Ya got me there Ivan., You got it in one. 100% accurate geopolitical forecast.
I worked hard for sixty years to rouse the rabble and got nowhere. Our Aussie rabble are unrousable. So it is on to Plan B.
Suddenly, I am Catholic again, outraged at Pope Francis for protecting paedophiles, championing Wokeism, in bed with Klaus and Bibi. and letting the Church engage in child and drug trafficking. I have posted flyers on parishners' car windscreens at holy mass, been disowned by my parish priest, ordered to desist by the Bishop, and now I am into loose alliance with Mel Gibson and his war alliance with excommunicated ArchBishop Vigano. against the Rogue Pope.
I have declared my intention to launch the new anti-hierarchy Catholic Church of Darwin (the new Rome) and excommunicate all rogue priests, bishops cardinals and popes. This should establish my persona as a harmless religious crank, or at best, a morals cruesader. This should lubricate my migration to the Philippines. Equally, if impact is measuable and I am seen as righteous, I may then publicly demand that the US occupiers here explain specifically how their planes and tanks will protect north Australia from Chinese or Russian missiles, considering they have nothing even half as good (US Mach 12 as opposed to Russian Mach 25).
If I am still alive by then, either Darwin will be nest of rebels or I will be starting my new life overseas. Either way looks like fun. I may have to depart in a small boat.
I should mention that the Philippines is the bastion of Catholicism; cast-iron committed to the "Cash is King" mentality and will refuse to use digital currency, and would be a nightmare to control with so many islands and dense population. Their expulsion of the Spanish shows they know how to resist.
I consider it prudent to not plan beyond these projections.
Interesting that you think I got it accurately. Time will tell.
I've been following the Catholic debacle for a long time now, and have numerous notes on the communist Woke pope Francis - do you know the rotter said in 2014 "Inside every Christian is a Jew." There's 2 good books that back up why he said that - the first is Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great, and the second The Secret Society of Moses-both were available on the Internet Archive - If you can't find them and want them send me an email as I have them downloaded and just forwarded them to another friend last night.
The basic premise is that the priestly class the Israelite priests that have ruled the Jewish community and are descendants of Moses, are behind not just Judaism, but also Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, and Islam - the 3 Abrahamic religions - all Jews are bound to obey their priests so its like a cult - and they used the cult of Mithras to infiltrate and take over the Roman Empire and then became the Roman Empire with the Vatican and the R.C.C., with the Vatican being on top of their underground HQ for Mithraism!!!! And the temple of Mithras is being renovated in the City of London!!!!
I call them the Zion Imperial Cult - because all roads lead to Zion.
And after studying up on the Book of Enoch, I came to the conclusion Yeshua, falsely named Jesus Christ - was actually a revolutionary elite preaching the Christ consciousness which is the path to enlightened use of our full faculties, but his original disciples were a militant military movement - likely the Jews called the Zealots who were constantly fighting the Romans and the Jews who worked with the Romans, the elites.
And after they had Yeshua crucified his movement survived and Saul of Taurus, otherwise called Paul, the 1st Apostle, was commissioned by the Elders of Zion, which is really the Zion Imperial Cult, to hunt down Yeshuas followers and kill them off.
This story is also told in an interesting 1928 essay 'Commissary to the Gentiles The First to see the possibilities of war by propaganda" Marcus Eli Ravage - and in this he tells us also how the Saul of Taurus on the road to Damascus had a brainwave and infiltrated the Yeshua movement and took it over instead and turned it into a weapon to DESTROY POLYTHEISM - which was a religion that incentivized men and women to be the best versions of themselves, to imitate the gods, and this was the true strength of the Roman empire. They rebranded it and called it paganism, while in fact creating Pagan Christianity with the Cult of Mithras - which is what Catholicism is really based on.
Once they had control of the Roman Empire, they've been looting and stealing the wealth of mankind with the church and their banking system for nearly 2000 years, while forcing humanity under the power of their Crown Monarchy System.
It's breathtaking the width, depth and breadth of this Evil.
And mankind is suffering from not just collective amnesia about where we all come from, but they are also suffering from collective Stockholm Syndrome, in that the majority are not just in service to the Evil that rules human, the Zion Imperial Empire, but they worship its institutions - Church, Vatican, Pope, bankers, monarchies etc, even the United Nations and the W.H.O. - all this collective institutionalized Evil.
I like your idea of an anti-hierarchy Catholic Church.
But I will go you one better.
I think we need an entirely new religion.
Annudeism - is my suggestion - which I would translate to "The reality of God."
Anu is the ancient Annunaki God of the universe, according to the Sumerian texts, and the prick that gave us the Great Flood and tried to drown us right out.
And the Israelites claim they are descendants of Moses, and therefore Noah, and Noah is the Hebrew name given to one of the Annunaki high priests who survived the Great Flood and was given a directive to repopulate the earth, and resubjugate mankind into slavery.
We are fighting the 'rulers and slaves' paradigm of the ancient Annunaki.
The Roman Republic was built on polytheism of the Annunaki gods, all renamed, and they used them as inspiration to know what was worth striving to be, and what was needed to be avoided - and this is what we need - a new philosophy that inspires humans to become the absolute best version of themselves - and that's what ancient Rome had and it involved the pursuit of truth - and it is this that helped the Roman Empire create great new technologies that they used in their cities and in war, and this philosophy that helped Julius Caesar to be one of the greatest leaders in history - even though he was a bloodthirsty son a bitch he was an amazing leader of men.
That's all ended when 71 senators stabbed him to death.
And that was really the death of the Roman Republic and this philosophy right there.
The Israelite priest's family, are the Elders of Zion, and they've been struggling for 3,000 years to take control over humanity, and their secret weapon has been banking, and through banking they impoverish everyone and steal all of the wealth, and when they worked out that Central Banks and fiat money was the ultimate weapon, then they've been attacking people all over the planet with it since they opened the Bank of England in 1694 and handed the baton over to the Federal Reserve in 1913, because they'd stripped the wealth bare from Britain already!!!
I also like your idea of going off to the Philippines and trying to find some remote place to avoid it all. But don't think that will last. The United Nations communists want it all - the Sustainable Development Goals is the written plan of the Zion Imperial Empire for World Communism.
I have a day dream about not just a new religious philosophy but also brand new states or communities - for example like the Israeli kibbutz idea but add in the secret sauce of a community money system like the South African Oriana community and create healthy strong people and self-sufficiency. With the same view in mind my biggest day dream is to find a rock in the ocean, and do what China has done in the South China Sea, fill in the ocean, build land and bring people in and start a Free State.
We need a new money system.
We need new societies.
We need to free ourselves from their energy monopolies.
And we need ways to build strong people, like our parents and grandparents generations.
Catholicism is the one true faith. Unfortunately it has been infiltrated by Marxists, Freemasons and divided through Protestantism but will be restored. the church and its dogma will prevail. We have many good priests out there professing truth, the dispensation of grace through the holy sacrament and sacrifice of the mass will heal this world. It will be a painful process and we are due for Gods chastisement but make no mistake his church will be restored to its full glory to manifest Gods glory. Modernism which is the synthesis of all heresy will be conquered and the Satan who is behind it all will have his head crushed by the heel of the Holy Mother. Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!
In the end our Blessed Mother will triumph. That said… what I think might be described in all of these comments and the article itself is the “great chastisement “. When our Lord goes Old Testament…it’s a doozy. Pax
Just a few comments. I thought as you did until recently, when I backtracked history and realised that the Bank of England (City of London) created a structural lieutenant in 1913, secretly retaining power, shared partly with Geneva and Basel (BIS). They also created a reserve bank in every other nation and also wrote their national constitutions (which, incidentally and very significantly, never contains the word 'democracy'). They then launched WWI the very next year. The British East India Company and British Empire were always the same entity and Mayer Rothschild's great achievement was in defeating the old Zionists and, through his five sons, one by one, pointing out to the Black Nobility that their in-breeding had blunted their intelligentsia and that the New Zionists should man the front line, and the Black Nobility should content themselves with financing their new executive order. The Rockefellers went one further, realising that the Rothschild rule of Rothschild men marrying only Rothschild women, would eventually weaken them, precipitating a Rockefeller takeover. This was already extant by 1933 but I never did ID the actual coup. It was clearly very discreet and was probably never documented. Nelson than wrote the entire United Nations Manifesto and agency structures, including the planned HQ on Rockefeller land in NY, ready for when (Rothschild) Churchill and FDR agreed to it in 1944. Also undocumented was the decision by the Rockefellers to not fall into the same dynastic trap of their predecessors, and only be led by the demonstrably most competent. Following a meeting between Areil Sharon and Rupert Murdoch (in a chopper, sipping champagne as they viewed the massacre of Shatila by the Israel-led Falangists), the last recommendation came in identifying Rupert Murdoch as the anointed successor to David Rockefeller when he, too, passed away. David advised Murdoch accordingly in 1973 (the same day that Zbigniew Brzezinski completed the Trilateral Commission) and in 1975, Murdoch took over the entire Zionist propaganda machine, which included blackmail rings (ie the Maxwells), and print and TV media, and Hollywood. The CIA was linked to all. As of March, 2017, Murdoch has been the global Tzar, which explains how the media led the entire covid/jab/lockdown scenario. Murdoch has an Achilles heel but I won't mention it here. But you have already read it. A new religion is a good idea but we need to go over this on a private forum.
Thank you for that devastating advice, Effra. I wil ask Pea how it is going, but it kinda sounds like escape routes are being cut off as fast as I dentify these. Oh well, I am still welcome in rebel Africa.
Hi mate - please send me an email and mention that Archilles heel of the M-Doch's. The new religion is a good idea. Africa is being cut off as well - there is a spreading Marxist movement all over the bloody continent.
You have already read it. The illegal arrest of Jim Bowditch, applying a new law that had not been gazetted, aired in the public notices, or placed on the Post Office notice board. Murdoch spent millions recreating history to divert attention from this.
I have been re reading and reflecting..I don't think it's white people per se...I think it is Western Ciivilation..ithe philosophy and it's culture especially which led to the all men are created equal and have rights that are inalienable ..ie the fruit of Western Civilization and its underpinning that must be utterly destroyed is the goal. It just happened to come via white Europeans and christianity.....
Tyranny and serfdom is the rule all through history...we are living in a cultural interglaciation period which we have taken for the norm.
I am not sanguine about the future.
Maybe all we can do is to Save what we can....for generations in the future....
Your song was absolutely brilliant. In a world not censored it would have gone viral. Well done. You hit all the nails on the head, bar the monarchies. The real communists are the monopolists, which are the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires. I found I watched your song all the way through because it held me spellbound as you banged the nails of truth in. Well done. And you sound Australian?
I am an Australian. Yes I’m surprised how much I nail it in that song. I was tricked into climate brain until 2010 but now I think I get what is happening.
Thanks for listening that song will not appear unless you type every word of the title perfectly.
Glad you turned up today. I had a mental note to keep a copy of the link to your song, and lost track of it, but just put it away. It's truly awesome. If that was performed with a group and a good video it might do really well. Think about doing it. I'm an aussie as well, which you might have figured out.
"Bloody Palantir and TIA!!!" - Indeed. F****K the SILICON VALLEY CYBER TERRORISTS!
Brilliant assessment! Indeed, They have ghastly plans!!!
I would go further, though, and say that the psychopaths in control (likely with names like Orsini and Medici - Rome never died), are the Ones writing the script, casting the actors, and directing from the wings. They are Ones We never see. I suggest that "the deep state" is a plot element in Their convoluted and contrived play.
Yes, Trump is Their actor, as are the actors in Biden masks. The media, owned by the psychopaths in control, would never mention anyOne that was not part of the play.
I might also point out... Also, there is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless......
The "shooting" of Trump was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, with the One given the crown and scepter of Jerusalem.
Hi mate, Bingo - you are dead right. As soon as I read your words about the "deep state" being a plot element in their convoluted and contrived play it resonated deeply with me. They created the term to distract and deceive from the hidden hands yanking the chains of the deep state actors. It's like the hidden hands are a conductor in an orchestra. Want to know where you see this in action - in the movies, especially old ones, where you see the British Government deep state players engineering the outcomes they want - lots of truths wrapped up in those movies. What is the biblical ritual about blood to the top of the right ear???
"The One" meaning the chosen one - Trump! And what is the "crown and scepter of Jerusalem"???? never heard of it.
It's not Rome - that was an alternative line of post flood survivors who carried the stories of the Gods forward but built a society based on meritocracy, which is what made the Roman Republic great - polytheism - taking the best of the gods and emulating it.
But the faction of the flood survivors that are enemies of humanity are the Annunaki priestly classes - who've changed names through the millennium but want a return to a one world monarchy under their God, meaning their king Yahweh. I wrote this only this morning:
1. Annunaki Imperial Cult = Crown Monarchy System = Totalitarian rule = Rulers & Slaves = the source of ALL EVIL.
2. Great Flood. - survivors was who the Hebrews called Noah and his sons, and Abraham, and Moses (note Noah has other names in other ancient civilizations)
3. Sumerians Imperial Cult - Sumerian texts record the history of the Annunaki
4. Babylonian Imperial Cult - the cult likely wrote the history and plans in Hebrew and attempted to destroy the Sumerian texts.
5. Moses - creates the Israelites covenant with the descendants of the Annunaki Imperial Cult - the priestly class that became the priests and kings
6. 12 tribes of Israel - and the covenant to be loyal to the house of Judah (the Lion of Judah) - Zion is born.
7. The Annunaki Imperial Cult, through the line of Moses, becomes the Elders of Zion
8. Yahweh cult - becomes Judaism - the Talmudic Judaism Cult, used to control the community of Jews and use them as useful idiots in the War against Mankind - they write the Old Testament in Hebrew - it is their history and their plans. Only the initiated understand it in full. And the priests-rabbis rule the people.
8. Christianity is created to destroy the Romans Polytheism -
9. The sect of Mithras - really the Annunaki Imperial Cult - spreads Jewish Christianity through the Roman Empire until they flip it Christian and the the cult of Mithras becomes the Roman Catholic Church.....
10. The Roman Catholic Church is used to spread the Crown Monarchy and viciously destroy all opposition. It's Yahweh's way or the highway.
10. Islam - later they create Islam - more divide and conquer and destruction of polytheism and the worship of their god Yahweh -
11. Jews (Judasism), Christians (Judaism rebranded), and Muslims (Islam) are all pitted against each other in endless wars that leave a path of chaos, conflict and catastrophe, leading to death, destruction and depopulation.
12. This model is exported from Europe worldwide!!!!
There is so much more but this is the key. and the key evil strategies resonate throughout history.
1. Crown Monarchy System - totalitarian rule of bloodlines and their puppets, rulers and slaves
2. Propaganda - lies, lies, and more lies
3. Banking as a debt weapon - super destructive and enslaves everyone
4. Secret cults, secret societies, secret arms of all the religions
5. One single goal - a return to a world totalitarian monarchy system based on rulers and slaves - "By 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy."
I am familiar with stories of the Anunnaki, but was led to believe that They had the Enlil (An-En) followers and the Enki (Ea) followers, and that Enki supported Humanity and Enlil wanted to master Us.
Perhaps It was propaganda. Most of My awareness came from Robert Morning Sky's work, The Terra Papers, which I mentioned on My humble little forum - even did a glossary of His work and posted it as well:
After the flood they created the Sumerian Empire, and started spreading their evil across the planet again. They wrote down their history in the Sumerian texts.
All the 3 Abrahamic religions are based on the stories that came from the Annunaki.
All of them. All the gods, the creation myths, the Great Flood. Everything.
And that goes for all other religions and indigenous beliefs - it’s all mirrored in the same stories.
What I call the evil is the Crown Monarchy System of rulers and SLAVERY for mankind.
It seems Enki may have been good and wanted the best for mankind - that’s the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge story - but his elder brother Enlil, was the king of earth, and they both answered to the Assembley of Gods (Council of 13), and their father Anu was the King of all Annunaki on the 12th planet Nibiru - that comes by Earth once every 3,600 years.
It is Anu - the supreme king that decided to flood us all out and destroy mankind - why? Because we kept rebelling against being slaves and procreated prolificly - and kept fighting the totalitarians.
Or joining factions that were fighting other ruling factions.
Well, I agree that the "Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge story" was Enki doing what He could.
I guess We're screwed, then? No heroes for Us? We surely aren't equipped to deal with that kind of power - which uses money (energy accounting) as the slave chains. Which I have been aiming to remove on Our planet. [sigh]
If there is no hope... I ponder what purpose that is in continuing. At all.
Just realized I failed to give You data on the ritual:
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Regarding Trump and the Warp speed vaccines and mRNA bio-poison. That was done under the DoD and they the DoD used legal plunder to prevent Trumps interference in the weapons issue. DoD, meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning.
Look up on Sasha Latypova's Substack, as well as Legal analyst Katherine Watt on the issue.
Trumps hands were tied, and he was out of his depth and he was exploited (lied to) by Fauci and his criminal gang, being the CDC, by the AMA, by the FDA, by Deborah Birx, by Irum Zaidi, by Alex Azar, & lied to by some of his advisors including the DoD.
He relied on advisors like all presidents do on both sides, be it Democrats or Republicans. Remember the peanut farmer president Jimmy Carter.
I know exactly how you feel -about 2 years ago in the middle of the stabbing and jabbing program where I live the ambulance sirens screamed 5-10 times an hour, all day and all night for over a year - every time that that boosted and did it again and again.
Many people around the world were commenting on the same thing, ambulance sirens non-stop. I live in a condo between 3 hospitals. I realized it was genocide by government and it nearly drove me insane.
In the end to get me through it I would think about how the bombs were falling on London, and the Germans, in WW2 and think 'The bombs are falling, but you have to get on with life.'
Then I went through a long period of ABSOLUTE RAGE at all the perpetrators.
And all I got for that was massively censored by the Silicon Valley Big Tech Terrorists - for that is what they are - and that also further enraged me.
And then one day I realized that if I didn't calm down the STRESS would kill me.
It took time and I returned to calm - which was always my normal setting.
But I had to teach myself to witness this genocide, witness this war against humanity, and keep on keeping on. And as part of that I also made myself go back and learn to watch these psychopaths like Gates, Schwab, Biden. and Tedros - because at one point I couldn't stand the sound of their voices as I wanted to scream abuse at them -but I knew I had to be able to turn up and listen, because they tell us all what they are doing - in fact I think they are informing their army of useful idiots around the world, not us.
So, as you said - it's a 'bitter pill to swallow' - but the only thing that serves us is the TRUTH - which is why my page is named 'In Pursuit of Truth' - something that I learned early in life - nothing but the truth is what serves us all the best.
I have also recently kickstarted my mediation practice and try and get a few short sessions in each week, preferably early in the morning, and I find that this helps me let go of the stress, to focus, and to keep on keeping on -
But also to be able to turn up on the page, or in person with people in my life, and talk calmly and sensibly about the Evil that rules humanity, the communists, the bankers, the billionaires, and the monarchies who are all attacking us relentlessly.
Find your strength Duchess, because you have far more inside of you than you know.
As we all do. It's what we need - strong, tough people to get through this.
Norman Vincent Peale once said "Tough times never last, but tough people do."
And you Duchess are tough, or you would not be here. :)
Thank ypu so much for this.,.exactly what I went through..only I need to calm down…I never could meditate..but i started playing piano again….but it's so comforting to know others felt and saw and heard this….thank you again for sharing. Wise words and good advice..Its re assuring to not be the only one.
I think Duchess I think that there are literally hundreds of millions of us.
Take time to be in nature as well, and get your shoes off and connect with the earth and its energy - if you don't know much about 'grounding' do some research on it - I found it only recently and have been doing this too and have noticed a strong shift in my body's energy. Focus on getting back to calm - and remember if we are out of whack the psychos are winning!
Thank you for sharing all that you’ve experienced and learned! Your main post is terrifying but true. Like Duchess said, it’s comforting to know there are others who see this and I’m glad to have found this Substack. I don’t have anyone in my life that can hear any of this right now. Thanks for being here and sharing your truth.
.thank you so much for turning up to say thank you. Your words send a wave of gratitude through me, so much so I will cut and paste them in a file I keep of comments I truly value. I am glad that you find what I write resonates as truth, and that even though it is scary, it helps. Fear is normal, and courage is the ability to act in the face of fear.
Our western nations in my generation have done everything that they can do to make us weak - this was on purpose. I remember my father and mothers generation, he went through WW2, and my grandfather and grandmothers generation, they went through WW1, and they were all strong people. They would never have put up with this shite.
That said I want to say to you focus on improving your strength - righteous anger helps!!! Here's a clip from Jordan Petersen that highlights the importance of strength.
While everything here is plausible there are entirely too many moving parts to predict timing and/or outcome. What it says to me is to hope for the best (which isn’t a strategy per se) and prepare for the worst. Pax
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Great advice Roger.
One thing that we can be certain of despite all the moving parts is that the real winners will be the same players - the richest people in the world, the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires. It's their games and we are all but pawns on the board.
While I do agree that this demographic is extremely powerful I submit that even they have vulnerabilities and will recycled/replaced over time. The key is how adept are they in controlling the little people so they can play their games. Once the little people become a mob the “jig is up “. Pax
As valid a theory as any I've heard. Not very many people notice that through the pendulum swings of the ages, the ruling classes agenda slowly grinds along towards its ultimate goal. Presidents and Gods come and go and the conditions that lead to an unbreakable world monopoly of power chews away at our crops like a plague of locusts.
Thanks Dale - and I absolutely agree with you - 'the conditions that lead to an unbreakable world monopoly of power chews away at our crops like a plague of locusts' - yep. It's the Evil that rules humanity and their primary weapon is the Money Monopoly - a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction machine that has created all the misery, death, and poverty we see.
South Africa and BRICS, don't be fooled, they are not ramping up their use of fossil fuels. They have adopted the UN's NEMA guidance as well as the UN IRENA policies. IRENA is all about destruction of economies using the Renewable Scam and imposing taxes and levies to push up the price of fossil fuels and reduce coal usage, with Carbon Tax etc.
The country has closed all of the refineries and now imports fuel, this was achieve by making environmental requirements so stringent, it no longer was financially feasible. Country went from complete independence from foreign fuel (Sasol & Fischer-Tropsch process) to to totally dependent on imports in under 30 years.
Ramaphosa is also a billionaire. From a Trade Union leader to a billionaire in 20 years, The reserve Bank is privately owned with the Government as a stakeholder in a PPP arrangement. crooked scumbag , its obvious.
Thanks for that - it appears then that the only one of the BRICS that is really ramping it up is China, though I think that India is too. Ramaphosa is a billioinaire!!! He's got to be on the WEF team then. That's who they recruit - or create and recruit - billionaires. I say the billionaires are the bankers bitch boys. Do you know who owns your Central Bank???
And have you read any of Stephen Mitford Gibson's work - he was attacking the central bank and died suddenly.
China, though I think that India is too- correct sir, that they are.
As far as Ramaphosa being on the WEF, yes he is as well as his Brother-in-law Patrice Motsepe (billionaire in Mining and Renewable Energy -African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM) and Africa Rainbow Energy & Power (AREP) is too. . There is a clear connection between them and oligarchs and Billionaires, Rob Hersov, Johann Rupert (also WEF) and the Oppenheimer's De Beers Diamonds and Anglo American and even the CIA.
It just so happened that One of the former Energy Ministers Jeff Radebe is married to Ramaphosa's sister, and Ramaphosa to Patrice Motsepe's sister.
Just so happened that Cyril Ramaphosa wife and Patrice Motsepe sister Dr Tshepo Motsepe served on Board with Prof Helen Rees of SAHPRA approving Vaccines in South Africa, most convenient as they say.
Yes I have read Stephen Mitford Gibson's work on the Inside the South African Reserve Bank. I know that BMGF has been closely involved with Cashless drive and the ID2020 and ID4Africa plan and South African Reserve Bank. Weell send you what I have about state capture and reserve bank fraudulent activity exposed by a bloke from the UK called Jeff Koorbanally.
Sunface Jack you are proving to be a wealth of information about S.A.
Brilliant - I have thought for a while we need a new CIA - Citizens Intelligence Agency - you can be our man on the ground in S.A. Mankind really needs a network of citizens that are locals that can connect the dots and expose the evil.
Thanks Ivan. See our latest issue. The goons at r=the ANC are peed off and concerned that the US will cancel the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) because of its policies with Russia, China and being anti Israel.
No we see further antagonism -Russian companies to participate in South Africa's defence expo, local media reports
At least six Russian companies, including state-owned Rosoboronexport and Roskosmos, will participate in Africa's largest defence and aviation exhibition, "Africa Aerospace and Defence 2024," which will commence in South Africa this September, South African media reported.
The event, which will be held at the Waterkloof Air Force Base near the country's capital, Pretoria, has seen the confirmation of the companies' participation and the presentation of their latest products.
Additionally, Russia may showcase a supersonic Tu-160 strategic bomber at the exhibition. According to the report, a group of seven Russian military specialists visited Waterkloof this week to prepare for the bomber's arrival.
In the 1970's we (South Africa) were fighting Marxist Communist infiltration and Russia and China were sponsoring it. We saw from the 1960's that Southern Africa was slowly but surely becoming socialist, Angola and Mozambique were already red. Then South Africa turned their back on Rhodesia because of Kissinger pressuring John Vorster the president. Rhodesia fell and the South West Africa (Namibia) and in 1994 South Africa capitulated. I was an officer Instructor in 1975-77 training NCO's and Officers in our local Military (reservists) known as commandoes who where a local units in different regions made up of blokes doing camps after doing initial compulsory service. The commandos were basically made up form farmers for rural protection etc. They were disbanded after 1994 by the ANC as they we perceived as a threat to the ANC, Since then farm murders have escalated annually and is in fact a Genocide of The Afrikaners IMO who are the main Targets because they are farmers (Boers) and are whites. All whites were considered as supporters of "Apartheid" which was a label to ostracize and divide. It was of course driven by the British monarchy and freemasons. BTW, Mbeki, Mandela and Desmond Tutu the Anglican Bishop were all Knights of Malta.
Ivan, this is truly an epic article, precisely on point. There's very few options that solve the Globalists Contractual Economic Annexation; except what we as localized communities can create for ourselves.
I'm traveling in the Philippines right now, just got back to Tagaytay from a nice visit in Palawan. One thing I recognize is inspite of poverty, the local people tend to cooperate in mostly positive ways. They live off the ocean in the places where I visited, offering the best of their fresh catch. The fish is excellent without poisonous processing. The fruits here are so good I don't want to go back to the US. Healthy living in remote places may be a good starting point for many people. These things I have seen, give me a sense of hope.
The Globalists Cartel may have a hard time in these remote places, mainly because of the culture of cooperation that already exists. Unfortunately, I am also noticing a lot of ads encouraging people to use digital currency methods of payment, like G Cash. Provinces may be resistant to this, it will likely become more common in the big cities like Makati City or Manila. Anyway, I just wanted to offer some of my direct observations from my travels in real time.
Your post covers so much, it's difficult to add to it.
thanks for the compliment I appreciate it - and coming from you I regard that as high praise. I like the way you said that 'globalists contractual economic annexation' - lol, that's right on point too.
And yes for how many thousands of years have different groups of mankind been running away from the tyrants using the Crown Monarchy System of totalitarianism!!! What they have lacked is the right religion that teaches them to be strong, to become their best version of themselves, which I think is what Polytheism gave the Roman Republic, and teaches them to prepare themselves to fight and defend themselves - quite apart from the lack of the importance of a money system that empowers everyones energy to come forth and build our lives.
Monotheism, the longer I look at it, the more I feel physically and spiritually revolted by it.
It has created useful idiots to be used as cannon fodder for the wars of the Crown, and weak people.
And the only reason that Australians, New Zealanders, Americans, South Africans, Rhodesians, and Canadians all grew into tall stout and healthy people before say WW2 was the remoteness of our lands, and that for generations our people had been far from the locus of tyranny and had lots of good food and red meat. And we grew into powerful tall and healthy people. WW1 and WW2 decimated our people.
Glad to hear about your travels in the Phillipines - I think your right about the encroaching digital payments - it's a problem but maybe the remote locations will be more resistant to it.
It is interesting to see what people from outside the USA are picking up as the "official subliminal narrative of future history" as I like to call it. It is the official storyline that is being broadcast to everyone via the magic lanterns. But as predictable as it is they do often put various twists in the plot, don't they?
I thought that JFK Jr was going to be President because people couldn't help but see that both Biden and Trump are clowns. Trump himself is very old, fat and in mental decline. JFK Jr can do at least some push-ups and he can think on his feet. Plus he is American royalty. I was wrong.
I wonder if people around the world think Kamala is black or Indian? They see her on their magic lanterns. The Indians must know the truth. Do the Africans see a black woman? It is all about hypnotism and the power of suggestion.
It also amazes me that people outside the USA monitor USA politics. I do because I live here. But I could not tell you anything about Australian politics. I don't even know who is in office -not since that ugly Gladys Armenian woman left. I just know it is a mess just like here.
The United States really isn't that important. It is the corporations that hide behind US laws that are important. And the organized crime syndicates no one ever talks about. They have untold power to affect the lives of everyone on Earth.
Yes it is really interesting. I never thought JFK had a hope in hell of winning.
Trump has the base - MAGA. And by the time I wrote this article I'd gone from liking Trump during 2020 presidential campaign and being outraged about the stolen election to slowly ripping off the rose tinted glasses as red flag, after red flag, after red flag told me the c***t was the bankers-Zionists man, because he is one of them - he is Zion Imperial Aristocracy - all presidents are related to the European monarchies, everyone since Washington. The list of why he's there man, and he got in because they turned off the vote fraud machine, because he is their man, and the swamp is slowly doing a u-turn tells us he is their man.
Do you know before COVID-19 fascism put me under house arrest for over a year I could not have told you anything about American politics. This has all come through trying to work out who is the Evil that rules humanity and put us in lockdown. Never ending rabbit holes. And America is the new Rome, Rome rules Washington. The corporations are part of the structure but it is down the tier. The real power is the oligarchs of the Zion Imperial Aristocracy - which make up the families that rule the Vatican, the monarchies, the nations, the banking industry and the billionaires - and the combined wealth of the top tier owns and controls the worldwide Money Monopoly - particularly the Central Banks Cartel - and that is what enables them to run the global economy through Monopoly Capitalism and the multinationals. of the cartel the World Economic Forum, and gives them the power to mint billionaires who are their agents. And through countless organizations, and secret societies, they position their people in the leadership of everything, everywhere. Which is how they run their Transnational Criminal Cartel - and 'affect the lives of everyone on Earth.'
It is evil as hell, but it is incredible genius - and it has taken 6,000 years to pull it off. 6024 if you count from the Freemason's calendar which is what they follow.
Brilliant. This is an article I always wanted to write. Trump quacks what frightened people desperately want to hear. His actions contradict what he promises. At best, he offers a limited hangout of some deregulation and tax reduction, to solidify his mesmerising hold on his cult following. Then he spearhead the Covid scamdemic, increased US national debt, bombs Yemen, rolls out experimental injections, lockdowns and forced masking. His followers get arrested after falling for the Jan6 trap he laid out. He had 2 weeks to pardon them, seeing as though he was responsible for the. He pardoned Lil Wayne and other gangster rappers instead.
I wish I could disagree with your dire predictions. I can’t, unfortunately.
Thanks Sotiris Rex, high praise. And yep you called Trump out on all his betrayals. And a couple I missed in my own list against him - like he could've pardoned them all!!! Treacherous prick.
Yes. It’s one thing for him to be a treacherous prick, and it’s another for his mentally captivated hostage cult following to make up mental-gymnastics excuses for him. It’s pathetic really. Can’t respect anyone like that.
📕 🎧 Must read book / audiobook re: the history of the global monetary debt system and the secret creation of US The Federal Reserve (not federal & no reserves) … “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. The bloodline billionaire class & their bankster cartel minions are rooted in soulless evil.
Hi Michi, thanks for that. Glad you liked the summary. I know this book you are recommending - I have it downloaded. It's a great summary of the evils of the Central Banks Cartel - the true weapon the Zionist Imperial Empire has deployed against mankind.
I listen 🎧 to the audiobook every other month or so. It’s a little to absorb especially with the true history behind the lies. I learn more each time I listen.
Ya got me there Ivan., You got it in one. 100% accurate geopolitical forecast.
I worked hard for sixty years to rouse the rabble and got nowhere. Our Aussie rabble are unrousable. So it is on to Plan B.
Suddenly, I am Catholic again, outraged at Pope Francis for protecting paedophiles, championing Wokeism, in bed with Klaus and Bibi. and letting the Church engage in child and drug trafficking. I have posted flyers on parishners' car windscreens at holy mass, been disowned by my parish priest, ordered to desist by the Bishop, and now I am into loose alliance with Mel Gibson and his war alliance with excommunicated ArchBishop Vigano. against the Rogue Pope.
I have declared my intention to launch the new anti-hierarchy Catholic Church of Darwin (the new Rome) and excommunicate all rogue priests, bishops cardinals and popes. This should establish my persona as a harmless religious crank, or at best, a morals cruesader. This should lubricate my migration to the Philippines. Equally, if impact is measuable and I am seen as righteous, I may then publicly demand that the US occupiers here explain specifically how their planes and tanks will protect north Australia from Chinese or Russian missiles, considering they have nothing even half as good (US Mach 12 as opposed to Russian Mach 25).
If I am still alive by then, either Darwin will be nest of rebels or I will be starting my new life overseas. Either way looks like fun. I may have to depart in a small boat.
I should mention that the Philippines is the bastion of Catholicism; cast-iron committed to the "Cash is King" mentality and will refuse to use digital currency, and would be a nightmare to control with so many islands and dense population. Their expulsion of the Spanish shows they know how to resist.
I consider it prudent to not plan beyond these projections.
What are your plans. Ivan?
Hi Tony,
Interesting that you think I got it accurately. Time will tell.
I've been following the Catholic debacle for a long time now, and have numerous notes on the communist Woke pope Francis - do you know the rotter said in 2014 "Inside every Christian is a Jew." There's 2 good books that back up why he said that - the first is Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great, and the second The Secret Society of Moses-both were available on the Internet Archive - If you can't find them and want them send me an email as I have them downloaded and just forwarded them to another friend last night.
The basic premise is that the priestly class the Israelite priests that have ruled the Jewish community and are descendants of Moses, are behind not just Judaism, but also Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, and Islam - the 3 Abrahamic religions - all Jews are bound to obey their priests so its like a cult - and they used the cult of Mithras to infiltrate and take over the Roman Empire and then became the Roman Empire with the Vatican and the R.C.C., with the Vatican being on top of their underground HQ for Mithraism!!!! And the temple of Mithras is being renovated in the City of London!!!!
I call them the Zion Imperial Cult - because all roads lead to Zion.
And after studying up on the Book of Enoch, I came to the conclusion Yeshua, falsely named Jesus Christ - was actually a revolutionary elite preaching the Christ consciousness which is the path to enlightened use of our full faculties, but his original disciples were a militant military movement - likely the Jews called the Zealots who were constantly fighting the Romans and the Jews who worked with the Romans, the elites.
And after they had Yeshua crucified his movement survived and Saul of Taurus, otherwise called Paul, the 1st Apostle, was commissioned by the Elders of Zion, which is really the Zion Imperial Cult, to hunt down Yeshuas followers and kill them off.
This story is also told in an interesting 1928 essay 'Commissary to the Gentiles The First to see the possibilities of war by propaganda" Marcus Eli Ravage - and in this he tells us also how the Saul of Taurus on the road to Damascus had a brainwave and infiltrated the Yeshua movement and took it over instead and turned it into a weapon to DESTROY POLYTHEISM - which was a religion that incentivized men and women to be the best versions of themselves, to imitate the gods, and this was the true strength of the Roman empire. They rebranded it and called it paganism, while in fact creating Pagan Christianity with the Cult of Mithras - which is what Catholicism is really based on.
Once they had control of the Roman Empire, they've been looting and stealing the wealth of mankind with the church and their banking system for nearly 2000 years, while forcing humanity under the power of their Crown Monarchy System.
It's breathtaking the width, depth and breadth of this Evil.
And mankind is suffering from not just collective amnesia about where we all come from, but they are also suffering from collective Stockholm Syndrome, in that the majority are not just in service to the Evil that rules human, the Zion Imperial Empire, but they worship its institutions - Church, Vatican, Pope, bankers, monarchies etc, even the United Nations and the W.H.O. - all this collective institutionalized Evil.
I like your idea of an anti-hierarchy Catholic Church.
But I will go you one better.
I think we need an entirely new religion.
Annudeism - is my suggestion - which I would translate to "The reality of God."
Anu is the ancient Annunaki God of the universe, according to the Sumerian texts, and the prick that gave us the Great Flood and tried to drown us right out.
And the Israelites claim they are descendants of Moses, and therefore Noah, and Noah is the Hebrew name given to one of the Annunaki high priests who survived the Great Flood and was given a directive to repopulate the earth, and resubjugate mankind into slavery.
We are fighting the 'rulers and slaves' paradigm of the ancient Annunaki.
The Roman Republic was built on polytheism of the Annunaki gods, all renamed, and they used them as inspiration to know what was worth striving to be, and what was needed to be avoided - and this is what we need - a new philosophy that inspires humans to become the absolute best version of themselves - and that's what ancient Rome had and it involved the pursuit of truth - and it is this that helped the Roman Empire create great new technologies that they used in their cities and in war, and this philosophy that helped Julius Caesar to be one of the greatest leaders in history - even though he was a bloodthirsty son a bitch he was an amazing leader of men.
That's all ended when 71 senators stabbed him to death.
And that was really the death of the Roman Republic and this philosophy right there.
The Israelite priest's family, are the Elders of Zion, and they've been struggling for 3,000 years to take control over humanity, and their secret weapon has been banking, and through banking they impoverish everyone and steal all of the wealth, and when they worked out that Central Banks and fiat money was the ultimate weapon, then they've been attacking people all over the planet with it since they opened the Bank of England in 1694 and handed the baton over to the Federal Reserve in 1913, because they'd stripped the wealth bare from Britain already!!!
I also like your idea of going off to the Philippines and trying to find some remote place to avoid it all. But don't think that will last. The United Nations communists want it all - the Sustainable Development Goals is the written plan of the Zion Imperial Empire for World Communism.
I have a day dream about not just a new religious philosophy but also brand new states or communities - for example like the Israeli kibbutz idea but add in the secret sauce of a community money system like the South African Oriana community and create healthy strong people and self-sufficiency. With the same view in mind my biggest day dream is to find a rock in the ocean, and do what China has done in the South China Sea, fill in the ocean, build land and bring people in and start a Free State.
We need a new money system.
We need new societies.
We need to free ourselves from their energy monopolies.
And we need ways to build strong people, like our parents and grandparents generations.
They'd have never stood for this shit.
Catholicism is the one true faith. Unfortunately it has been infiltrated by Marxists, Freemasons and divided through Protestantism but will be restored. the church and its dogma will prevail. We have many good priests out there professing truth, the dispensation of grace through the holy sacrament and sacrifice of the mass will heal this world. It will be a painful process and we are due for Gods chastisement but make no mistake his church will be restored to its full glory to manifest Gods glory. Modernism which is the synthesis of all heresy will be conquered and the Satan who is behind it all will have his head crushed by the heel of the Holy Mother. Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!
In the end our Blessed Mother will triumph. That said… what I think might be described in all of these comments and the article itself is the “great chastisement “. When our Lord goes Old Testament…it’s a doozy. Pax
We are on to something, Ivan.
Just a few comments. I thought as you did until recently, when I backtracked history and realised that the Bank of England (City of London) created a structural lieutenant in 1913, secretly retaining power, shared partly with Geneva and Basel (BIS). They also created a reserve bank in every other nation and also wrote their national constitutions (which, incidentally and very significantly, never contains the word 'democracy'). They then launched WWI the very next year. The British East India Company and British Empire were always the same entity and Mayer Rothschild's great achievement was in defeating the old Zionists and, through his five sons, one by one, pointing out to the Black Nobility that their in-breeding had blunted their intelligentsia and that the New Zionists should man the front line, and the Black Nobility should content themselves with financing their new executive order. The Rockefellers went one further, realising that the Rothschild rule of Rothschild men marrying only Rothschild women, would eventually weaken them, precipitating a Rockefeller takeover. This was already extant by 1933 but I never did ID the actual coup. It was clearly very discreet and was probably never documented. Nelson than wrote the entire United Nations Manifesto and agency structures, including the planned HQ on Rockefeller land in NY, ready for when (Rothschild) Churchill and FDR agreed to it in 1944. Also undocumented was the decision by the Rockefellers to not fall into the same dynastic trap of their predecessors, and only be led by the demonstrably most competent. Following a meeting between Areil Sharon and Rupert Murdoch (in a chopper, sipping champagne as they viewed the massacre of Shatila by the Israel-led Falangists), the last recommendation came in identifying Rupert Murdoch as the anointed successor to David Rockefeller when he, too, passed away. David advised Murdoch accordingly in 1973 (the same day that Zbigniew Brzezinski completed the Trilateral Commission) and in 1975, Murdoch took over the entire Zionist propaganda machine, which included blackmail rings (ie the Maxwells), and print and TV media, and Hollywood. The CIA was linked to all. As of March, 2017, Murdoch has been the global Tzar, which explains how the media led the entire covid/jab/lockdown scenario. Murdoch has an Achilles heel but I won't mention it here. But you have already read it. A new religion is a good idea but we need to go over this on a private forum.
The Digital ID is the actual tool of enslavement, and the Philippines recently implemented a national Digital ID.
Thank you for that devastating advice, Effra. I wil ask Pea how it is going, but it kinda sounds like escape routes are being cut off as fast as I dentify these. Oh well, I am still welcome in rebel Africa.
Hi mate - please send me an email and mention that Archilles heel of the M-Doch's. The new religion is a good idea. Africa is being cut off as well - there is a spreading Marxist movement all over the bloody continent.
You have already read it. The illegal arrest of Jim Bowditch, applying a new law that had not been gazetted, aired in the public notices, or placed on the Post Office notice board. Murdoch spent millions recreating history to divert attention from this.
I have been re reading and reflecting..I don't think it's white people per se...I think it is Western Ciivilation..ithe philosophy and it's culture especially which led to the all men are created equal and have rights that are inalienable ..ie the fruit of Western Civilization and its underpinning that must be utterly destroyed is the goal. It just happened to come via white Europeans and christianity.....
Tyranny and serfdom is the rule all through history...we are living in a cultural interglaciation period which we have taken for the norm.
I am not sanguine about the future.
Maybe all we can do is to Save what we can....for generations in the future....
Wrote a song about this a few years back
Your song was absolutely brilliant. In a world not censored it would have gone viral. Well done. You hit all the nails on the head, bar the monarchies. The real communists are the monopolists, which are the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires. I found I watched your song all the way through because it held me spellbound as you banged the nails of truth in. Well done. And you sound Australian?
I am an Australian. Yes I’m surprised how much I nail it in that song. I was tricked into climate brain until 2010 but now I think I get what is happening.
Thanks for listening that song will not appear unless you type every word of the title perfectly.
Bloody Palantir and TIA!!!
Glad you turned up today. I had a mental note to keep a copy of the link to your song, and lost track of it, but just put it away. It's truly awesome. If that was performed with a group and a good video it might do really well. Think about doing it. I'm an aussie as well, which you might have figured out.
"Bloody Palantir and TIA!!!" - Indeed. F****K the SILICON VALLEY CYBER TERRORISTS!
Brilliant assessment! Indeed, They have ghastly plans!!!
I would go further, though, and say that the psychopaths in control (likely with names like Orsini and Medici - Rome never died), are the Ones writing the script, casting the actors, and directing from the wings. They are Ones We never see. I suggest that "the deep state" is a plot element in Their convoluted and contrived play.
Yes, Trump is Their actor, as are the actors in Biden masks. The media, owned by the psychopaths in control, would never mention anyOne that was not part of the play.
I might also point out... Also, there is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless......
The "shooting" of Trump was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, with the One given the crown and scepter of Jerusalem.
Hi mate, Bingo - you are dead right. As soon as I read your words about the "deep state" being a plot element in their convoluted and contrived play it resonated deeply with me. They created the term to distract and deceive from the hidden hands yanking the chains of the deep state actors. It's like the hidden hands are a conductor in an orchestra. Want to know where you see this in action - in the movies, especially old ones, where you see the British Government deep state players engineering the outcomes they want - lots of truths wrapped up in those movies. What is the biblical ritual about blood to the top of the right ear???
"The One" meaning the chosen one - Trump! And what is the "crown and scepter of Jerusalem"???? never heard of it.
It's not Rome - that was an alternative line of post flood survivors who carried the stories of the Gods forward but built a society based on meritocracy, which is what made the Roman Republic great - polytheism - taking the best of the gods and emulating it.
But the faction of the flood survivors that are enemies of humanity are the Annunaki priestly classes - who've changed names through the millennium but want a return to a one world monarchy under their God, meaning their king Yahweh. I wrote this only this morning:
1. Annunaki Imperial Cult = Crown Monarchy System = Totalitarian rule = Rulers & Slaves = the source of ALL EVIL.
2. Great Flood. - survivors was who the Hebrews called Noah and his sons, and Abraham, and Moses (note Noah has other names in other ancient civilizations)
3. Sumerians Imperial Cult - Sumerian texts record the history of the Annunaki
4. Babylonian Imperial Cult - the cult likely wrote the history and plans in Hebrew and attempted to destroy the Sumerian texts.
5. Moses - creates the Israelites covenant with the descendants of the Annunaki Imperial Cult - the priestly class that became the priests and kings
6. 12 tribes of Israel - and the covenant to be loyal to the house of Judah (the Lion of Judah) - Zion is born.
7. The Annunaki Imperial Cult, through the line of Moses, becomes the Elders of Zion
8. Yahweh cult - becomes Judaism - the Talmudic Judaism Cult, used to control the community of Jews and use them as useful idiots in the War against Mankind - they write the Old Testament in Hebrew - it is their history and their plans. Only the initiated understand it in full. And the priests-rabbis rule the people.
8. Christianity is created to destroy the Romans Polytheism -
9. The sect of Mithras - really the Annunaki Imperial Cult - spreads Jewish Christianity through the Roman Empire until they flip it Christian and the the cult of Mithras becomes the Roman Catholic Church.....
10. The Roman Catholic Church is used to spread the Crown Monarchy and viciously destroy all opposition. It's Yahweh's way or the highway.
10. Islam - later they create Islam - more divide and conquer and destruction of polytheism and the worship of their god Yahweh -
11. Jews (Judasism), Christians (Judaism rebranded), and Muslims (Islam) are all pitted against each other in endless wars that leave a path of chaos, conflict and catastrophe, leading to death, destruction and depopulation.
12. This model is exported from Europe worldwide!!!!
There is so much more but this is the key. and the key evil strategies resonate throughout history.
1. Crown Monarchy System - totalitarian rule of bloodlines and their puppets, rulers and slaves
2. Propaganda - lies, lies, and more lies
3. Banking as a debt weapon - super destructive and enslaves everyone
4. Secret cults, secret societies, secret arms of all the religions
5. One single goal - a return to a world totalitarian monarchy system based on rulers and slaves - "By 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy."
I could not find where I discovered the scepter included, but there is this on the crown:
I am familiar with stories of the Anunnaki, but was led to believe that They had the Enlil (An-En) followers and the Enki (Ea) followers, and that Enki supported Humanity and Enlil wanted to master Us.
Perhaps It was propaganda. Most of My awareness came from Robert Morning Sky's work, The Terra Papers, which I mentioned on My humble little forum - even did a glossary of His work and posted it as well:
The Papers themselves are on bibliotecapleyades, the link to which is offered in My piece above. Would love Your thoughts.
Thanks for those links.
The Annunaki are the source of EVERYTHING.
After the flood they created the Sumerian Empire, and started spreading their evil across the planet again. They wrote down their history in the Sumerian texts.
All the 3 Abrahamic religions are based on the stories that came from the Annunaki.
All of them. All the gods, the creation myths, the Great Flood. Everything.
And that goes for all other religions and indigenous beliefs - it’s all mirrored in the same stories.
What I call the evil is the Crown Monarchy System of rulers and SLAVERY for mankind.
It seems Enki may have been good and wanted the best for mankind - that’s the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge story - but his elder brother Enlil, was the king of earth, and they both answered to the Assembley of Gods (Council of 13), and their father Anu was the King of all Annunaki on the 12th planet Nibiru - that comes by Earth once every 3,600 years.
It is Anu - the supreme king that decided to flood us all out and destroy mankind - why? Because we kept rebelling against being slaves and procreated prolificly - and kept fighting the totalitarians.
Or joining factions that were fighting other ruling factions.
War, war, war - it’s the Annunaki’s way.
Well, I agree that the "Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge story" was Enki doing what He could.
I guess We're screwed, then? No heroes for Us? We surely aren't equipped to deal with that kind of power - which uses money (energy accounting) as the slave chains. Which I have been aiming to remove on Our planet. [sigh]
If there is no hope... I ponder what purpose that is in continuing. At all.
Just realized I failed to give You data on the ritual:
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
And Trumps shoes came off...
Regarding Trump and the Warp speed vaccines and mRNA bio-poison. That was done under the DoD and they the DoD used legal plunder to prevent Trumps interference in the weapons issue. DoD, meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning.
Look up on Sasha Latypova's Substack, as well as Legal analyst Katherine Watt on the issue.
Trumps hands were tied, and he was out of his depth and he was exploited (lied to) by Fauci and his criminal gang, being the CDC, by the AMA, by the FDA, by Deborah Birx, by Irum Zaidi, by Alex Azar, & lied to by some of his advisors including the DoD.
He relied on advisors like all presidents do on both sides, be it Democrats or Republicans. Remember the peanut farmer president Jimmy Carter.
Don't belive what the media tells you.
I hate what you wrote. IT sounds just about right. ugh.
God please help us all.....
Bitter pill to swallow. Thank you for this....
Hi Duchess,
I know exactly how you feel -about 2 years ago in the middle of the stabbing and jabbing program where I live the ambulance sirens screamed 5-10 times an hour, all day and all night for over a year - every time that that boosted and did it again and again.
Many people around the world were commenting on the same thing, ambulance sirens non-stop. I live in a condo between 3 hospitals. I realized it was genocide by government and it nearly drove me insane.
In the end to get me through it I would think about how the bombs were falling on London, and the Germans, in WW2 and think 'The bombs are falling, but you have to get on with life.'
Then I went through a long period of ABSOLUTE RAGE at all the perpetrators.
And all I got for that was massively censored by the Silicon Valley Big Tech Terrorists - for that is what they are - and that also further enraged me.
And then one day I realized that if I didn't calm down the STRESS would kill me.
It took time and I returned to calm - which was always my normal setting.
But I had to teach myself to witness this genocide, witness this war against humanity, and keep on keeping on. And as part of that I also made myself go back and learn to watch these psychopaths like Gates, Schwab, Biden. and Tedros - because at one point I couldn't stand the sound of their voices as I wanted to scream abuse at them -but I knew I had to be able to turn up and listen, because they tell us all what they are doing - in fact I think they are informing their army of useful idiots around the world, not us.
So, as you said - it's a 'bitter pill to swallow' - but the only thing that serves us is the TRUTH - which is why my page is named 'In Pursuit of Truth' - something that I learned early in life - nothing but the truth is what serves us all the best.
I have also recently kickstarted my mediation practice and try and get a few short sessions in each week, preferably early in the morning, and I find that this helps me let go of the stress, to focus, and to keep on keeping on -
But also to be able to turn up on the page, or in person with people in my life, and talk calmly and sensibly about the Evil that rules humanity, the communists, the bankers, the billionaires, and the monarchies who are all attacking us relentlessly.
Find your strength Duchess, because you have far more inside of you than you know.
As we all do. It's what we need - strong, tough people to get through this.
Norman Vincent Peale once said "Tough times never last, but tough people do."
And you Duchess are tough, or you would not be here. :)
Thank ypu so much for this.,.exactly what I went through..only I need to calm down…I never could meditate..but i started playing piano again….but it's so comforting to know others felt and saw and heard this….thank you again for sharing. Wise words and good advice..Its re assuring to not be the only one.
I think Duchess I think that there are literally hundreds of millions of us.
Take time to be in nature as well, and get your shoes off and connect with the earth and its energy - if you don't know much about 'grounding' do some research on it - I found it only recently and have been doing this too and have noticed a strong shift in my body's energy. Focus on getting back to calm - and remember if we are out of whack the psychos are winning!
Thank you for sharing all that you’ve experienced and learned! Your main post is terrifying but true. Like Duchess said, it’s comforting to know there are others who see this and I’m glad to have found this Substack. I don’t have anyone in my life that can hear any of this right now. Thanks for being here and sharing your truth.
Hi Marae,...
.thank you so much for turning up to say thank you. Your words send a wave of gratitude through me, so much so I will cut and paste them in a file I keep of comments I truly value. I am glad that you find what I write resonates as truth, and that even though it is scary, it helps. Fear is normal, and courage is the ability to act in the face of fear.
Our western nations in my generation have done everything that they can do to make us weak - this was on purpose. I remember my father and mothers generation, he went through WW2, and my grandfather and grandmothers generation, they went through WW1, and they were all strong people. They would never have put up with this shite.
That said I want to say to you focus on improving your strength - righteous anger helps!!! Here's a clip from Jordan Petersen that highlights the importance of strength.
While everything here is plausible there are entirely too many moving parts to predict timing and/or outcome. What it says to me is to hope for the best (which isn’t a strategy per se) and prepare for the worst. Pax
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Great advice Roger.
One thing that we can be certain of despite all the moving parts is that the real winners will be the same players - the richest people in the world, the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires. It's their games and we are all but pawns on the board.
While I do agree that this demographic is extremely powerful I submit that even they have vulnerabilities and will recycled/replaced over time. The key is how adept are they in controlling the little people so they can play their games. Once the little people become a mob the “jig is up “. Pax
Trump is the antichrist who is going to herald the NWO! Don’t be deceived!
As valid a theory as any I've heard. Not very many people notice that through the pendulum swings of the ages, the ruling classes agenda slowly grinds along towards its ultimate goal. Presidents and Gods come and go and the conditions that lead to an unbreakable world monopoly of power chews away at our crops like a plague of locusts.
Thanks Dale - and I absolutely agree with you - 'the conditions that lead to an unbreakable world monopoly of power chews away at our crops like a plague of locusts' - yep. It's the Evil that rules humanity and their primary weapon is the Money Monopoly - a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction machine that has created all the misery, death, and poverty we see.
South Africa and BRICS, don't be fooled, they are not ramping up their use of fossil fuels. They have adopted the UN's NEMA guidance as well as the UN IRENA policies. IRENA is all about destruction of economies using the Renewable Scam and imposing taxes and levies to push up the price of fossil fuels and reduce coal usage, with Carbon Tax etc.
The country has closed all of the refineries and now imports fuel, this was achieve by making environmental requirements so stringent, it no longer was financially feasible. Country went from complete independence from foreign fuel (Sasol & Fischer-Tropsch process) to to totally dependent on imports in under 30 years.
Ramaphosa is also a billionaire. From a Trade Union leader to a billionaire in 20 years, The reserve Bank is privately owned with the Government as a stakeholder in a PPP arrangement. crooked scumbag , its obvious.
Thanks for that - it appears then that the only one of the BRICS that is really ramping it up is China, though I think that India is too. Ramaphosa is a billioinaire!!! He's got to be on the WEF team then. That's who they recruit - or create and recruit - billionaires. I say the billionaires are the bankers bitch boys. Do you know who owns your Central Bank???
And have you read any of Stephen Mitford Gibson's work - he was attacking the central bank and died suddenly.
China, though I think that India is too- correct sir, that they are.
As far as Ramaphosa being on the WEF, yes he is as well as his Brother-in-law Patrice Motsepe (billionaire in Mining and Renewable Energy -African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM) and Africa Rainbow Energy & Power (AREP) is too. . There is a clear connection between them and oligarchs and Billionaires, Rob Hersov, Johann Rupert (also WEF) and the Oppenheimer's De Beers Diamonds and Anglo American and even the CIA.
It just so happened that One of the former Energy Ministers Jeff Radebe is married to Ramaphosa's sister, and Ramaphosa to Patrice Motsepe's sister.
Just so happened that Cyril Ramaphosa wife and Patrice Motsepe sister Dr Tshepo Motsepe served on Board with Prof Helen Rees of SAHPRA approving Vaccines in South Africa, most convenient as they say.
Yes I have read Stephen Mitford Gibson's work on the Inside the South African Reserve Bank. I know that BMGF has been closely involved with Cashless drive and the ID2020 and ID4Africa plan and South African Reserve Bank. Weell send you what I have about state capture and reserve bank fraudulent activity exposed by a bloke from the UK called Jeff Koorbanally.
Sunface Jack you are proving to be a wealth of information about S.A.
Brilliant - I have thought for a while we need a new CIA - Citizens Intelligence Agency - you can be our man on the ground in S.A. Mankind really needs a network of citizens that are locals that can connect the dots and expose the evil.
Thanks Ivan. See our latest issue. The goons at r=the ANC are peed off and concerned that the US will cancel the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) because of its policies with Russia, China and being anti Israel.
No we see further antagonism -Russian companies to participate in South Africa's defence expo, local media reports
At least six Russian companies, including state-owned Rosoboronexport and Roskosmos, will participate in Africa's largest defence and aviation exhibition, "Africa Aerospace and Defence 2024," which will commence in South Africa this September, South African media reported.
The event, which will be held at the Waterkloof Air Force Base near the country's capital, Pretoria, has seen the confirmation of the companies' participation and the presentation of their latest products.
Additionally, Russia may showcase a supersonic Tu-160 strategic bomber at the exhibition. According to the report, a group of seven Russian military specialists visited Waterkloof this week to prepare for the bomber's arrival.
Right on my doorstep.
Wow-they are really ramping up the Russian interaction on the African continent. Not sure it's a good thing.
Not a good thing at all.
In the 1970's we (South Africa) were fighting Marxist Communist infiltration and Russia and China were sponsoring it. We saw from the 1960's that Southern Africa was slowly but surely becoming socialist, Angola and Mozambique were already red. Then South Africa turned their back on Rhodesia because of Kissinger pressuring John Vorster the president. Rhodesia fell and the South West Africa (Namibia) and in 1994 South Africa capitulated. I was an officer Instructor in 1975-77 training NCO's and Officers in our local Military (reservists) known as commandoes who where a local units in different regions made up of blokes doing camps after doing initial compulsory service. The commandos were basically made up form farmers for rural protection etc. They were disbanded after 1994 by the ANC as they we perceived as a threat to the ANC, Since then farm murders have escalated annually and is in fact a Genocide of The Afrikaners IMO who are the main Targets because they are farmers (Boers) and are whites. All whites were considered as supporters of "Apartheid" which was a label to ostracize and divide. It was of course driven by the British monarchy and freemasons. BTW, Mbeki, Mandela and Desmond Tutu the Anglican Bishop were all Knights of Malta.
Ivan, this is truly an epic article, precisely on point. There's very few options that solve the Globalists Contractual Economic Annexation; except what we as localized communities can create for ourselves.
I'm traveling in the Philippines right now, just got back to Tagaytay from a nice visit in Palawan. One thing I recognize is inspite of poverty, the local people tend to cooperate in mostly positive ways. They live off the ocean in the places where I visited, offering the best of their fresh catch. The fish is excellent without poisonous processing. The fruits here are so good I don't want to go back to the US. Healthy living in remote places may be a good starting point for many people. These things I have seen, give me a sense of hope.
The Globalists Cartel may have a hard time in these remote places, mainly because of the culture of cooperation that already exists. Unfortunately, I am also noticing a lot of ads encouraging people to use digital currency methods of payment, like G Cash. Provinces may be resistant to this, it will likely become more common in the big cities like Makati City or Manila. Anyway, I just wanted to offer some of my direct observations from my travels in real time.
Your post covers so much, it's difficult to add to it.
----- Nef
Hi Nef,
thanks for the compliment I appreciate it - and coming from you I regard that as high praise. I like the way you said that 'globalists contractual economic annexation' - lol, that's right on point too.
And yes for how many thousands of years have different groups of mankind been running away from the tyrants using the Crown Monarchy System of totalitarianism!!! What they have lacked is the right religion that teaches them to be strong, to become their best version of themselves, which I think is what Polytheism gave the Roman Republic, and teaches them to prepare themselves to fight and defend themselves - quite apart from the lack of the importance of a money system that empowers everyones energy to come forth and build our lives.
Monotheism, the longer I look at it, the more I feel physically and spiritually revolted by it.
It has created useful idiots to be used as cannon fodder for the wars of the Crown, and weak people.
And the only reason that Australians, New Zealanders, Americans, South Africans, Rhodesians, and Canadians all grew into tall stout and healthy people before say WW2 was the remoteness of our lands, and that for generations our people had been far from the locus of tyranny and had lots of good food and red meat. And we grew into powerful tall and healthy people. WW1 and WW2 decimated our people.
Glad to hear about your travels in the Phillipines - I think your right about the encroaching digital payments - it's a problem but maybe the remote locations will be more resistant to it.
Brilliantly done sit rep
This is really interesting.
It is interesting to see what people from outside the USA are picking up as the "official subliminal narrative of future history" as I like to call it. It is the official storyline that is being broadcast to everyone via the magic lanterns. But as predictable as it is they do often put various twists in the plot, don't they?
I thought that JFK Jr was going to be President because people couldn't help but see that both Biden and Trump are clowns. Trump himself is very old, fat and in mental decline. JFK Jr can do at least some push-ups and he can think on his feet. Plus he is American royalty. I was wrong.
I wonder if people around the world think Kamala is black or Indian? They see her on their magic lanterns. The Indians must know the truth. Do the Africans see a black woman? It is all about hypnotism and the power of suggestion.
It also amazes me that people outside the USA monitor USA politics. I do because I live here. But I could not tell you anything about Australian politics. I don't even know who is in office -not since that ugly Gladys Armenian woman left. I just know it is a mess just like here.
The United States really isn't that important. It is the corporations that hide behind US laws that are important. And the organized crime syndicates no one ever talks about. They have untold power to affect the lives of everyone on Earth.
Yes it is really interesting. I never thought JFK had a hope in hell of winning.
Trump has the base - MAGA. And by the time I wrote this article I'd gone from liking Trump during 2020 presidential campaign and being outraged about the stolen election to slowly ripping off the rose tinted glasses as red flag, after red flag, after red flag told me the c***t was the bankers-Zionists man, because he is one of them - he is Zion Imperial Aristocracy - all presidents are related to the European monarchies, everyone since Washington. The list of why he's there man, and he got in because they turned off the vote fraud machine, because he is their man, and the swamp is slowly doing a u-turn tells us he is their man.
Do you know before COVID-19 fascism put me under house arrest for over a year I could not have told you anything about American politics. This has all come through trying to work out who is the Evil that rules humanity and put us in lockdown. Never ending rabbit holes. And America is the new Rome, Rome rules Washington. The corporations are part of the structure but it is down the tier. The real power is the oligarchs of the Zion Imperial Aristocracy - which make up the families that rule the Vatican, the monarchies, the nations, the banking industry and the billionaires - and the combined wealth of the top tier owns and controls the worldwide Money Monopoly - particularly the Central Banks Cartel - and that is what enables them to run the global economy through Monopoly Capitalism and the multinationals. of the cartel the World Economic Forum, and gives them the power to mint billionaires who are their agents. And through countless organizations, and secret societies, they position their people in the leadership of everything, everywhere. Which is how they run their Transnational Criminal Cartel - and 'affect the lives of everyone on Earth.'
It is evil as hell, but it is incredible genius - and it has taken 6,000 years to pull it off. 6024 if you count from the Freemason's calendar which is what they follow.
Brilliant. This is an article I always wanted to write. Trump quacks what frightened people desperately want to hear. His actions contradict what he promises. At best, he offers a limited hangout of some deregulation and tax reduction, to solidify his mesmerising hold on his cult following. Then he spearhead the Covid scamdemic, increased US national debt, bombs Yemen, rolls out experimental injections, lockdowns and forced masking. His followers get arrested after falling for the Jan6 trap he laid out. He had 2 weeks to pardon them, seeing as though he was responsible for the. He pardoned Lil Wayne and other gangster rappers instead.
I wish I could disagree with your dire predictions. I can’t, unfortunately.
Thanks Sotiris Rex, high praise. And yep you called Trump out on all his betrayals. And a couple I missed in my own list against him - like he could've pardoned them all!!! Treacherous prick.
Yes. It’s one thing for him to be a treacherous prick, and it’s another for his mentally captivated hostage cult following to make up mental-gymnastics excuses for him. It’s pathetic really. Can’t respect anyone like that.
Great summary.
📕 🎧 Must read book / audiobook re: the history of the global monetary debt system and the secret creation of US The Federal Reserve (not federal & no reserves) … “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. The bloodline billionaire class & their bankster cartel minions are rooted in soulless evil.
Hi Michi, thanks for that. Glad you liked the summary. I know this book you are recommending - I have it downloaded. It's a great summary of the evils of the Central Banks Cartel - the true weapon the Zionist Imperial Empire has deployed against mankind.
I listen 🎧 to the audiobook every other month or so. It’s a little to absorb especially with the true history behind the lies. I learn more each time I listen.
Tragedy & Hope is good too … but long.
About that wall..