Ivan, I can't seem to find anywhere to message you. Here is one I posted today. I thought you'd be interested since you wrote most of it! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/diverting-attention-from-the-global

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Hi Courageous Lion,

I always check all my links like this so will pick it up. But apart from that the Notes function you can write a note in there and tag people by using the @+name, and that's another way to contact and get the notification on Substack.

Looking forward to seeing what you wrote and posted - feel free to borrow any of my stuff to help you to create content.


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All liars! Great reporting 👍🏽

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Indeed, the money-promoted psychopaths are aiming to depopulate. Imagine how it will be when We take that tool to power away...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Yes money as energy is key, and part of the key to destroying their Money Cartel is to create as close to free energy as you can on a decentralized field. Because when my energy is free, or any businesses energy, one of the largest input costs is gone, it means that all human movement and interactions are massively multiplied - which means that all aspects of the economic and social economies are multiplied for the lowest cost. Money is a representation of energy. And energy is the key. And every day I go outside for a walk or a run I look at the wonder of our sun beaming in free energy 24/7 and the abundant life and energy it creates - FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, and this freed up energy removed from the grip of money would be synonymous with a tremendous mobility of thought (i.e. off-leash, unleveraged, uncensored use of the human intellect). Instead, we get sterilized gobstopper concepts from economics theory such as "liquidity" and "velocity" of money. These simple terms reveal the cartel's goals through backlighting. Most urgently, we exist inside an enforced rigidity extending beyond the financial straitjacket to encompass the soma and the psyche itself. Electricity (which transhumanism and technocratic totalitarianism wholly depend on for their survival) has been inserted into the canon of the fundamental tenets of Scientism, an irrational and quasi-religious belief system system that underpins the cartel (together with its Annunaki-Babylonian heritage). Electromagnetism, as the hugely maligned genius Wilhelm Reich discovered, is a mere secondary effect in biological organisms, not the primary cause or functionality. Delusion as to our true power sources are the utter bane of humanity. We have inadvertently been conditioned to believe in electromagnetism as a god-like force extending throughout the material universe. Ironically, as much as this is itself a giant falsity, it is the unethical and depraved misuse of such a secondary agency that has been weaponized through 5G, 6G etc. to depopulate and neuromodulate homo "sapiens" (clears throat), which is essentially The Global Enclosure Project. Its apogee would be finalized CBDC synthesis with biological being, the fusion of the physical, digital and financial into a glob of meaninglessness and humiliation. So to rescue "energy" from illusion is the necessary first step. The problem we face is the unwillingness of most human beings to let go of cherished illusions which supply them with the illusion of stability, no matter if those very illusions are strangling them to death.

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Hi Dr. Nicholas - that's another breakthrough for me - the concept that electromagnetism and electricity are not what Scientism is telling us.

I also love your use of the phrase The Global Enclosure Project - I read up on the Enclosures from 1700-1900 about a year ago and I was shocked at their implications, the poverty they caused, the destruction of access to self-sufficiency in Europe, and then I realized this is the same principle of putting indigenous people on reservations, or land rights claims areas - a slow genocide.



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You just reminded me of my intuitive knowing. We had access to flight at the family level in the not too distant past. The enclosures and countries were formed to keep us corralled. When we had flight this was too difficult. So to make flight expensive and out of the reach of the many is playing in THEIR ball park. When flight is handed back to us the many, THEY will have lost. From the air we survey everything.

This is why drone flight is banned in national parks, THEY have set ups in wilderness/remote areas we must not ever see.

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While the sun's energy is free, it would seem that to turn it into electricity is a dirty and costly thing. Much rather getting some of the tech They hide out in the open...

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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Passports came in to being with the enclosures. P on old passports meant pauper. Permission to pass from one landowner to the next. Religious poor houses managed paupers and their work passes.

Ivan you might like my articles, in particular, we breathe air not oxygen.

I explain why the air is not made up of oxygen and nitrogen and the other 1% of gases either.

Water is an element. Water is water, not h2o.

Air is the gaseous form of water.

Air and water interchange.

air is bubbles, bubbles carry stuff eg sand in sandstorms.

Water is full bubbles or drops.

When air loses energy the bubbles combine and form drops/rain, eg cold front meets up with warm air.

When water gains energy, bubbles are given up, eg pour a glass of water and watch the bubbles rise up from the movement you gave it.

The air we breathe is made by the oceans, every white top releases rafts of salty bubbles.

Click on my blue icon to find my writing.

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Hi Jane, thanks for the information about passports and air, you just added 2 files to my research folder - I always wondered why we went from a world that was open borders to passports and controls.

I just had a look at your Substack home page and the first thing I saw wins me over - the article on salt - about 3-4 years ago I had worked out this was a false narrative! So I'll have a look through your articles soon.

What you just said above about AIR (second new file) I have NEVER SEEN ANY WHERE.

Can you recommend the articles you've covered this topic?


Thanks for your help.


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Passports, I read an article about the enclosures years ago, it was related to understanding how laws developed. You’ll come across it now you know about it. Or someone may comment here and give you a link because they’ve read it recently.

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I know all about the Enclosure Acts and have often commented about it - this was the smashing of the Social Contract of the aristocrats and their tenant farmers, which turned them into impoverished people living in ghettoes who were grateful to become wage slaves in the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions.

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Not where I read it but it explains internal travel passes came first

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I grew up with the Jetsons, flight was being promised again, dreams of flying mainly as a child.

Seeing google earth censor their aerial photos, looking at the star forts and ruins of star forts, mountains/cliffs that look like the ruins of old cities, makes me think this place uses to be populated with a lot more people than we have today.

Mud floods, Tartarian architecture shows a well connected society ,odd roof top verandas that may have tied up a blimp balloon ship ...

I think if we can imagine it, we can create it.

I always say no thank you, when I think on something evil.

I believe we are hard to kill, this is why they start at birth with day 1 vax.

We are resilient when we understand our physiology and our mind/heart/family connections are strong.

Salt is the key.

The salt sayings tell us more about our past knowledge.

Salt restriction I just found out is an old colonial strategy to keep people compliant, chronic dehydration brings on stress intolerance.

Gandhi salt march was to protest the English salt tax and monopoly on their essential electrolyte.

Restricting salt causes huge amounts of suffering and death.

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I have to agree with you about the 'we are hard to kill' thought.

This is why Klaus Schwab said "We are not all safe unless everyone is vaccinated" - meaning poisoned.

We are resilent and this has been driving the elites of the Crown Monarchy System mad since the scumbag King of the Annunaki Sky Gods, Enlil, decided to destroy humanity with plagues, droughts and famines, and when that didn't work he decided to blow up the earth with the Great Flood and drown us all out - and still we survived!!!!! (Sumerian texts history)

Very interesting your thoughts on salt.

I've been buying sea salt for at least 10 years now from salt farmers on the tidal flats of Thailand and I am sure my health improved for it.

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Here’s a review of the salt march, used as a template for non-violence action


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Grrr - I get a 403 forbidden on that link. Let me switch countries on VPN.

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Wow - 3 countries later on the VPN I finally found it.

Definitely targeted information.

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Thanks Jane. :)

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p.p.p.s. Jane that was a FANTASTIC article on salt - one for my health folder. Ta muchly.

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The only law that matters anymore is the law of the jungle kill or be killed detach from their satanic matrix and do what you must to survive they started the war on humanity and the only thing that matters is who wins it

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I absolutely agree with you on this Bradley

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Less souls on earth is a good thing according to Bill Gates..If he was eliminated then humanity would be better off.He and all his billionaires buddies are satanic ghouls and they want to kill most of the people on the planet..Well I say they are the only plague of humanity on earth

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You are right. The true "useless eaters" are, and always have been, the parasites at the top of the Pyramids of Power - the bankers, billionaires, and monarchies - they rape, pillage and plunder the wealth of the 99% to enrich the 1%. Parasites.

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Of course it's a HOAX/CON/SCAM...

The best The Black Nobility now known as The City of London Central Banker Family Cartel with Crown Corporation can come up with to infiltrate the United States to dismantle the Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution DEFINING UNALIENABLE RIGHTS which dismantling their Absolute Power and ownership of all the Earth and all it contains.

Just a lie paired with consorship of history and American Civics/History from the education of young; thus creating MAO'S YOUTH hating America and it's history...Those now raising hell and supporting the evils of Totalitarianism, Feudalism and Technocratic Slavery among demons poisoning and DEPLOYING BioElectoChemicalNanoWeapon Injections towards MASS MURDER, STERILIZATION, DISABILITY AND DIGITAL SLAVERY of all life on the planet.

Bully Billionaire Mafia of The Black Nobility hidden behind the Demonic U.N. Nazi's have been largely successful with the infiltration of American Institutions also now used to hide behind...STEALING AND USING AMERICAN GOVT. TO HIDE BEHIND JUST AS THEY DID THE PEOPLE OF THE BRITISH ISLES AND CONTINUE TO DO IN CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN, NORTH KOREA, CUBA...And, all the Totalitarian States of the world.

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Lol - there's always so many aspects to all of this isn't there.

Here's a new thought for you.

What if the entire American War of Independence was based on big lies?

We know the British monarchy and the City of London have always been on the same team.

And since the concession given by King Henry way back in the day to the Vatican England was sworn to be a vassal of the Vatican in perpetuity!!!

So the Vatican controls England and all its dominions, which means the entire British Commonwealth, through the Crown Templars, their base in the City of London, and their puppets the British monarchy! And the base of Freemasonry is the City of London, the Crown Templars, and the British monarchy is the head of the worldwide Freemasons.

One big happy family.

And we know all the founding fathers of America were in fact Freemasons.

And one of them, can't recall which one, famously quipped 'You have a Republic if you can keep it.'

Now the Bank of England set the stage for the war by getting the British king to approve an act that made the 13 colonies subject to the bank for their money which impoverished them within a decade or so and the colonists were furious about it - because they'd been coining and creating their own money before that and it helped them to prosper.

But why piss off the colonists? In order to create the war and create a new United States.

But why?

Well the Royal Proclamation line of 1763 which ended the Seven Years War forbid all settlement west of the line drawn on the Appalaccian mountaisn, and to the west was an Indian Reserve. Which pissed off the colonists who wanted to take the land to the west from the Indians.

The War of Independence created the new state of America and the new state then marched all over the continent conquering lands to the north, west and south and amalgamating it all into the United States of America!

Which is exactly what the City of London and the British Monarchy wanted.

But of course the king couldn't say that.

What's interesting about the ending of the War of Independence is that the agreement was signed by men that actually represented both sides because they were Crown Templars and Freemasons - they were in effect settling with themselves.

I think this was intentional.

They created America, told the people they were free, expanded the territory to what it is today, let the colonialists tame the wild west, carved the nation out of the wilderness, and then the bankers just systematically stole it all and stripped all the wealth created by generations away bit by bit, and when the finally got the Federal Reserve in place it was the last piece they needed to take complete control over the nation, and to steal all the wealth - which is what the $34 trillion in debt represents - money printed from thin air, used to steal the wealth.

My point is that they were always there before, during, and after.

And they created America in order to let the people have the illusion they were free, and to build a nation, so they could steal it all.

They've done exactly the same in all colonies.

And Israel.

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Benjamin Franklin said, 'You have a Republic if you can keep it.' And, he's always been suspect in my book. Trouncing around the Salons of Europe on both the Mainland and Britain seemed to much to expect given the climate between Britain and the Colonies. Have read the Journals of the past generations so many times and know when still the Colonies; ALL KNEW ONE ANOTHER and all the family associations with both the ancestors in the Old Country and the colonists as well as connections in the Colonies. From north to south and into Florida, they were not all that isolated even though the settlments were very diverse in culture based both in the Old Countries and accomodating with the varied environments of the North American Continent which was far larger than they first expected before arrival.

Yes, there are many aspects to this scheme...As to be expected with 240 yrs. of 'Wheelin' and Dealin' behind closed doors. There were SOME who were in agreement as the Adam's, Franklin, Monroe as well as a few other signers. JEFFERSON WAS NOT...TOO HOT HEADED FOR THE SECRET SOCIETIES. Washington most certainly was; but do believe he turned on them when he was threatened with loss of Mount Vernon Estate which was his through Martha. Also, there were other little clubs competing with the Freemasons at that particular time...Every Christian Denomination had its own little niche in the Social Fabric. The largest error of the Black Nobility was it's decision to DISALLOW THE GROWTH OF INDUSTRY AND PRODUCTION in the Colonies with the insistence of all Natural Raw Resources being sent to Britain to be made into finished products. THAT WAS A HUGE ERROR AS THAT'S THE ACTUAL REASON THE REVOLUTION HAPPENED ON TOP OF TAXING THE COLONIES FOR THE FRENCH/INDIAN WAR...WHICH WAS ACTUALLY BRITAIN/INDIAN while Britain was also at odds with France in Europe.

At many given times; there were those NOT aligned with the Group you're writing about and those as Lincoln, Grant, Jefferson were only a few to be considered TRUE PATRIOTS AND EARLY MAGA.

Manifest Destiny was a part of the American World View which was about North America as a united land mass...And, NOT OTHER NATIONS. America didn't wish an Empire and in fact, abhored the thought of it as it reeked of European Politics and endless Wars among the Monarchies which were all related by blood as well as incestuous. England was the enemy at the close of the Revolutionary War...There was no agreement at that time. England ALWAYS staged all insurgency and espionage out of Ontario, Canada and they were always into STEALING RESOURCES FROM the U.S. Their hatred of The U.S. Constitution was intense from the beginning as displayed in The War of 1812...When they tried to again occupy U.S. Territory. It didn't work out.

As for the Vatican; it's the same story. There are some in The Vatican aligned with the Worldly Secret Menagerie and others most certainly NOT. The Rothschild's REMOVED ALL BANKING PRIVILEGES FROM The Vatican in 2013 to force Benedict XVI out as Pope as he was NOT aligned with the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits. The Lavender Mafia; or the old homosexual Pagan Demon Worshipers known as 'The St. Gallen Mafia' are those aligned with the Secret Societies and their man was Bergoglio now in Office who followed Ratzinger as Pope. He's actually an open apostate Pagan Fascist Homosexual Anti-Pope needing to be removed from The Vatican. He's allowed the Rothschild's (Their real name is Meyer as in 'Metro Goldwyn Meyer Studios') to actually run The Vatican...Jews openly running The Vatican.

I do believe there are those aligned and those who are SPOILERS who somehow 'Wheel and Deal' to maintain as least a modicum of sanity. Do believe the Demons are a bit terrified since The Bloody French Revolution' when so many of their compatriots were murdered and placed in unmarked graves. Their desire is to not allow that to occur yet again...So, they're pulling all sorts of deceipt, manipulation, theft and murder for all sorts of purposes.

This time...They're pushing and expect it's going to intensity as they're as 'Wife Beaters' where abuse must intensify to maintain the same level of terror and control in the victims.

They exhibit their own TERROR and INSECURITY with the constant escalation and rest periods. They must allow society to rest between major attacks as to not do so doesn't allow the brain to more completely deteriorate...It requires an Emotional Rollar Coaster to destroy morale as well as actual IQ and ability to think critically and THAT is their goal.

Yes, you're somewhat correct...The problem exists that NOT EVERYBODY AS A MOVER AND SHAKER IS ALIGNED WITH THE DEMONS.

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Great reply full of interesting stuff. Interesting what you said about the raw resources going to Britain, which of course didn't want any colonies competing with their Industrial Revolution and cheap labor in Britain, and the taxes for the Indian wars!!!! Two more reasons for war. The monarchies and the monopolies that spawn are a curse on mankind.

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You had TONS of interesting bits to gnaw on...As, there's always been questions about the Founding Generation. How in the world did so many people of high education, IQ, resilience and mean come together to even stand in opposition to the Super Power of the time? Do believe it was an act of God...God knows what's coming on Earth and God always has something in His proverbial back pocket to save His people...In the long haul. There are too many miracles in the founding of the U.S. and the timing of events, etc. for there to NOT have been Divine Intervention. It was meant to exist...And, to also become as it has since much of the population now is spoiled, weak, stupid and accustomed to easy living and no ability to suffer...Not all, but many.

In 1989, a document was found in an old, used copying machine documenting WWIII to have begun in 1954 BUT NEVER DECLARED by 'The Bilderberg Group.' It was verified real...And, it was primarily SOCIAL UPHEAVAL AND SUBVERSION through Rock Music and the Illicit Drugs provided during Concerts to get the ball running. Many of those involved in that Counter Culture rising through Rock Music had parents directly from Intel of British/American Military and were associated with the continuation of German Nazi experimentation; M.K. Ultra which was never discontinued even though it was said to be. Kissinger re-instituted it...HE WAS A VERY EVIL MAN...An old Nazi as George Soros, Gates...So many of the current 'Movers/Shakers' linked with the Multi-Trillionairs of Europe.

Where and how did they get their money?

For some, it came from the Old Countries. For others, it was a matter of coming here and simply making the correct connections and signing the correct forms to get their 40 acres and a mule to build on, so to speak. But at the time...It was also legal to enslave a human being as an Indenture for a specified number of years where they were allowed freedom to build their own lives as was also common in the early settlement of Australia...As you're aware.

Many people are unaware of the dangers of the time...As in 'Lumbering.' Snake Bite was intensely common with as many as half of a team of Lumberjacks out of 12 dying from snakebite from Timber Rattlers and Moccasins. Getting a Common Cold or Flu could be a death sentence. Food and nutrition was questionable...And, starvation was the reason so many pilgrims died upon arrival. The European part of my family arrived on the Mayflower and there is much detail about their daily lives. The arrival of Squanto teaching them Agriculture in this new land was the saving grace and it's from this line of ancestors which also includes a Native American by marriage keeping a Journal. They were highly educated in the European Classical Method; being an Anglican Minister and his daughter who married a Sailor of the Mayflower. Their first son went to England later and then returned to marry a Native American. There is much detail in their Journals about the harsh circumstances and personal observation of the Politicial Realities surrounding life here long before the U.S. was thought of a Nation NOT Britain. They literally knew the people we speak of now as part of history...They were the Govt in the Colonies. Until after the Revolution, the people here considered themselves citizens of some other country. My family was involved in the Revolution; but many more were not and refused to support the effort. Many of those returned to the Old Country or moved north into Canada as they feared by thought 'Traitors'.

There was a LOT more going on in the 13 Colonies than history generally relates...Britain always enslaved the British people and they sought to do the same to those in other lands from the Isles; both those sentenced to leave due to some documented crime which may or may not have been correct...As well as those leaving to migrate to a hard and potentially better lfie. Do believe the Colonies' desire to stand and fight to create the U.S. and French Revolution rising from it kept them in better check for the Aussies, NZ and other lands. It was their first loss of any colony and the death of the Monarchy/Peers/Traders in France as their relatives sure did create a lot of terror they never knew before.

An ancestor in the Colonies relates his experience of going to Britain for University (There were no universities here, yet.) and being among the Peers discussing the Colonies and making money from the resources without considering those colonists doing the work to get the resources for them to produce products from...Especially, WOOD and FOOD. Europe had fairly wiped the Forests from the whole region and the land was infertile from overuse and no resting, replenishment as the animals had been descimated from their natural habitat when it couldn't support them or they were over-hunted or over-fished.

There's many topics raised most in our common age don't know about or consider when thinking of life in that time. Europe was in BAD CONDITION from overuse after so many thousands of years...And, it wanted to theive the Western Hemisphere...AND, STILL WISHES TO THIEVE OTHER LANDS AND PEOPLES TO SUPPORT ITS HIGH LIVING which you touched upon by addressing the creation of wealth for them to steal. The use of 'Slave Labor' even with children as now happening in Africa. ALL OF THAT IS VITAL TO KNOW ABOUT AND I'M IMPRESSED WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE.

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Blaze - are you writing articles on all this?

You must if you are not.

Regarding this question "How in the world did so many people of high education, IQ, resilience and mean come together to even stand in opposition to the Super Power of the time?"

Have you read the book Common Sense 1776 February by Thomas Paine - it's available on Internet Archive. This is part of the answer - combined with all the factors that they used to make life hard for the colonists common folk. This book was written by an ENGLISH philosopher who just happened to toddle over and write an ANTI-MONARCHY book and publish it in the USA and it is credited with stirring up the colonists against the King!!

Job well done.

Regarding the evil training manual of the "International Elites" - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - I have just last week finished reviewing it for the 3rd time - each review has helped me created greater, deeper, and more insights into the content. It's an EXTREMELY EVIL document, just like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion-which I've read twice and am going back to reread. This document spells out the world we are living in today. And it spells out in multiple ways exactly who is involved. Bankers, billioinaires, and their backers.

Wow - if your family dates back to the Mayflower that's a grand historical pedigree - And also indicates that you are targeted by the cabal unless you happen to be part of their billionaire class. Which I'm guessing like me, you are not, or we wouldn't be here having this conversation.

I had to laugh about the snake bites. I grew up in the early 1960s and 1970s in Australia and we wandered about the bushlands frequently - often out shooting pigs and kangaroos and anything that moved - and I couldn't count on the toes and fingers of all of my siblings and our dozen cousins how many close encounters I had with deadly snakes growing up in Oz - luckily none of us ever got bitten, but it's a bloody miracle we didn't because we were all over the bush and forests and constantly coming in contact with dangerous critters.

Lol. Brings back memories. I had a great childhood - my father was a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy and an incredibly clever man, and a champion marksman and he taught us all to shoot before we were ten years old. Back in those days every household had guns. But after the Port Arthur false flag where they murdered 30+ people and blamed it on an autistic boy who'd never held a gun in his life they took our guns. Similar to New Zealand.

If they'd tried the Covid-shit on my parents generation, who all went to war, they would've just picked up their guns and marched down to the government offices or the police stations and straightened them out.

End of story.

But folk like that are like dead and buried.

By the way I am equally impressed with your knowledge my friend.

Thank you.

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Been a while since reading Thomas Paine...About 40 yrs. Common Sense was required reading in the Junior year of High School. My Mother already had it as it's been on the shelf for God only knows how many decades. It might be wise to regroup and get the book off the shelf for more than dusting.

Have a bit more life behind me and that fact could provide some insights the less experienced person not knowing much pain or pleasure could possibly have. Thanks for the suggestion.

Odd how you claim my family a target of the Cabal...If we are, we wouldn't know it. Family is faithful to God which has seemed to protect us from a lot of the more horrendous aspects of life many other families have succumbed to. Though we leave here to go to University/Tech School or Military...We also come back as there's no place on Earth groomed and cared for as this place where all of us were born, raised, nurtured and nurturing before dying to leave it intact for the next generation. We're hard wired to the house and have no WiFi and are in the middle of Amish Country; a Trust lasting 10 Generations on the other side of the family. We've been here a long, long time...Since before this area was the U.S.

Irish Grandpa came from County Cork on a French Steamer to New Orleans and he came up the Mississippi River to the Ohio River and north to this area. He became ill and was found on a Deer Path by Native Americans who saved his life. Upon leaving to work to acquire the money to purchase the land we all continue to inhabit...He hid the Native Americans so they were not taken to Oklahoma to the Reservation. Upon death; half of the land he purchased or almost 1000 acres was signed over to them and they're still here, too. The families are our own little Heaven; as a Tribe or Nation within itself.

Have no idea of the reason the family on all sides kept such detailed records except...All were educated even when there was no school. There's so much information here about the times these people lived...It's sometimes impossible to forget other people just don't have that accounting of life. It's so detailed it almost feels as if I've lived in their times. NO, I DON'T WRITE FROM WHAT IS KNOWN...IT'S BETTER TO ALLOW THE WORLD TO GO ON AND REMAIN A BIT INCOGNITO. Is OK to put our toes into the water to test and determine which way the wind blows; but it's not a good idea to allow too much information about personal matters or history. There's a reason the Evil One's have kept so much silent and hidden through millennia.

When I finish in the Garden today...Going to go back and cover more territory in the paths already taken through our Library. WHAT A TERRIFIC IDEA.

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"Climate Change" is fake, but they are hyping this because they can control the climate with HAARP. So, they can use HAARP and create "magic show" and scare people.

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Pollution is a real problem. Look what has happened to China's environment, trying to serve 1.4 Billion Chinese people. https://www.boredpanda.com/pollution-china/

Why can't globalists use their money and saturate world's media with pictures, videos, and even movies showing the serious and real problems with water, air, and land pollution ?

Teach world's people, and ask everyone to be part of the effort to help clean-up the environment, conserve energy, and please have less children, in a positive, encouraging, rewarding way.

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The globalists are monopolists. Their own ambition, apart from ruling humanity as neo-monarchial overlords, is to EXTRACT the MAXIMUM wealth for the MINIMUM costs which creates the MAXIMUM PROFITS - and the best way to do that is keep transferring all manufacturing to the cheapest places on earth with the least regulations so the maximum pollution can happen - which IMPOVERISHES the SLAVES destroys the environment and destroys SELF-SUFFICIENCY, which makes the slaves work even HARDER as it drives up the cost of living!!! This is the formula for global MONOPOLY CAPITALISM - and the Davos globalists will NEVER give it up. The only way to stop it is to eliminate them.

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Exactly! Government's job is to enforce monopoly not prevent it!

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You got that DEAD RIGHT Johnny - we live in a slavery system, where the governments are the ENEMIES of the PEOPLE, because they are the slavers for the bankers, billionaires, and monarchies, who are the true TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL CARTEL, that rape, pillage, and plunder the planet, using the slaves as cannon fodder and consumers. Ah I do rant don't I!

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Fascinating article thanks for the link.

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