms the monarchy or the Emperor, which in the era of the Roman Empire was called the Roman Imperial Cult - it is the ruling groups inner cult, and I broadened it out by calling it the Monarchy Imperial Cult - this group doesn't and to date has not died - and has existed in multiple forms throughout history in different nations, regions, empires. It is what created all the empires Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman Monarchy-pre-Republic, Kingdom of Judah and Israel, Persia, China, Russia, Japan etc. This is why I called the entire system the Crown Monarchy System. Even Genghis Khan was another.

All of these empires through this system decided they have the right to rule, to create empires and conquer the world. It's been going on for thousands of years.

The only people who lived free in tribal and small communities were those far, far, far from these monarchy tyrants - but in the last 500 years that ended as the western monarchies under the Pope and the Vatican monarchy marched around the world conquering everyone. And continuing to fight amongst themselves.

The group that has won the endless battle is the group that added the power of banking and its ability to enslave populations nations and take all the wealth.

That's the group I mentioned.

I have come to the conclusion that the philosophy that holds this group together, which I didn't mention above is essentially the Babylon Mystery Religion -and its signs and symbols are all through the western elites institutions. This religion gives them all the psychopathy of might is right, that it's their right to rule, one standard for them and one for everyone else.

And that the Crown Monarchy System makes them the gods and all else are slaves.

From what I see all roads lead to Zion - the Lion of Judah rules in the western monarchies.

The Israelites, the lost tribes of Israel all migrated to Europe and became the ruling elites.

My pet theory on the exact group is all the Roman Empire elites that track their families bloodlines to Zion and are in the same cartel working together.

Hope that helps

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Why yes I did, Ivan! Thank you. I am 1000% Italian, with a bloodline and I was waiting for this. All roads lead to Rome.

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Ivan, knowing history, wars, treaties, and more wars, calling the world stage, during war, there is no doubt in my mind we are being played. As a record skips, we could use a couple of skips in history, “you know what I am talkin’ about, hey- oow”(sopranos, my family talks this way), meaning there were some good men who walked this earth and made massive changes or skips, as you will. One person comes to mind, Jesus. Not only is He spoken about in religion, He is spoken as someone who changed the path of history…I would like to get into theology, but I understand this is fact filled article. Not only is it the emperor, the monarch, or the king, people will follow. Which makes for your good read. I believe we can change if we had the right being in power…thanks again! 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thanks Lisa - I share your optimism. Humanity has been fighting against enslavement since the era of the Annunaki-sky gods, the true source of the Crown Monarchy System used by all empires, and the Vatican. We will continue to fight it. But understanding it is key.

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Did you know the Annunaki are spoken about in the Bible?

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I know that the people I have been learning from on the net talk about this, but I haven't read it myself. How are they mentioned that you are aware of?

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Hi Ivan! 🙋🏻‍♀️Lisa here, sorry it took so long.

I have been prepping for surgery…3rd knee replacement…

Anyway, here we go.

Genesis 6:4 speaks about the fallen, mighty, giants or watchers. The Nephilim.

Genesis 11:28 speaks of a region between the northern part of the Tigris and Euphrates, called the Ur of Chaldeans. (Wealthy people, populous, and the sophisticated pagan center of southern Mesopotamia, SE of Bagdad)

And now for the annunaki…Deuteronomy 20-21

Explanation: vs.20 “land of Rephiam” who were giants that occupied Palestine on both sides of the Jordan. vs.21 “a people as great, numerous and tall as the Anakim (annunaki), but the Lord destroyed them before them.” “Destroyed them before them”, is referring to the Lord destroying the annunaki, before the Rephiam arrived. Just a bunch of giants lived there. Its amazing to find this, thank you. Remember, during end of lockdown, people were said to hear the cries of the giants? By the Euphrates, near Palestine? That’s interesting.

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Thanks Ivan! I do, and I stand with you in this unseen battle. I will always stand for the just and true. My past does define me, but my genealogy does not! Onwards!

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I didn’t finish…lol. I understand all of the “mighty men”, who tried to conquer their lands and sorely failed. The Roman empire is still alive and cooking, no pun intended, as with the monarchy. As we know the committee of 300 is led by DC, London City and the Vatican. With each layer it gets dark and dirty, again, understood, but I thought, we the people have the power.

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You forgot to mention who infiltrated the Vatican, DC, and London. It starts with a J and ends with ws. No mention of their specific groups Neocons that did the War of Terror for the last 23 years.

You fail.

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Will I didn't forget them. Just didn't mention it.

Because in fact the ones that claim to be part of this group, meaning those we can see because that is what they identify as publicly, if they are involved in doing evil then they are JINOs, Jews in name only. According to the religious rabbis a Jew is someone that follows the religious teachings of the Torah!!!! It's not about names, DNA, or the family you were born into. George Soros is not a Jew. He is a JINO. And he has candidly stated very clearly he does not believe in god.

Have you read any of rabbi Antlemann's books - he wrote 2 volumes called To Eliminate the Opiate-which outlines how the elites of that community helped create the communism movement, and the development of the modern evil that is Reform Judaism, which is secular and dates back to 1666, when an evil rabbi called Sabbati Zevi created a 50:50 split in the community with the Redemption through Sin doctrines - which means exactly what it implies. That they can do all the evil that they like in the name of bringing around the End Times to hurry up and bring the Messiah back -

This is what the rabbis of this movement promote to this day. It's extreme Evil. And it has divided their community into 2 groups, and these new evil bastards turned on and called the religious Jews, who follow the Torah, "Orthodox Jews," to make them sound out of touch!!!! A little like 'paganism' was used to brand and destroy polytheism which was the oldest religious practice on earth, and also the most tolerant, before they invented monotheism as a weapon of divide and control.

And of course this group are the Zionists, because this movement was created by the elites of the power behind the Vatican and the Crown Monarchy system, which includes the monarchies, bankers and billionaires.

And this is where it gets interesting - because while we can see the useful idiots the real Evil are the 3 groups I mentioned and if you look at the signs and symbols you see them clear as day.

The Lion of Judah is the uniting symbol of all the European monarchies, and aristocrats!!!!! And that tells us they are Zionists. Apart from being able to track their families to the Roman Imperial Cult, especially after they'd taken over the Roman Empire by creating Christianity and the Vatican seized the emperorship - the pope becoming the Pontifex Maximus, thus the Church displaced the Roman Empire and became the empire.

I think it is simply a cartel of the Zionists.

Which of course we can track to Noah and the 12 tribes of Israel.

The monotheists destroyed the Roman's polytheist religion, took it over, and used their faction to continue the War on Humanity, with the objective to recreate a World Government Empire, which likely existed before the Great Flood, because that is what the Sumerian texts and the history of the Annunaki tells us - which is the source of the Crown Monarchy System and all of this evil.

And the imperative was the same whether the empire was polytheist or monotheist. The doctrine of empire is the King of Kings, which comes from the Annunakis King of the Sky-Gods doctrine. And the doctrine of expanding empire is the evil virus that comes from this pre-flood era when the Annunaki tell us, via the Sumerian texts, that they had a one world empire based in technology and monarchy. And the slavery of mankind.

The true superweapon that the Roman Empire Cartel - monarchies, bankers and billionaires - have deployed is banking and debt. Because this super-weapon destroys nations from the inside - sucking out all the wealth through debt and interest, which since the invention of central banking, and the formation of the modern Central Banks Cartel, has gone on steroids and transferred nearly 50% of all wealth to the 1% and another 40% to the top 10%- their useful idiots-which apart from those at the top of the corporate sector it is those that infest our governments and use our wealth to control us and steal our wealth via taxation.

While the group you mentioned is the easy target, and has been made a target deliberately by their own elites, remember the Zionists have often attacked their own people when they resist their political tyranny - Lenin created the first anti-Semitism laws in Soviet Russia to protect the Jews because a great number of Bolsheviks were JINOs, but then after mass murdering the Christians, Stalin turned on the anti-communist Jews, because they refused to support the communists godless tyranny. This is called anti-Semitism. Nope. It was killing off the anti-communists.

The ugly truth is the Jews have been used as useful idiots by the evil elites of their community in exactly the same way that Catholics have been used as useful idiots and cannon fodder to fight the wars for the empires of the Crown Monarchy System for nearly 2,000 years, and it is still happening today.

I think the true Evil can be defined as the Crown Monarchy System, which is totalitarianism - and those that support its continued existence, which I would suggest the top dogs are the Elders of Zion - all roads lead to Zion.

Noah and the 12 tribes - claiming to be 'God's chosen people' - to 'repopulate the earth' and to subjugate humanity to their power. The tribe of Judah had the original rights to the monarchy of Judah!!!! All the signs and symbols lead to Rome and then back to Zion.

In truth the elites back then worshipped the Babylon Mystery Religion - which was one of the empires that passed down the doctrines of the Crown Monarchy System - that 'might is right' that the tiny ruling elites have the right to rule - that their word is law (Rome's Pope's doctrine of infallibility) that they have the right to the whole planet and all mankind is but slaves to them - Rome's popes again have declared this repeatedly.

The Evil is in the doctrines and those that support it.

And sadly because the majority of humanity is trapped within the Pyramids of Power and organization of their systems - we all fund it.

The Neocons are just one of the groups of this entire Empire of Evil.

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Impressive work. Thank you.

You mention the Torah being the true book for Orthodox Jews.

Where does the Talmud fit into all of this? And does it if into the Crown Monarchy System?

Your mention of some believing to be "that community helped create the communism movement, and the development of the modern evil that is Reform Judaism, which is secular and dates back to 1666, when an evil rabbi called Sabbati Zevi created a 50:50 split in the community with the Redemption through Sin doctrines - which means exactly what it implies. That they can do all the evil that they like in the name of bringing around the End Times to hurry up and bring the Messiah back -"

The Talmud pre-dates rabbi Sabbati Zevi of course, but the doctrine seems to suggest similar teaching(s). No?

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Hi mate,

Thanks for the compliment - always appreciated.

I mentioned the Torah because I was quoting what rabbi Antelman, and numerous other rabbis have said that true Judaism is based on the teachings in the Torah, which are absolutely morality and ethically based, a little like the true words of the Jesus Christ.

In order to destroy the influence of religious rabbis and morality based Judaism which comes from the Torah it was labelled Orthodox Judaism and Reform Judaism was promoted by the Zionists who wanted Israel - and just this morning I was thinking about why they wanted Israel and I think it is exactly for what we are seeing today to create a war between the Jews and the Muslims, which will spread worldwide and bring about the 'End Times' - I personally regard all this in the Bible not as prophecy but as a PLAN OF ACTION - which when you consider that it was only the elites who could read, and that all old texts were written in codes so the insiders of the religious cults, that determined who was king, and those codes laid out their true plans. It would also explain why the Vatican was so furious over translating the Bible to English.

The Talmud certainly predates Zevi 1666, it goes back to the early origins of Judaism and was for 2,000 years or more only an oral tradition, and kept very secret - and while I cannot claim to know a lot about it from what I do know it lends credibility to your statement that the doctrines are similar.

I personally believe that the Zionist elites of the 13 tribes of Israel are the true power at the top of everything - and most of them are not "Jews" - but they are all of the same bloodlines and all committed to their intergenerational plans to dominate the world - just think of the British monarchy-clearly not the top dogs, but their family tracks back to Julius Caesar-who tracked his family back 500+ years!!!!

The Zionists use the Jews as useful idiots, they use the Christians as useful idiots, they use the Catholics as useful idiots, they use the Muslims as useful idiots, and they use the communists as useful idiots - all to keep the constant wars, the true divide and conquer strategy, war, war, war - it's a war between the elites who are all on the same team globally against their own people and the people of other nations - that is what I call the War on Humanity.

If you want to read rabbi Antelman's work here's a link below. It's his second volume, which is on the Internet Archive, but the first volume 1974 has not been uploaded. I have noticed this has happened with dozens of books going back hundreds of years, the Internet Archive does not upload what the global cabal does not want the general population to know. E.g. a book written by a famous British guy early in the 20th century on creating food sovereignty at home in Britain is not available!!!!!

This book below is one of the sources I have relied on, backed up with cross referencing from many others, to make some of the comments up above in this thread.

Once again thanks for your feedback.



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I forgot to respond to your question about the Crown Monarchy System.

This is the basis of all monarchy systems, which originates in history with the Annunaki-sky gods and their world monarchy system, which was run by their supreme king, the king of the sky gods, which has come down to us through different civilizations as different names - the Annunaki's supreme king was known as Enlil - later as Yaweh (the god the Israelites worshipped), and later as Zeus! And other names in other civilizations.

The Crown Monarchy System creates the doctrines that give us all forms of monarchy - both local monarchy claiming the right to rule by blood and god, and empires where the supreme king has been known as the emperor, which is the king of kings doctrine - where the emperor king rules over the vassal nations kings - this is a direct copy of the Annunakis 'king of the sky gods' - with the ultimate aim to rule the entire world.

The philosophy and doctrines of the Crown Monarchy System came through most of history under polytheism - which was the workship of multiple Annunaki sky gods all representing different parts of what is important to mankind - and then the Monotheists created a new religious philosophy in order to divide and conquer (my opinion) - and in fact if you think about the idea of Monotheism, which is only relatively new to humanity - it's the source of the greatest evils, because it not only divides humanity, it creates racism, it creates religious intolerance, and it turns everyone into useful idiots for the Evil at the top of it - which has happened under every single example of monotheism - Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Tengrism (Genghis Khan).

I am not a fan of monotheism - or for that matter the worship of the Annunaki sky gods!

So coming back to your question about the Crown Monarchy System - yes, it relates, because no matter what line of monarchy, empire and emperors we look it they are all relying on the same doctrine.

It is my opinion that all the wars throughout history have been monarchial wars for empire and the right to rule - not bankers wars. Banking is a tool of slavery and warfare for sure. But it is the higher philosophy that has weaponized it.

And if you assume the Zionist faction wants to rule the world then they must destroy all other contenders, and subjugate all of humanity under their power.

That's what 1,000 years of wars in Europe was about - the colonization of Europe under the Vatican's power - then they went around the world waging wars on other monarchies and destroying all religions, especially polytheism labelled paganism, and subjugating everyone to 'Christianity.'

It's not pretty.

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Your quote: "It is my opinion that all the wars throughout history have been monarchical wars for empire and the right to rule - not bankers wars. Banking is a tool of slavery and warfare for sure. But it is the higher philosophy that has weaponized it." ----- For the most part you could right. However, there was a change in the philosophy roughly at the time of the Bavarian Illuminati with Johann Adam Weishaupt, Amschel Rothschild and Sabbatei Zevi; these individual Parasites engineered a way to Annex without Annexation. If you want to tie together the manner in which conquest was changed, here is a post on the "No Annexation Principle" which makes references to the Protocols of Elders of Zion:


Since about 300 years ago, all wars ARE Bankers wars because the Bankers are all Sabbateans not Jews. I agree with you about there being a segment of "moral" Jews, the Jewish community were known to have opposed the formation of Israel. So I typically do endorse the Individual Jewish person as being able to choose NOT to commit crimes, just like any other Individual.

Also, Semitism itself is a system of slaves and masters from the most ancient attestations, as Tereza has pointed out: "The Canaanites were bequeathed by Noah to Shem to be his slaves. To be Anti Shemite is to be against that system of slaves and masters." Also, "When we apply the term "Semitic" to some group of people; even if the Palestinians are considered more than 80% genetically Semitic, the Palestinians are likely the descendants of the original Canaanites who were enslaved by their masters."

The masters were known as Šagašu, in ancient Sumeria; they were known as Habiru (Hebrew) when they held control in ancient Egypt, their rulers were known as Heka Khasut; they were known as the Archons in Ancient Greece, Tereza states in her book: "prior to Solon who created the Athenian "Democracy" which was a system of representative tyranny."

For another perspective on the OT and the Exodus here's my post on Hyksos and the first Holocaust:


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Give this a look and share with Tereza, maybe Frances and Julius and others who might see a reason for linking, and sharing. (I don’t yet know how to do a group copy)




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One more for the group. Sasha puts forth this one from Catherine Austin Fitts further explaining how all the wealth transfer ends up in the hands of TPTB like the Illuminati.


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Please see my comment below Ivan's, just some of my thoughts on this. ;-)

--- Nef

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Hi Nef,

Thanks for your great comment - I'll read your 2 articles tomorrow, it's late here about 9.30pm and I'm being called by my better half to come home - I'm up in the community room of our building where I usually work.

Briefly though, regarding your comment on the bankers. I still don't see it as the bankers - because they are one part of the cabal that is behind the Vatican and the Zionism project which are related because I think all of the elites that make up the Monarchial Imperial Cult are Zionist bloodlines, and they are also represented in the Roman Imperial Cult which transferred to what we call the Papal family bloodlines that chose the popes and are the true power behind the Vatican - which is the primary weapon against the people and used to wage war and turn the people into useful idiots.

I absolultely agree with your point about moral and good Jewish people -all communites are the same - divided into those psychopaths that will help evil and those who say no.

I loved your point about Noah and the slaves - this is the Crown Monarchy System doctrines at work.

I can see by both your name - (Why'd you choose it?) and your knowledge about the ancients, which is far superior to mine in terms of details - that you've got a great body of knowledge that goes way back. I only discovered the Annunaki about six months ago, and the more I dug into it the more I could feel the truth of it in my DNA.

And because I tend to be a big picture type of person I tend to try and put things into words and principles that help us to understand it - hence my constant repetition of names I am using to brand elements of the Evil that Rules Humanity!!!!

Talk soon.


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You might enjoy this read as well. Illuminati always has a perspective on things that’s designed to pit all us goyims against each other.


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Thanks mate.

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Let's stay in touch, it would be good to discuss these things. When you have more time. ;-)

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Ok. I was wrong. You know what is going on as much as one can. Understand, I get irritated when I see large essays that never mention the preeminent enemy of the last 24 years - Neocons and Zionists. I remember reading the PNAC proposal c.1998 and freaking out then. Others are guilty of using obscure labels for the enemy like “The Swamp”. American hicks are never going to identify their enemies of the state - actual institutions by name CIA, Israel, WHO, World Bank,… Thanks for naming the top institutions. At this point one cannot list them all because we would get down the list to FDA, American Medical Association, IRS…

I look forward to learning more from you.

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Wow-Will thank you for your reply. It takes a real man to say "I was wrong."

I don't always say I am right, but as the name of my blog says I am committed to the "Pursuit of Truth" because that is the ONLY thing that serves all of humanity, and can help to identify the real Evil, so we can know our enemies and fight back. What's unfortunate is that they have a head start of about 2,000 years on people like you and I. I must admit to the same sort of irritation. When I first started reading Karl Marx's rubbish I immediately identified that he never mentioned the true Evil at the top of the Crown System, which is what identifies him, and all the other communist wankers, as agents for the Evil that rules humanity. It's truly mind boggling how we are all so deep in the shit they've created! Lol. Look forward to your comments in the future Will. Thanks.


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I was just watching a YouTurd 20 minute clip from WP?, hypothesising that Reality is actually a simulation. That code appears at the quantum level is sending theoretical physicists into a tizzy. Is this Game about to End?

🤔 or 🤞?

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