Jun 8, 2022Liked by Ivan M. Paton

I suggest proof reading & correcting errors in the letter before posting to the FDA website. I know people who absolutely disregard anything written, that contain errors (spelling, grammatical & the like) because they judge the content on those errors alone.

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Good point. Did you pick up any I made?

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Ivan M. Paton

What is the link to make a comment please? Excellent letter!

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If you can't see it in the article - click on the link where I tell you to read the article by the World Council of Health (first time I mention them) and on their page you will see the link SN. Substack needs to make the links function more clear - it's hard to see.

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For some reason I don't understand when we add hyperlinks, they are hard to see on published Substack articles.

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