Ivan, I don’t know how we fight back. The power structures go back millennia & so very deeply embedded that it seems an almost impossible task to take it on. Would require mass global fraternity, comraderie & purpose?

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We fight back just as we are doing, by raising awareness and understanding, destroying their disinformation, refusing to comply, preparing ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally for their relentless War on Humanity, seek ways to be independent and self-sufficient, seek ways to defund them e.g. stop buying products from the World Economic Forum's cartel's companies (I know-it's hard to do, but every bit helps), fund people who are in the public space and doing a great job of fighting e.g. The Brownstone Institute, the World Council of Health, the Expose, etc., identify the politicians that will fight and support them while calling out the traitors, get local in everything you do - build a local network of people that meet often to discuss and share knowledge and make resolutions on what you will and will not do, create your red lines, create your 'I will not comply' list.

That's a few ideas of the top of my head my friend. Fight in every way you can. Just being healthy is fighting back!

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As always, thank you for your inspiring words & advice, friend

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As always you are welcome, and I am chuffed that you find value in them.

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p.s. On a scale of one to ten where would you rate my assessment of who the true communists are?

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You're so sweet Cindi - thank you.

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You put in a tremendous amount of exhaustive research & work into your articles & it shows & is so informative

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My assessment would be to rate it a 9.9!

Thanks, Ivan, thanks a lot, I know I'm not in this fight alone!

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Edwin - thanks for that always nice to hear from you!

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May I suggest...

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

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Great points too.

For me I am done consenting.

And I don't so much fear the cabal as I fear the useful idiots, the sheep, the blind, because they are the army they mobilized to shout and scream and bully everyone into following genocidal destructive policies for public health terrorism, masquerading as a public good. But as I alluded to in a long comment below to my mate Tony, today I had the realization that those that complied in large numbers are actually not only being reduced in numbers, but there is every indication that they will not have the energy to do what they were employed to do in 2020-2021. And all the useful idiot influencers, like the Hollywood A-List for example, have completely lost their credibility and power to influence the public-as is evidenced below in the comments under their posts - people like Hugh Jackman, he has turned off the comments on Instragram as he can't deal with the critics and truth tellers in the comments section.

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🙏🏻 Glad to have anOther standing with Me who is done consenting. When enough of Us are standing in aggregate, They will have no power.

Yes, I see a future where the Ones who fell for the lies no longer can fight Us, the money will not work to push the lies.

And Any who turn off comments is a wuss.

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I just realized in writing that answer to your comment above that there is a massive shift in the dynamics of the global population due to the points I just raised, and this point about the useful idiots, and those coerced against their will, not having the energy to fight is actually an important point. It's why Schwab said "We are not safe if not everyone is vaccinated. (poisoned)"

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Interesting indeed! Yes, They are not safe when We can see Their machinations and have the energy to resist.

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Ivan, what do all of these current University Protests mean ?

Police storm Yale University’s campus with riot gear, 47 arrested as hundreds stage anti-Israel protest


Students protest at US universities to urge end in financial ties to Israel


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It's a great question - and I haven't dived into it deeply enough to truly give you a comprehensive answer. But I have been following it for a while. The protestors are standing up for the human rights of Palestinian people in Gaza and standing against the genocide there. Which the global cabal must have known that they would do as it is easy to predict. The Israeli Zionists are showing their true colors. But considering the never ending "divide and conquer" strategy, using Chaos, Conflict and Catastrophe to achieve their means in order to force change - the ancients Order from Chaos strategy, I find myself wondering if it is all deliberately orchestrated - And here's something that backs that idea up. Albert Pike, a famous Freemason who was involved in organizing their Illuminati movement, in a letter to another member Mazzini planned for 3 world wars to bring about their New World Order, meaning forcing all nations to submit to World (communist) Government. I only read this again this week which is why I can bring it to mind - the 3 world wars were to

1. WW1 to destroy Czarist Russia - done (the communist revolutionaries fought in the war and trained to kill and went home and overthrew the Czar

2. WW2 to spread communism into Europe - done. Communist Russia was Britains ally for WW2 - and they let them take eastern Europe and flip it all communist.

3. WW3 - a conflict between the Jews and Muslims starting in the Middle East and spreading worldwide for Armageddon -

And that is what we are witnessing right in front of us.

The global elites are dividing the world into 2 camps the western nations, and BRICS.

I view the elites of all nations as. on the same team - they are really waging War on Humanity - this includes Argentina, America, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, Europe, Iran, Israel, Nigeria, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Zimbabwe - to name the ones off the top of my head where I see the elites are all on the G20 and UN-WEF team, and are promoting all the anti-human policies attacking humanity.

So the chaos on the university campuses is simply more chaos and conflict and destablization of the western nations, which has been going on since the end of WW2.

The Davos globalists are waging war on all of humanity, but the biggest group that they are focused on is the western citizens, because we don't believe in the communist totalitarian bullshit promoted by the Vatican, the Crown Monarchy states, and the Democrat party - we have been fighting our own elites since Spartacus led the slave revolt against the Roman leaders!!!!!

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You are brilliant ! Ivan. That is why I don't delete your substacks.

I always like to read your introductions and answers over and over again. It explains ALL that are happening in the world right now.

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Wow, that's extremely high praise, thank you for the compliment.

It means a lot to me. When I receive such wonderful compliments I find myself wondering if it wasn't for the intense censorship, which has got most of my social media accounts locked into digital boxes, would I have a greater voice than I do today. Dr. Vernon Coleman, the UK doctor viciously censored since he started speaking against Covid-tyranny, has often said that the only big accounts on social media today are either those doing things the cabal doesn't care about e.g. travel and enternatinment, or if they are speaking against the cabal then they are controlled opposition, or useful idiots. C'est la vie.

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I have been aiming for vastly better than communism, and better than capitalism (yes, one is a governing entity and the other a financial one, but they do intertwine). I seek abundancism, where We own what We use, can live as richly as We choose, and have none above Us - just the three Laws of Ethics.

A society of Ethical sovereigns.

Money lovers fight Me... They think that tool that empowers psychopaths (like We see clearly today, with planetary plannedemics, lies about climate change, ad infinitum), and creates poverty and privilege is necessary and even worthy of love. I guess the dopamine hits when They profit keep Them addicted... They don't see that it is not only a very dangerous tool, but an archaic one as well.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

One Outcome in Abundance (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/one-outcome-in-abundance

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You are right we need something better than communism, or any other ism, and something infinitely better than democracy, which is just corrupt mob rule. We need a guiding philosophy that cannot be seized and corrupted by the elites, and definitely must be guided by ethics. I would caution you about the use of the word 'capitalism' because I believe it is used incorrectly all over the place-especially since Karl Marx began the attacks on it. It is not capitalism that is the problem it is monopoly, the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism - especially patents, intellectual property rights and most types of copyright. It is monopoly everything that empowers the psychopaths. The monopoly of money, debt and usury.

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Well, I do call it "abundancism," which is an "ism..." LOL! But what are Ya gunna do when adding another perspective in a sea of "isms?"

Indeed, demo(n)cracy is ghastly. Two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. I propose a solutocracy:

Solutocracy – A Way to Govern (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solutocracy-a-way-to-govern

As for capitalism... I suggest that, as money = power, that it IS capitalism that is the issue. Whether We account for everyOne's energy added into a system with eggs (trade/barter money) or anything on up to electronic bits, that requirement offers something the psychopaths (who generally LUST for power over Others) can seize and use against Us.

In trade/barter, the psychopaths would find ways of controlling needed things - water, land, seed, passage on trade routes, etc. - to have power. Once it went representational, the psychopaths were off and running. They will do any unEthical thing They can get away with to acquire and keep the most. Defrauding, stealing, torturing, murdering.

And even if We went back on "the gold standard" the psychopaths presently in control would still have the power. They presently own virtually all the precious metals on Our planet.

And then They could buy up the schools, publishing, media, medical industry, pHARMa industry, and pull off planetary plannedemics just the same. They can easily hide the monopolies in layers and layers of legal yada-yada.

As They have done...

I suggest that We no longer need to account for Our energy added into a system. We have the tech - free energy tech, well hidden by the psychopaths because They know Their ONLY tool to power is money (irrespective of form).

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

I would rather live as richly as I choose than have to find some way to plug My energy in some way - whether I love it, am bored with it, or downright hate it - so as to get the slave tokens to pay for food/clothing/shelter for the masters so They don't have to bother.

And remove planned obsolescence, which creates the vast bulk of waste We see.

There is a Light Bulb… (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/there-is-a-light-bulb

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Interesting points to mull over. Your point about energy leapt out at me. You might be right, or most of the way there. Around 2007-2008 I started preaching that we should have 'free energy' and I remember the reactions of people, especially young engineers, "energy can't be free." Lol. But if energy, which represents the greatest cost in all of our activity, is free, then it drives the cost of living into the floor. Which drives down the need for money. But in my view money is simply a representation of the exchange of energy between human beings, and creates a way to store energy. I think we still need money to prosper and create the abundance you promote, which I think is correct by the way - and I utterly despise that puppet Macron for saying I think in early 2022, or 2023 "The age of Abundance is over" - I wanted to rip his throat out. C'est la vie.

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Well, as My father worked on one free energy technology in the aerospace industry and would tell Us all about Their experiments, saying to Me that in the world I would grow up in, I would see cities floating, cars flying, and We would have all the energy We could use... I absolutely KNOW free energy exists. We can draw it from the electro-gravito-magnetic field that pervades the universe. I did a vid on it:

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

As for needing money, We might want to look at societies that developed in abundance (few and far between as they were) to discover... Well, I have an article on that, too:

Solving for Poverty (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/Solving-for-Poverty:4

And Macron is helping to strip Us of abundance... He's in the Big Club.

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I've worked out these elites when they speak in public, they are not speaking to the masses. They are speaking to each other in code and double talk. The army of insiders knows the language. E.g. Joe Biden 'There's a pandemic of the unvaccinated." Except they were not unvaccinated, he was using the fake redefinition to the CDC that you are only 'vaccinated' when you've had 2 injections and after 2 weeks. Before that you are 'unvaccinated.' one of the ways they fudged the figures and lied. So big Joe was saying 'There's a pandemic of the vaccinated.' Which is why he laughed. He knew they were spreading disease and death. Evil bastard. As to Macron his purpose in standing up to say that was to send a message to the global army of communists 'The time is come we are ending abundance in everything to smash up the world for the Great Reset war."

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I agree with most of what You said there, but for the last bit. Unless You take the "shedding" claims to be true - which I am giving low probability of; I think it's more an electromagnetic effect (We're electromagnetic Beings and do communicate in that fashion, and the jabs likely disrupted that EM matrix) - I can't say the vaccinated were "spreading disease and death."

Given there's no such thing as contagion, I'm not sure how that would work. Haha!

Yes, the useless ELiters send messages in Their words. Likely the gematria in the words is another layer. And yes, They are stripping Us of the access to the abundance of Our planet quite on purpose. When enough of Us know We CAN create better...We WILL.

Keep sharing the truth! Love always!

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Gidday Ivan.

It confounds me, how you came from being Ivan of the Backpacker Hostel in Darwin, to Ivan the Terrible, slayer of ancient globalist demons and Speaker of Eternal Truths. Very fucking impressive mate. Nobody else I have ecountered on this planet has nailed it like you have. Well done.

Incidentally, I know a lot of my tourism competitors had a giggle about my using Aboriginal culture to present our then current civilisation in mirror juxtaposition, to expose the reality of the corruption we thought was democracy, but in essence, I was exposing the same illusion. That is why my tourists came home and told others to go on the same journey. It looks like we have come full circle.

That we both took totally diffferent paths to identify the same threat to humanity, speaks volumes about the inevitability of this convergeance, and of the legitimacy of our joint positions.

I don't expect anyone else to see this my way, but I lean towards the belief that what is happening now was always built in to human evolution; an endemic correction from the sociopathy of advance application of technology based on the beliefs and values of a bygone era, fuedal medievalism. The old hierarchy has to die and die decisively and permananetly.

I consider the world-wide repugnance felt by billions towards the Zionist genocides in Gaza, is part of this movement. I would be interested to know what you think is coming next, by way of globalist challenges.

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Gidday Tony,

Mate - thank you for one of the very most wonderful compliments I think that I could ever receive, your first part when you said "you came from being Ivan of the Backpacker Hostel in Darwin, to Ivan the Terrible, slayer of ancient globalist demons and Speaker of Eternal Truths. Very fucking impressive mate. Nobody else I have ecountered on this planet has nailed it like you have." - this had me roaring in laughter that went on for minutes, partly because of the depth of your compliment, but mostly because of the great contrast between the two Ivans that you have known, separated by many years, and also in the delight at sharing in our reconnection, purely by chance here on Substack, we have both been amazed in finding different sides to the other that we did not known in our past life in tourism.

I liked your comment so much, I have cut and pasted it into a special file I keep of wonderful comments made by the people in my life!

I totally agree with you about the thought on 'built into human evolution' - which my article highlights. The Crown Monarchy System. And what is most important is "The old hierarchy has to die and die decisively and permanently' - spot on. It's the toughest part because almost all grass roots up movements are hijacked by the global cabal. Religions for example!

You are right about the repugnance for the Zionists. Even my girlfriends dad is utterly repulsed by Israel today - and he was an army officer who worked with their army and used to have respectful and complimentary things to say about them.

Regarding what is coming next - mate that's a long list. I have several developing files on this topic. Attacks on Humanity-A-Z; War on Humanity-overview; the Sustainable Development Goals; Transnational Criminal Cartel, Top Down Tyranny, and the Great Reset.

The best, short, answer I can give is to say - expect more of the same. They are not stopping. Because their Transnational Criminal Cartel is supranational on every level, and the Covid-terrorism gave them trillions of dollars to ramp up their communist War on Humanity.

However they are I think behind on their goals.

Have you seen the Deagel.com site, or rather their 2014 published depopulation project, updated in 2017, projecting all the western nations a catastrophic reduction in population for 2025 - which was washed off their site in 2021 when the Internet lit up which chatter about the mRNA poisons being a depopulation even and referencing Deagel. They predicted 10 million deaths in Australia and reduced from the 2017 population of 23 million to just 16 million in 2025. But the USA was the worst - a reduction from 327 million in 2017 to 100 million in 2025. But it was the predictions for the rearrangment of the global economies that gives the communists plot away. They predicted that China would be the number one economy in the world, followed by India, Russia, Japan, Brazil, and then the United States in number 6 position with the economy reduced to just $2.45 trillion.

A very nasty agenda. And who would want this? The group I talk about in this article!

Remember that Klaus Schwab in talking to the Davos membership said "We are not safe it everyone is not vaccinated" - translation: "We the true global communist elites are not safe if we don't poison every human on earth."

So they are behind that. And they are going to keep trying. But a couple of billion people are awake to them. And while there are a couple of billion cowering down like cowards I had a very interesting, ugly, but practical realization today.

For all those that are losing their lives in the mass poisoning of humanity, they are actually reducing the numbers of people who followed the fascism, and as these numbers go down the numbers of people that don't believe a bloody word the liars tell us is going up as a percentage. And the only thing that has kept these psychopaths in check throughout history, even though they've won many battles, is that the good people who see the evil keep fighting back and when there are more of them than the evil fools and their useful idiots, then good triumphs over evil. What they've done since WW2, especially with the international institutions, the WEF, and the tax havens, is create a breeding ground for liars, fraudsters, and corruption.

Eventually this is all going to be reset. But the process is going to be painful.

However human beings have an amazing capacity to stand and fight, and to adjust themselves and cope with difficult times.

As Norman Vincent Peale said - 'Tough times never last but tough people do.' And we humans, especially us Australians, are amongst the toughest animals on the planet and we have been for hundreds of thousands of years, which is why our race in its various forms from the Levant, through Europe, across Asia, even down through Africa, across the Pacific and down to New Zealand has survived, thrived, and lived through every known catastrophe and age on earth.

And that is why Evil cannot triumph over the human spirit.


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