I am always amazed how doctors, scientists, and researchers who do studies that show disastrous outcomes for public health are able to use muted language with words like: “a strong signal” - “a correlation to”- or in the case of the author of the study that I am basing this article on, German physician Zacharias Foegen, he uses - “contribute to” - in the name of his paper, which was published in the journal Medicine:
“The Foegen effect -A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate”
Dr. Foegen concluded that “contrary to the accepted thought that fewer people are dying because infection rates are reduced by masks, this was not the case.” Which if we say it in simple language it means that:
“The Facemask Mandates Are Killing More People”
In his study he compared the Covid-19 data between counties in the U.S. state of Kansas, because the governor of the state allowed each county to decide on the issue of the facemask mandates. Out of 105 counties, 81 counties decided on not having mandated masks. This is what Dr. Foegen found.
In counties without mandatory masking the number of Covid-19 deaths was significantly lower.
In counties with mandatory masking the number of Covid-19 deaths increased by 52%, or 1.5 times.
And now thanks to this reasearcher, and two more studies that he mentions in his article here, which support his findings, we know the reason why there is an increase in Covid-19 deaths in areas with facemask mandates. It is what he calls the Foegen Effect, which he explains as:
deep re-inhalation of condensed droplets or pure virions which were trapped in the mask as droplets can worsen the prognosis. Each of these steps has been documented in the literature.
A viron is a ‘complete virus particle.’
Dr. Foegen explained that virus particles -
“that enter or those coughed out in droplets are retained in the facemask tissue, and after quick evaporation of the droplets, hypercondensed droplets or pure virions (virions not inside a droplet) are re-inhaled from a very short distance during inspiration.”
So the facemask acts as a trap for virus particles, which get stuck on the surfaces of the mask, and as we breathe in and out we will draw them down deep into our lungs. If we have a mild Covid-19 infection already it may also mean that as we breathe out they get stuck on the inside of the facemask, and then we can breathe them back in again, which increases the viral load that we are exposed to, and puts us at greater risk for serious illness, and death.
The facemasks will be acting as a trap for virus particles, and also as an accumulator, because when they stick to the mask they are not being blown away by the wind. In addition I would add that as facemasks reduce the oxygen with each breath, even though it is only slight reduction, we will tend to breathe more often to make up for that deficit, and we will also likely breathe more deeply.
Altogether the effect is that the facemask may actually be increasing both the volume of virus particles you will be exposed to, and the rate at which you are breathing them in. Which will lead to increased rates of infections, increased rates of illness, and therefore increased rates of death.
So the facemask mandates are increasing the numbers of people that are dying from Covid-19 due to the Foegen effect.
If the national public health authorities, like the American Center for Disease Control, have all of this data on every area of a given country, is it really possible that they don’t know that more people are dying in areas with facemask mandates?
Ivan M. Paton
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Hi Ivan! Of course the CDC, FDA, SAGE ad nauseum know how mentally & physically damaging all of it - including masks - are. If one believes that this whole scamdemic is a depopulation agenda (& I do), forcing people to wear masks that can kill more is a feature, not a bug. Masks are also a visible symbol of compliance w/ tyranny & a way to dehumanize us.
Same w/ isolating people from each other, leading to despair, depression, substance abuse, suicide &/or inability to access healthcare for other physical or mental issues & therefor dying @ home.
More people killed in the name of “safety”.
The overriding reality in all this from the beginning is that if masks were effective, setting aside all other issues, then it would be very stark and clear in the data. So, one need not really insist, per se, that masks are worse (I agree that they are). All you need do is point out that no data shows any clear and convincing evidence that they do much of a squat. They do not. And that is plenty to deride their usage and all mandates.