Mar 18, 2022Liked by Ivan M. Paton

Sieg heil!

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The whole nasty mess is being exposed. This is how our country was infiltrated by people who do not have an allegiance to our great nation ... Nazi's, Marxist Communists. I am praying that God exposes it all ... all the lies and deceit. God sits on the throne and He rules with His mighty right hand, with the Lord Jesus Christ who reigns with Him. God is in control. God wins. He has the final say!

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

There's Nazis everywhere. There's Nazi in the United States: Trump (who was impeached for illegally denying Ukraine military aid to blackmail Zelensky and weaken NATO on Putin's behalf) praised tiki torch Nazis as "very fine people." Republican heroes like Marjorie Taylor-Greene recently went to a white nationalist conference where Hitler was praised. Both Trump and Candace Owens have said Hitler did some good things, and neo-Nazi groups have infiltrated US police and miltary. Looking forward to you Putin-apologists saying Russia should bomb America to "de-Nazify" it.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

Get some mental help. Trump wasn't impeached for anything illegal, it was a Democrat show trial to cover for their corruption, i.e. Biden's. He never called Nazis "very fine people", you like the leftist media take everything out of context. He ridiculed both the leftist Nationalists & Antifa, both Democrat front groups. MTG was never at any 'white' nationalist group, nor did Candace Owens speak highly of your buddy Hitler; all lies but then again you know that to be true. You want to find your Nazis? Try the Fascist left, i.e. Democrat party. The very same people pushing for war against Putin are those in the U.S. that Funded and used the CIA to train the NAZI Azov Battalion which is Zelensky's lead military force. It's their goal to draw us into WWIII. Why on earth should we send military support to a Fascist led puppet Zelensky which only arms NAZIS who are now using citizens as human shields? These of the Azov Battalion are the same who have been slaughtering citizens, in particular Russians within the Ukraine since 2014. Those are your allies in this 'fight'.

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Typical fascist, lying, brainwashed, Putin-apologist psycho who needs to lay off the drugs.

"BUCHA, Ukraine — It was cold when Russian soldiers came for Oleg Abramov, his wife said, so they killed him after taking his sweater.

A few days after the invasion of Ukraine, Iryna Abramova, 42, was with Oleg and her father in their house in the town of Bucha near the capital, Kyiv, when the soldiers threw a grenade through a window, she said. Still wearing slippers, the three ran into the cold to escape the fire.

'They made him take his sweater off, then they put him on his knees and shot him in the head,” Abramova told NBC News as she stood in front of her home in the now-devastated town. “Half of his head was gone. I went on the street and blood was still pumping from his head.'"

Russian speakers in Ukraine support Zelensky, not Putin and his Nazi war crimes that you cheer, support, and make excuses for.

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Even other Republicans rebuked anti-Semitic Putin-apologist Marjorie Taylor-Greene for attending a conference of white nationalist Nazis, why are you such a liar? 😂


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Like I said, get some mental help; you're clearly an unhinged liberal who loves their Rachel Madcow talking points. When someone like yourself can be lied to repeatedly for over 4 years on the "Russia hoax" then go onto the next J6 Deep State entrapment and killing of Ashlii Babbitt by ignoring the real coup led by Bunker Biden, DNC & media monopolies that fraudulently put Biden into office, one really has to wonder just how easy it is to manipulate people like yourself as it doesn't take much.

As the MASSIVE evidence continues to expose the 2020 Voter fraud, take a look if you dare to find out the truth. https://hereistheevidence.com/

These are your Ukrainian Nazi buddies, the same ones that Putin is trying to get rid of that have been Ethnic Cleansing Ukraine of mostly citizens of Russian descent since 2014 when the U.S. put in puppet Zelensky, i.e. Fascist leader. US Funds Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine https://quemadoinstitute.org/2016/01/14/us-funds-neo-nazi-azov-battalion-in-ukraine/

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nazi Agenda https://thefallingdarkness.com/ukraine-war-what-is-it-good-for-the-nazi-agenda/

John McCain And Lindsey Graham Caught Inciting Ukraine To Attack Russia 2016 https://newspunch.com/mccain-graham-ukraine-russia/

Lindsey Graham @1:10 of video: “Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of offense. All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia. Enough of a Russian aggression. It is time for them to pay a heavier price.”

John McCain was no less provocative: “I believe you will win. I am convinced you will win and we will do everything we can to provide you with what you need to win.”

Make Nazism Great Again in Ukraine https://thefallingdarkness.com/make-nazism-great-again-pepe-escobar/ A reputed CIA offshoot - The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - has allegedly been deleting records about financing Ukrainian forces and training members of Ukraine’s controversial Aidar 'NAZI' Battalion https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1505982577924087831

NAZIS are socialists and democrats are socialists only now they're both Fascist & Marxist; take your pick. This means that you're deflecting from reality because you want it to be true about your opposition but save yourself some time and just look in the mirror Fascist.

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Here's the Putin the Nazi's fascist Russian war machine that controls everything you do, say or think getting caught in yet more lies about its war crimes by independent satellite imagery from weeks ago:


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You're an unhinged, unthinking leftist with terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome and a love for all things Fascist. If you think Putin is a Fascist, then you believe in the Easter bunny. Good riddance and enjoy your life of fantasy.

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Racist, rapist pedophile Trump on his child rapist pedophile best friend Jeff Epstein: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Fucking gross. #TrumpIsAPedophile

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The GQP party of crotchgrabbing Epstein-bestie Trump, teen trafficker Matt Gaetz, pedophile Mark Foley, sex abuse enabler Gym Jordan, and longest-serving Republican House Speaker turned convicted boy rapist Denny Hastert is smearing KBJ 😂 😂 😂

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You're a retarded, racist, drug addicted Rethuglikkklan traitor with terminal Trump Dicksucking Syndrome and a love for all things communist.

If you haven't realized yet that Putin is a pathological lying war criminal who is shutting down independent media, bombing Ukrainian children, banning the word "war," arresting antiwar protestors and murdering and jailing political opponents because he's an anti-freedom fascist just like you and Trump then you are just as stupid and gullible as the whole word thinks Trump supporters are.

Enjoy being a dumb incel with no clout outside of your cult of Fox News slave Putin-puppets and QAnon trash.

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The Russia hoax was Treason Trump, who should be in prison for his treason. Both Mueller and Republican senators found Trump colluded. He publicly called for Russia to steal emails, his scampaign met with Russian spies in Trump Tower to exchange election meddling for ending sanctions, and both his anti-American while nationalist advisor Bannon and Russian spy campaign manager Paul Manafort used stolen data to help the Kremlin coordinate propaganda cyberattacks using social media.

Then Traitor Trump was impeached for illegally denying Ukraine military aid to blackmail Zelensky and weaken NATO on Putin's behalf. Now he's under FBI investigation for his criminal theft and destruction of classified documents. #TrumpColluded #JailTreasonTrump


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Donald Trump Finally Admits Defeat: 'I Didn't Win the Election'1


And yet you're too much a meth-addicted sore loser crybaby to grow up and get over. You lost. Move on with your pathetic life.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Like I said, lay off the meth, QAnon. I understand that you are a Fox News slave totally controlled by Nazi Putin's propaganda, but your drug-addicted radical right extremist Putin-puppet tantrums aren't going to change the fact Trump's own judges, lawyers, Supreme Court, Attorney General, Justice Department, Arizona fraudit, and Republican governors and election officials all rejected his sore loser election lies.

Dementia Donald lost because he sucks and most Americans despise him, because he's a fat, pathological lying birther bigot, rapist, pedophile, and traitor who killed a million Americans with his coronavirus lies and incompetence. Grow up, dry your MAGA Tears, and get over it.


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'Kill them all, for f**k sake': Shocking intercepted audio reveals conversation between Russian soldiers

New audio from intercepted radio traffic revealing Russian soldiers killing and raping civilians.

Here's the Russian troops controlled by your Nazi dictator Putin getting caught pledging to execute innocent Ukrainian civilians.


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"Since 2014 when the US put in puppet Zelensky" Zelensky, who enjoys overwhelming approval in Ukraine, took office in 2019, but thanks for proving the point that you right wing Putin Nazis are uneducated, ignorant morons totally brainwashed by Kremlin propaganda. Please stop taking drugs and do some research.

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Socialism was fascist, racist, sore loser Putin-puppet Trump and his party of communist liars shoveling trillions in corporate welfare to greedy billionaires, war contractors, big banks, rich megachurches, right wing corporations, and corporate farms hurt by Drama Queen Donnie's anti-capitalist China trade war he lost.

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022

Imagine telling others to get mental help when you're still to much of a delusional crybaby to accept Treason Trump's own judges, lawyers, Supreme Court, Attorney General, Justice Department, Arizona fraudit, and Republican governors and election officials all rejected his sore loser election lies.

Lay off the meth, QAnon.


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Hitler-apologist Candace Owens: "‘If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine"


No wonder you support racist, fascist killers and pedos like Putin and Trump: you lie as much as they do lol

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You allies in this fight = the Nazi fascist Putin, who is trying to start WW3 by forcing Ukrainian civilians into Nazi camps, bombing children and civilians, jailing and murdering political opponents, arresting protestors, banning words, shutting down independent media outlets, and robbing the Russian people blind to make himself rich.

80% of Americans, most of the world, and Russians within Ukraine all support Zelensky, not fascist Nazi murdered Putin. Your Putin propaganda tears won't change that. Keep crying. #GloryToUkraine

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"We won with the poorly educated, I love the poorly educated." - Dementia Donald, talking about you. Even if you got mental help, it would not help you delusional Trump-Putin slaves.

After laughing his toxic political career with racist birther lies, corrupt pedophile and patholgical liar Trump called tiki torch Nazis very fine people and tweeted a White Power video on June 28 2020, before illegally inciting the deadly Jan 6 QAnon terror attack to destroy democracy and invalidate black votes. He was impeached for that and for illegally denying Ukraine military aid to blackmail Zelensky and weaken NATO on Putin's behalf.

Now, having been caught illegally stealing and destroying classified documents, Trump is praising Putin's slaughter of Ukrainian children as "genius" and "savvy." Not surprising you amoral, evil, fascist Rethuglikkklan Trump trash support this sickness.

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