Good work, Ivan.

"The W.H.O. deceived the world by inferring that there was no treatment for the early symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is a common cold, because the only initial disease that coronaviruses create is the common cold."

Coincidently, I published a post about this very thing yesterday.

Drugs And Foods Being Pilloried To Maintain EUA For Covid Vaccines


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Great minds think alike.....5555. Thanks for the link Richard I'll read it. Hey I noticed you disappeared from Facebook - what happened?

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Well, I got tired of...

1. Spending so much time on something with little measurable return for me.

2. Spending so much time creating content for social media platforms instead of channeling all effort into my own stuff.

So I deleted Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram entirely. I think it's about 6 weeks now. Back in April I turned my longstanding blog (since 2003, 5,000 posts) into a membership site and that is going very, very well.

This explains my case for deleting social media.


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