Great article & litany Ivan! The assault is stunning & infuriating.

To the list: Chem trails, “experts”, “Karens “ (& “Kens “), mRNA in everything, “science”

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We would best cease Our consenting to the whole system...

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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We had better withdraw Our consent from the whole legal/governmental mess post haste! And en masse! Lest Those who remain be put in 15 minute prisons, fed bugs, have social credit scores, CBDC's and are neuralinked like the Borg.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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Big Pharma

Big Tech

Child Trafficking


Hospital Killing Protocols


Satanic Worship and Ritual


Keep the list going!

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great list and information! What comes to mind to add: (take what you like or leave them all because you're probably saying them in different language)

'Green' New Deal while raping and pillaging Africa of their resources - which I guess falls under the 'Sustainable' /climate change hoax categories, but if we get specific we can make this list a whole lot longer - I think specificity is important

Privatization of public essential resources, such as water, 'health' insurance, etc - water is the new gold

Starlink and X

600 new billionaires in covid years

(USA) Bamboozling the Public that This politian or That politician is our 'savior' (what a pile of manure!) - the 2 party system and electoral college.

HAARP, DEWs, CERN, and other weaponry punching holes in the ionosphere - causing the real climate crisis

ONGOING Non consensual 'experiments' on populations in the US and globally

Blockchain and data mining

WHO treaty

Nanobiology/Nanotech on every level, including altering our food

24-7 Fear Porn and identical scripts of mainscream media

Grooming kids for sex trafficking by sexualizing them

Removal of teaching Critical Thinking in the public schools - this is a big one.

getting kids addicted to devices at early ages

infant vaccinations - many shots at once

pathologizing questioning, truth seeking, criticism of any of these policies; terrorism and murder of journalists if they can't be silenced or ruined.

Citizens Unites (corporations as people, billionaires buying policy and politics)

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the language used for 'gender equality' on your list. I can make an equally long list around that issue. There is no equality between the genders. Maybe you meant something else, how things are claimed to be equal;' but never were nor are intended to be? This is not an egalitarian system, in terms of rights. This holds true everywhere in the world.

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Hi Beedledee - that's a great list of additions. I cut and pasted your thoughts to my file labelled Attacks on Humanity, where I have been attempting to come up with a comprehensive A-Z summary of all the policies of the Davos globalists War on Humanity.

When I mentioned 'Gender Equality' - I didn't explain it - the reason the U.N.-WEF etc push 'gender equality' is that it is essentially an attack on women and the family - it's all about forcing up the female Labor Participation Rate, which they obsessively measure, and this plays into their multiple agendas - like reducing the populations, getting children into the government school system etc. You are DEAD right that there is no equality between the genders - it's a false narrative to create dogma to push their real agendas.

The elites use fake narratives to create dogma through disinformation that deceives the public into supporting their agendas which have a different purpose. Bill Gates "We have to lockdown, we can't trade GDP for lives." WTF Bill, my GDP is my life!!! "You can't let people do drugs." "Safe and effective." etc.

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