Urgent: Help Stop the FDA Approving Covid-19 Shots For Babies & Children
Whatever the FDA does in America is a massive influence on Covid-19 policy worldwide. Your voice can help block the FDA, & helps reduce the use of mRNA experimental drugs.
I read this article by the World Council for Health, and immediately stopped what I was doing to come and write this post to ask you to add your voice to resisting this FDA policy.
The American FDA is on the verge of approving mRNA Covid-19 drugs for injecting into children and babies. Quite apart from the risks and harms that are likely to come to American children from this policy, the American public health industry is the most powerful part of global health, and it influences countries all over the world. It will certainly be used to roll out Covid-19 shots for children in all the developing countries.
Since President Joe Biden took office he has been using the public health institutions of the United States to ramp up the tyranny of Xi Jinping’s Covid-19 doctrines, which started in early 2021, as demonstrated with his Global Covid-19 Summit program, which is now in its second year and reflects Joe Biden’s intentions, which he revealed clearly at his State of the Union address in 2022, when he said ‘We will vaccinate everyone……and we will not stop.’
Joe Biden, and his administration, are ignoring the massive data and scientific evidence that shows the mRNA Covid-19 drugs are not vaccines, that they are not working, and that they are harmful. One way to stop Joe Biden is to stop the FDA.
You can read the World Council for Health’s article here. And you can add your name and comments to the FDA webiste here.
You will be invited to write a comment on the FDA website, and this is what I wrote following below. And please share this with everyone you know to maximize the number of people that respond to this, the final deadline is June the 13th.
Ivan M. Paton
My comments to the FDA
To Whom It May Concern:
I am utterly disgusted that the American FDA is on the verge of considering and potentially approving the injection of children with mRNA Covid-19 drugs.
All the data, research and science is in, and has been for a long time, for more than a year. These drugs are leading to multiple deaths, adverse events, maimings, and illnesses.
Quite apart from your own VAERS system, every other drug and vaccine related reporting system in the world is at sky high record levels for Covid-19 drug adverse effects.
These mRNA Covid-19 drugs are not vaccines. They do not provide sterilizing immunity, they do not stop infections, they do not stop transmission, and they do not stop illness, hospitalization or deaths.
And it is very clear from the data across the world that the vaccinated are much more likely to get Covid and die. The all cause mortality for children in the UK has skyrocketed post injections, it is up 100x compared to non-injected children. The all cause mortality for 18-64 year olds in America is up on average 40% in the USA in Q3 and Q4 in 2021, which was reported by American life insurance companies.Â
Pfizer lied about the Absolute Risk Ratio (ARR) and conflated it with the Relative Risk Ratio (RRR). Pfizer and the FDA conspired to try and hide the trials data for 75 years, because you knew there were 1,291 known adverse affects, which includes every single adverse affect people all over the world are experiencing post-injection.
These drugs are not vaccines. To call them as such is a hideous lie, and deliberate deception of the public. Even the manufacturers don't call them that - all they say is that they "reduce symptoms" - a highly questionable and debatable statement.
All of which I have said above the FDA knows, because it is not possible to not know this.
Therefore it is time to reject mRNA Covid-19 injections, not just for children, but for the whole of humanity.
It is time to end this pseudo-science and stop threatening and destroying the lives and health of billions of people with this pressure to inject dangerous deadly drugs.
Ivan M. Paton
I suggest proof reading & correcting errors in the letter before posting to the FDA website. I know people who absolutely disregard anything written, that contain errors (spelling, grammatical & the like) because they judge the content on those errors alone.
What is the link to make a comment please? Excellent letter!