Oh so very nice! Naomi Klein is no longer demanding everyone wear a mask and take the vaccine, shilling for pharma. Our hero once again, out in her new slot as a controlled opp, hip hip hurrah!!!

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Yes, definitely controlled opposition - her book Doppleganger, was a nasty, vicious attack on Naomi Wolfe, who has been fighting back. I am not a fan of Klein since Covid, and it was only at the end of her speech when she uttered those words 'Exodus from Zionism' that I seized on it to write this article, because I am even less impressed with Zionism! She spoke some truths in that speech, and the biggest truth was that Zionism has led Jewish people astray - but many non-Jewish as well. Were you living in Tanzania when the anti-WHO president disappeared and turned up dead? A sad day.

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I concur, see my note here:


Yes, i was there in Dar es Salaam the day of his last speech. The people loved him, false reports to the contrary. He was a chemist and never left the country cause he wasn't into the Weffer bs. Everyone up on stage got sick, some sort of DEW hit them. Right after they put out a 'someone has to do something about Magufuli' article. The mofo's off'd him. And his VP is a UN stooge. Election is next year, but the country is fine, especially where i am, no masks or vaxxes ever got near, despite claims to the contrary. The Weffers really want Dar, its one of their COP 40 cities.

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Thanks for that Jerome - I saw when I dug into his background that the people loved him, because he was good for Tanzania. Never came across that info about how everyone got sick. I read the sickening Guardian article 'Someone has to do something about Magufuli' - it was an order to their army of insiders to take him out. And he was gone. And yes stooge is written all over the woman who replaced him. What's the likelihood she'll be booted out. And why would the WEF'ers want Dar? Or is it just strategic long term building of their network?

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Dar is their Steering Committee in their "our cities" Map:


To date, its mostly them just claiming successes that had little to do with them, but they are involved. NGO's are huge in Tanzania. The US funding is also top ten. They are trying to break its insular nature. It does not look outside at all. There's very little outside news. They want to do what they did in Sierra Leone to Tanzania.

As for the '25 election, idk, she's outlawed any talk of it to date. Samia is from Zanzibar so she could lose to a direct challenger for sure, but its one-party rule so they will decide internally. Its infrastructure needs building out and the average age is like 20 years old there. There are few smart phones and data is expensive. If that latter changes it may go downhill quickly, like they did in Sierra Leone. But there's a lot of laggard socialist thinking that should impede the globalists for many years, I hope, keeping them outside of having an impact on the people and the way of life. Living here is amazing. Cheap abundant food and very friendly. Easy to be happy.

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I'm going there in August, really looking forward to it.

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If you come by Arusha, let me know. I'll show you our orchard :)

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Well said. Neo-Marxists have successfully recreated and sullied the term Zionism and weaponised it. It is their SOP to stop patriotism in any form.

The Neo-Marxists do this to enable the wealth of countries to be extracted and asset stripped and passed onto the parasites who are the old Monarchies, Bankers, and Billionaires of the NWO.

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Hi Sunface Jack,

First thanks for subscribing to my blog, it gives us a way to stay in touch.

Regarding the term Zionism - I think the global cabal itself has sullied the term.

The Cult of Mithras as explained in the book (free download available on Internet Archive) The Secret Society of Moses, really are the Israelites (I don't like the term 'Jews') who created pagan Christianity as a weapon to destroy Roman polytheism, which was the source of their meritocratic strength.....

All roads lead to Zion - which is really just the regliion of the ancient Annunaki.

Zion - the land of Israel, the cult of Yahweh, is the cult of Anu, the ancient Annunaki sky god. Who drowned out humanity with the Great Flood.

A TOTALITARIAN NASTY PRICK of a GOD - self apppointed.

The Marxists are just a new expression of the Crown Monarchy System which comes from the Annunaki, and jumping over the Great Flood, became Sumeria, and then Babylon, and then Egypt etc.

But you are DEAD RIGHT IMHO - as I keep repeating the EXACT words that you have used here - and you are the 1st person I have seen that repeats them.

The TRUE EVIL is the - MONARCHIES< BANKERS AND BILLIONAIRES - in that order of importance - and you got that the same too.

Stay in touch please.

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The Secret Society of Moses by Flavio Barbiero - Book has been removed. Thanks anyway

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HI Surface Jack,

Let me have your email address - and I'll send you a copy of this.

Interesting that its been removed. I've a long list of books that the Internet Archive has refused to make available, and all of them point the the fact the cabal is hiding truths. So it's clear this is an important one.


P.S. regards your next comment - absolutely no problem on the financial contribution side - as someone whose financial life has been smashed up by Covid-censorship terrorism, I absolutely get it. Just great to have you on the page mate.

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Most kind of you in your PS

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Sure, sunfacejack@protonmail.com

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Thankyou I will Ivan M. Paton. Forgive me please for not providing a financial contribution, its not because I don't want to, it's because I don't have the means due to unfortunate circumstances.

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Hi Sunface Jack - I just sent you an email with a link to that book, and another one on the same subject that you might enjoy, if you haven't already read it.


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Naomi Wolfe is a woman who I would compare to Deborah of the book. She is fantastic with her stands these days since seeing the light of truth. She shed the scales back a few years with a book she wrote about The End of America. https://www.amazon.com/End-America-Letter-Warning-Patriot/dp/1933392797

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This restores my Faith in People of Faith! 🥰 God bless you all. Now is the time to reject Evil, to DENY IT. To BANISH IT. 👏

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Exactly! Judaism has long been hijacked and corrupted by the Zionists. Rabbi Antleman wrote a couple of excellent books, which you can download free from the Internet Archive, called To Eliminate the Opiate, volume 1 and 2. He explains how the reform Judasim movement basically turned it into something evil, and labelled religious Judaism as "orthodox" - and the reform movement was led by rabbis who promoted 'redemption through sin' - He explains the history of how these evil Jews in Germany and Russia created communism, long, long, before Lenin and Stalin came along.

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You have done humanity a service, Ivan. Keep up the great fight. This has now attracted the attention of students across the world, and as their children commence dying from the mRNA jab, the working class will gradually join in, but with more fury than protest can contain. Zionism is dying but will thrash about in its death throes for a while yet to come. Psychopaths do not like to die alone. They will try to take down as many of us as they can.

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Zionism is a basis for Jewish supremacism. And any kind of teaching that any group, any religion, any sex, any cult is SURPREME is insanity on the loose. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-jewish-question

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You aren’t going to read THAT in your local ZIONIST controlled newspaper.

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Thank you for your response. I am a monotheistic believer. An Apostolic believer, to be exact. Therefore, I believe because of what scripture and history says, the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. For someone to believe this way, they must believe the Word Of God is the final authority. Because of my testimony of being delivered from depression, drug addiction, and many other vices, after receiving the Holy Ghost, and being baptized in Jesus, Name, more than 20 years ago; my testimony can only bring me to one conclusion. There is only one God, and the Bible is true historically, contextually, and literally. Like you have said, I also respect your right to believe how you choose. I hope you have a blessed day.

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May 20
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As for the snake or serpent, Satan can manifest himself into an angel of light, according to scripture. However, one would have to believe in The Word Of God to even believe satan exists. It has been said by Rabbi’s that it is more likely, according to original text, that this fallen angel manifested himself in this manner to Eve.

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I believe in the second amendment. Therefore, it would be hypocritical of me, OR ANYONE who does, to say Israel has no right to defend herself against an enemy, who has refused to, and continually refuses to live peacefully in the land that has been shared with them,i.e, terrorists and their supporters. One must wonder why these displaced Jordanians “so-called Palestinians” are not wanted in Jordan or Egypt? Could it be their behavior? They definitely have an America/Israel hating sharia ideology. They are indoctrinated this way from childhood.

I will also protect my house, believing it is my duty to do so, if need be, with deadly force. You have a right not to believe the Word of God, and even call it a metaphor or fairytale. I know from personal experience that His Word is true, and tried and proven in my life. One day Jesus will set his foot, once again on the Mount of Olives. This time He’s coming as a Roaring Lion, not a Lamb. And no one’s opinion can change that. Have a blessed day.

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May 20
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Is that your best response? Actually, other than being a licensed minister, for which all my work is done for free. And an elected school board member , which again I do not get paid for…my only source of income is my small cleaning business that I started in the year 2000. Sir, your comment is laughable. So I will receive it as the joke I perceive it to be.

Lol 😂

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Interesting article for sure. My observation is extreme leftwing activists in an unholy bond with Islamofascists are mixing up Zionism, in many ways a conspiracy theory, with the right of the state of Israel to defend itself against terrorist attacks.

How else was Israel to respond when faced with the horrific attacks of 7 October? It is surrounded by enemies. It is in an existential fight for survival. It has no other option then to project power and completely destoy Hamas if its wants to survive. Hamas is a deathcult. It uses its own people as a human shield. Its pure evil that must be destroyed.

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May I suggest you dig into the events of October the 7th 2023 a little more deeply.

An excellent source on this is Michael Ginsburg - here is a great link.


The Netanyahu government stood the military down and allowed Hamas to run rampage for several hours in order to create the pretext to attack Gaza.

A genocide in Gaza is not 'self-defense.'

The right of self-defense does not include violent occupation, apartheid and treating Palestinians like animals.

In addition you need to dig into the history of Hamas - Israel has had a long involvement with it, and its funding. And its 4 main leaders are all multibillionaires living in the golden triangle of London.

IMO Hamas is, and always has been, controlled opposition, to keep the tensions, to keep the war, to keep the money flowing, and to keep the regional conflict alive.

Hamas is not the greatest evil here. It's a midget compared to the Israeli state - the most advanced technological military on earth, and they sat back and let the Hamas 'army' men on motorbikes and pick up trucks, and their 'airforce' men flying para-motors, invade Israel and go on a killing spree for six hours, murdering residents in the settlements next to Gaza, which the government had DISARMED in recent times before the attacks.

It was IMHO a false flag.

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Israel/the terrorist Menahem Begin created Hamas. Hamas is doing exactly what the Israeli government tells them to do. What happened on Oct. 7th was an Israeli setup.

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Exactly Helene. It is so clear when you simply review the facts.

This is why they are scrambling like crazy worldwide to censor the Internet, because it allows people all over the world to connect the dots and see the truth of their wars and genocides. I boil inside with a silent rage at what they've done, are still doing, and will clearly continue to do.

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apartheid? Let me explain, it is another weaponised term to ostracise people. It was a British Marxist freemason creation to prevent patriotism and nationalism as being the founding of separate nations. It would complicate the domination by the British Monarchy that Cecil John Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner created for them. (The Round Table Group), The freemasons were already Established in South Africa before 1903.

South Africa only became a republic in 1960. (see The Anglo-American Establishment by Quigley)

The Afrikaners were not guilty of Apartheid. It is the result of colonialism by the British (Monarchy) in particular, but also the French, Belgians, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, and Dutch and Germans who were all guilty.

The Afrikaner because he spoke a form of Dutch was the convenient scapegoat. It was retribution (Extract Counties Wealth as punishment) for the 4th Anglo-Dutch War and the Huguenots and the Dutch Flemish who tried to escape the persecution of them and their religious beliefs by no other than monarchies who feared religions a threat.

It must also be remembered that the British subjected the Afrikaners women and children to be separated from their Fathers and Husbands and brothers and put them in concentration camps during the Boer Wars. That was early retribution.

People need to understand that the Afrikaners were no different from any other group of people in history who wanted to be self-governed and believe in self-determination. It is no different from the Amish belief system, of religion, culture vales and value systems, aspirations, like-thinking, and life-style or being “like-minded.” It originates from Alsatian Anabaptistism. Just like the Hutterites in Canada. Many Afrikaners were Calvinists, Baptists and are Christians. Huguenots who were devout Protestants from France and Southern Netherlands following the teaching of John Calvin, fleeing religious persecution in France, after King Louis XIV invoked the Edict of Nantes and declared Protestantism to be illegal in 1685.

The British created segregation in South Africa,

Here are some facts and until 1960 the British had a hand in governing the Territories that made up South Africa.

In 1809 the 'Native Pass Law' of the BRITISH government compelled blacks to carry a pass book. The Hottentot Proclamation, also known as the Hottentot Code, the Caledon Proclamation, or the Caledon Code, was a decree issued by governor of the Cape Colony the Earl of Caledon on 1 November 1809 to restrict the mobility of Khoikhoi (frequently referred to as "Hottentots", hence the name) in the Cape Colony. Established to assist Dutch land owners in controlling their mobility of their enslaved workforce (which mostly consisted of Khoikhoi labourers), the decree was a first in a series of colonial laws designed to curtail the rights of a minority. (Verwoerd not born yet).

"In 1865 Sir Theophilis Shepstone prohibited blacks in the province of Natalia to have any voting power. (Verwoerd still not born).

In 1894 "Cecil Rhodes prevented Krom Hendriks, a coloured, from joining the national cricket team to England. (Verwoerd 1year old)

"In 1905 Rhodes compelled schools in the Cape Province to separate white British and Black pupils. ( Verwoerd 12 years old )

In 1913 the BRITISH 'Native Law Act' prohibited black people from owning land (Verwoerd 20, and still a student).

"In 1925 BRITISH Minister, HW Sampson, promulgated the act on Labour Demarcation to divide whites and blacks. (Verwoerd not a politician yet).

"In 1927 the 'immorality Act', in BRITISH controlled Natal, prohibited intimacy between whites and blacks. (Verwoerd still not in Government.)

The National Party only came into power in 1948

Verwoerd was Minister of Native Affairs (1950–1958)

South Africa only became a republic in 1960.

Verwoerd was the Union of South Africa's last prime minister, from 1958 to 1961.

and then as prime minister (1958–1966).

The word “apartheid” is a word in a language called Afrikaans, it was a term coined by a Dr DF Malan and had nothing to do with Verwoerd as is often called father of Apartheid. That was a lie created. In South Africa there was an attempt to create subdivided states under a policy of self-determination (see above) where each group would have self rule in a territory/canton within in a federation of states or a union of partially self-governing provinces, cantons states, or regions. Cantons as in Swiss cantons- confederation

The issue that created a the problem was deliberate misinterpretation of the act proclaiming and understanding self-development for each group of people. Essentially where each "group/canton/territory" allocated to different indigenous tribes for self rule, meant that others in their (group/canton/territory) did not have a right to vote in each others territories. That is where it started again by the British media conflation of facts and then the freemasons stepped in with the term calling separate development 'apartheid'.

Those may be unpalatable fact to the indoctrinated by the Media. The Afrikaners were a threat to the British establishments dream.

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Are you aware of the Afrikaans community called Oriana?

It's the most amazing small community only about 30 years old, and they run their own government, are self-sufficient, own power, own water, and have their own money which helps keep the community productive - it is clean, safe, well ordered, and the people there are amazing. It's a model to be reproduced elsewhere.

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Very much so. They don't have their own Government as such, but are a town with their own municipality. However the ANC is not happy. I understand that one of the political parties Freedom Front+ have now managed to get somewhere on the issue. "The Freedom Front Plus has become the latest party to join the Government of National Unity (GNU) after the ANC accepted Orania’s status." see the report on their site. https://www.vfplus.org.za/latest-news/cabinet-position-in-gnu-offers-ff-plus-opportunity-to-actively-contribute-to-restoring-and-rebuilding-south-africa/

The problem we face is that the current issue is that the Government is now a coalition of parties (GNU) that are involved in a problematic position of running a "Political Party" system which is the Westminster system of the commonwealth that was corrupted prior to 1970. It was aptly described by Conservative Lord Chancellor Lord Hailsham as an "Elective Dictatorship" and that is what we have in South Africa now . It is essentially cabal/mafia running the system under an organisation called the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) which is not at all Independent but runs the voting system where you have to be registered as a voter to vote.

Once you register you surrender your rights and accept their terms and condition where you agree to abide by the Manifesto of the winning party and the "winner takes all". Of course this Manifesto can simply be changed as and when needed without notification and because you accepted the terms. You therefore no longer have any right of objection because you consented to this by joining the voters roll for the next 5 years. so what you end up with is only a majority of IEC registered voters and not a true majority of citizens. Its a collective trick of communism as such.

Our recent election showed that it was and is a scam of monumental proportions and makes a mockery of the claim of a democracy.

A recent report showed There were just over 27.6 million registered voters

this year, of whom 16.2 million actually voted – a turnout of 58.6 per cent. That over 11 million people took the trouble to register, but then did

not exercise their right to vote, is bad enough.

But when one considers that the eligible voting population (citizens over 18 years of age) is in the region of 38 million, the true proportion of adult South Africans who voted is only about 42 per cent.

This means, in turn, that the largest party can claim the definite support of just 17 per cent of adult citizens, and the official opposition a paltry 9.25 per cent.

In other words 58% of voters had no say or choice even though the constitution (flawed IMO) says that every citizen over 18 years of age is entitled to vote.

The constitution does not mention you have to accept a parties manifesto, yet the system has been rigged in that way by the IEC who is Government appointed.

They do not have the majority of citizens consent to govern at all. It is high treason in my view.

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Great that you know Orania has a good supporter

And that you are South African! Amongst my favorite people.

The reason that the ANC is not happy about Orania is because they are a PURE MARXIST COMMUNIST organization - while I don't know the parties and players very well in South Africa, I have watched multiple videos of their leaders speaking at rallies winding up the hatred against white South Africans, and it is pure Marxist rhetoric.

They're communists through and through. And that's why they hate Orania, because the residents there are showing up the true EVILS of the ANC, which are using welfare and corruption to destroy the country, and destroy the people and turn them into slaves - ignorant, hungry and weak, that's the way totalitarians want their citizens - more reasons they hate the community of Orania.

That "elective dictatorship" is by design.

It is effectively what we have in all the western nations as well, no matter whether it is Australia, America, Britain, Canada, Europe or New Zealand - our Federal Governments most of whom are run by the Freemasons have turned into Federal Dicatorships.

It is all high treason mate!!!!!

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I must applaud Naomi! There is strength. There are words of truth. May We ALL take exodus from the support of tyranny as the state (ANY state) creates.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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Everything has been inverted, subverted and corrupted by Satan and his minions. God is in us all. We do not need religious institutions dictating anything. Natural Law will overcome in the end.

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The pseudo State of Israel is predicated on the proselytised belief that an ethnic group known as Jewish Semites has the right to reclaim its ancestral homeland.

Simple DNA tests will prove that the vast majority of Israelis possess no Semitic DNA and are not, therefore of the Jewish ethnic group. Likewise the Ashkenazim of America. Less than 2% are ethnic Jews.

As Mohandas Gandhi observed prior to 1948, no religious group has the right to invade the land of another people; which is why he voted to oppose Israel.

So who are the rightful heirs to Palestine? Old people, now long gone, were most articulate on this point. "We were many, and we lived in peace" they said. They named the "many" as the Semites, made up of Palestinians, Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romayotim, and Beth Israel tribes; but also included the non-Semites: Druze, Beduin, and Tuareg. Some of the Jews and even Arabs, were Christians, but all coexisted in peace.

The solution is simple. Those who have always remained in Palestine have the right to identify who qualifies to live in Palestine. But the Israeli Zionists have always known this and simply killed anyone who spoke the truth. But with the genome identification came DNA testing and the rulers of Israel panicked. They made it illegal to be DNA-tested in Israel and if this was needed to satisfy some legal requirement, the caveat of absolute secrecy was applied by the Court. Then came a drive to control the Court from Cabinet.

But word leaked out and several American Ashkenazim returned to the US for testing and they shouted the results from the rooftops using YouTube. Netanyahu wants them dead.

The cold truth is that no Ashkenazim (religious-only Jew) has a right to be in Palestine and this is the ethnic identity of almost all Israelis, and of the dual citizens in the White House and AIPAC. The biggest fraud in human history must be dissolved; along with that other global fraud, the covid/mRNA jab, which was perpetrated by the same evil Zionists.

Many investigators claim that Zionists are behind drug and human trafficking, paedophile rings, and professional blackmail organisations. Certainly, the Maxwells were part of Mossad.

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To add to the already brilliant information. “ The DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodlines” by Texe Marrs. Written around 2010 or 2012 roughly.

“Rome and Jerusalem: a Study in Jewish Nationalism “ by Moses Hess and Mayer Waxman.

Second book can be had in PDF on Google.

All credit for the second book goes to Richard Grove. Intellectual Giant!

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„For our Judaism is internationalist by its very nature.“

Enough said. She is no less a danger to white gentiles than Zionists. The masks are coming off, everything that was said about the chosen ones seems to be true.

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What was said about the 'chosen ones'????

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let's just say a lot of the stuff that was said in the first half of the 20th century

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zionism is a jewish disease

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Yes it is. Or we might argue that it is the disease of the Elders of Zion, which I think can be tracked to the 12 tribes of Israel, which in turn are tracked to Noah and his sons.

I think that the Jews, like all people's that are trapped in Pyramids of Power, created by the doctrines of the Crown Monarchy System, which claims the elites of given families, essentially the Monarchy Imperial Cults (e.g. Roman Imperial Cult), have the right to be the rulers and subjugate all mankind to be enslaved for their purposes, which is the position of the Vatican, which is the oldest monarchy in the world, and its king, the Pope, which throughout history keep claiming the Pope has the monopoly on truth, and the right to rule the world, and this was created by the seizing of Christianity, which was created where? In Zion. And it matches the philosophy of the Talmud.

I have a suspicion the real Zionists are the lost tribes of Israel that migrated to Europe, became the ruling elites, or joined this class, and then when their cousins from the conquered Kingdom of Judah arrived they recognized each other by the symbols used, like the Lion of Judah, which is used by all western monarchies, and they all become one big happy ruling family - except for their endless battles and wars to be the one supreme ruling power.

Hence - the Elders of Zion.

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The so called Palestinians are displaced Jordanians, who unfortunately, for the most part, are in agreement with Hamas. They are taught from their childhood to hate Jews, and America. And when Israel gave them Gaza, Hamas went in and destroyed the farmland. Hamas has one purpose to annihilate the Jewish people. I have friends there, who have lived under the threat of these terrorists. And they’re coming or are already here in the US. Thankfully we have the second amendment, but that won’t stop the terror threat on a large scale. I say, wipe Hamas off the face of the earth for the sake of humanity. And, as far as Israel’s right to exist (Zionism), whether it be called political by mankind, or not, is of no relevance. I have been studying scripture for decades. I know God’s word is true. And will stand the test of time. People’s opinion that Israel doesn’t have the right to defend herself, or exist, is meaningless to God.

This is beginning to happen even now. Rest assured, not on prophecy will go unfulfilled…

“And in that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will come and be gathered against it. In that day,” declares the Lord, “I will strike every horse with panic and his rider with madness; but I will open My eyes and watch over the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the [opposing] nations with blindness.”

‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭

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Thanks for the information about Hamas. Are you aware that Israel funded Hamas?

They've kept the war going between both sides because the elites at the top of the world, and that includes the elites of the Zionism movement, wants the wars, to keep the money flowing and the blood running red in the streets. The Zionists hate ordinary Jews as much as Hamas. Theordore Herzl wrote in his diaries that they would stir up the anti-Semites to attack the Jews in order to drive them to Palestine for the Israel project.

You claim that you know the scriptures, and I have no doubt that you do, but have you ever studied the history of the Sumerian texts, the Annunaki and the sky-gods that ruled humanity for countless generations long before the Israelites decided that their one god, Yaweh the warrior god, was the only true god, and he just happened to be one of the multiple Annunaki gods that had been worshiped for generations before this?

And have you ever considered that the Book of Revelation is not a set of prophecies but rather a plan put in place way back then by a group of elites who wanted to rule the world because they'd decided they'd use their god to claim that they were the only chosen people of god on the planet?

I no longer regard any of the Bible as prophecy - it was common in those days for the elites to write their plans in this way so that the initiated, the Monarchy Imperial Cults, were the only people that could read it and understood it - and remember these were words that were never written for the eyes of people like you and I - 99% of the population was illiterate and kept that way on purpose,.

We owe our ability to read and to access knowledge to a man named Guttenberg who invented the printing press, which the elites of the Church tried to stop.

I doubt very much whether my words will have challenged you to at least dig into the topics I have mentioned because when people are true believers like yourself it is very difficult to get them to consider that they might not be right.

From where I sit I see that the elites at the top of the world are creating all this pain, suffering, and death - on purpose. Including the conflict between the Jews and the Muslims. Because at the very top humanity is ruled by Evil.

We will have to agree to disagree Beth - but thanks for writing back.

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Naomi Kline is a stalker apparently, obsessed with Naomi Wolf. If you aren’t a Zionist (one who believes Israel has a right to exist), you stand against God, and are a fool. Israel does have a right to defend herself. Wipe Hamas off the face of the earth for the sake of humanity.

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Yes it's true, what you said about Klein. I reviewed her book Doppleganger which was an extremely nasty piece of vicious attack on Naomi Wolf.

Zionism is not about god. It is a political movement and always has been, formed to take the land of Palestine and recreate an ethnic Jewish state. Ben Gurion, the Zionist who went on to be the first leader of Israel, infamously said if he had the choice of saving a million children by sending them to Britain or only 500k by sending them to Palestine he'd send them to Palestine and lose the other 500k.

Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, said in his diaries: "“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse. This will assist in the realization of our plans. I have an excellent plan. I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The best anti-Semites shall be our friends.”

Which explains why the Zionists and the Nazis worked together to ship Jews to Palestine, and even bought out a coin to celebrate this with a Nazi swastika on one said and the Star of David on the other side.

Some of history's greatest anti-Semites are Zionists!!!

The interesting thing about Israelis and their 'God' is that the Jews are the ones who took the world from polytheism, which was the worship of all the Annunaki sky-gods, which the Sumerian texts tell us about, the source of all the gods stories and myths, which all civilizations and empires worshiped, the Jewss took us to monotheism, and created 1st Judaism and then Christianity, which was then rebranded as Catholicism, and these monotheists have always attacked all other religious groups that didn't serve their "God."

This is really what led to the downfall of the Roman Empire - AD391 the Emperor declared the empire was now Christian after about 1,000 years of polytheism and religious tolerance, they told all non-Christians to convert or get out of the empire, and they massacred the Jews, and the polytheists, and the latter were branded 'Pagans.

These raging mobs of Christians burned down the library of Alexandria, which had been a great seat of learning, and from that point on the ruling elites literally dumbed down the Roman Empire, while the elites stripped the masses of their wealth and health through banking, usury, and monopoly, creating mass poverty.

And that's what really killed the Roman empire.

By 486AD when Rome fell to the 'barbarians' the Roman Catholic Church and 2,000 families on the Italian peninsular owned all the wealth.

Unfortunately this religious totalitarian virus didn't die, and it keeps growing back again and again and again. I call it the Crown Monarchy Mandate - the doctrine that says our God is the only god, we have the right to rule all humanity because of our bloodlines, and all others are our slaves to be enslaved in our multiple systems, especially the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism.

And Israel was birthed from all of this as a tool for the Zionists, which are the bankers, billionaires and monarchy families at the top of the western ruling elites, and they all track their families to Zion - look at the logos used on family crests, especially the western monarchies-they all use the Lion of Judah!

The Evil in the elites classes hide behind the good Jewish people who do follow the Torah, in the same way that the western ruling elites are at the top of the system, and have used Catholicism to wage war on the rest of humanity for countless generations. The real Evil is at the top of both our groups, and they are in fact one group!!!

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Fucking done

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Used to live next to orthodox community in Jersey. I tried to relate! I am done ! Fuck Israel ! Fuck all the Jews…………

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It's the Zionists that are the true evil Tim. Not those that follow the Torah, which are the true Jews. In all 3 Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity-think Roman Catholic Church, and Islam, at the elites level there always seems to be a nest of evil that uses the religion and the people as useful idiots and cannon fodder for war, war, and war.

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Sorry I do t care anymore ….i am done……..

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