Is Trump a Peace Hawk ? Right after Trump was elected, immediate responses in "Hot Areas" were:

Hamas Calls for War's End After Trump Victory.


Hungary's PM Orban says Trump will 'quit' Ukraine war


Trump suggests Taiwan pay for its own defense


Israel - Hamas War. Trump vowed to end the wars in the Middle East. Netanyahu's far-right coalition ministers, tweeted their excitement even before the Trump's election was officially called.


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Hello my friend,

Do you know Rurik Skywalker's work? He wrote a great article on the election which highlights the true reasons Trump won the election - the disappearing 25+ million Democrat 'votes' that allowed Biden to win in 2020. They were turned off.

So what this tells us is that people like myself and Rurik called it right, that Trump was destined to win.

It's all charades for the uni-party.

Now they are giving us the charade that Trump, the same man that locked down 4.5 billion people, and created Operation Warp Speed, and helped inject 6 billion people with a military grade bioweapon mRNA poisons, falsely called a vaccine - now the charade is that he is the "PEACE-MAN."

Remember as I said in the article on WW3 that I thought some event during his presidency will spark WW3, and he will be the wartime president against Putin and Xi Jinping, the BRICS team of Zion versus the West team of Zion!!! Crushing all of mankind in the middle, while the Zionists all get richer, monarchies, bankers and billionaires.

I seriously don't want to be right. But I don't trust Trump. Period. I don't trust any of the G20 leaders today. There is not a single one anywhere in the world that is in power that is not on the globalists team for the United Nations - which quietly declared 'Global Governance' with their Pact for the Future in September with a UNANIMOUS vote from our treacherous leaders.

We might get a temporary reprieve - but the war for Agenda 2030 and Net Zero continues unabated - Agenda 21 and the Sustainable Development Goals are jerking all our chains.


They Wanted Trump to Win


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Ivan, thank you for showing me the other side of the coin. So, the answer is "The People don't have much choice."

But, at least American conservatives got a "super hero character" (not a villain) in this movie. Hey, at 70 years old, I will take my "John Wayne" hero and be super happy with it ! Besides, I just really really like Trump, he makes me smile from the heart !

I will love and try to protect America as always! Life has been so good, Thank You America, for given me such an incredible, plentiful, and joyful life.

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That is a great attitude you have there.

And I know exactly why you like Trump, as I used to like him a lot for what I suspect are the same reasons, he does make us laugh, and he has charisma and style.

Through the last 4 years I have come to realize that because of the power, influence, and military America is the singularly most important nation in the world, that can make us or break us. I keep thinking of ideas to get involved with your nation for that reason!


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Ivan, you are right on target, let us all try and help America and world's Nations to stay peaceful, strong and all the world's people healthy.

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I agree that 1944 was the beginning of ww3 as outlined in the "leaked" document silent weapons for quiet wars.

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Thanks Saladhands,

I think you are the first person to agree with me on this subject.

And considering you do I'll give you food for thought - the beginning of the process that led to the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement began in 1941 barely a year into the war, when Winston Churchill, a Freemason, got on a plane and flew to England and met with FDR, another Freemason, and they concluded what is known as the Atlantic Treaty, which set the framework for the discussions that went on every year until 1944, with America, Britain, China and Russia leading those discussions, and when it came time to set the framework for the United Nations Security Council, Britain tipped in France as one of the five with veto power. Because France is really another Zionist controlled Roman Empire Colony.

I just reread Silent Weapons recently and don't recall the 1944 reference?

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Its been a while since I read it. I believe the year 1953 was actually referenced as the beginning but I don't remember the details.

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No worries. I'll have a closer look. Yeah that document, which is pretty evil, was originally published about that date.

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This is the most clearly laid out explanation of what's going on. And when One grasps that all those "governments" are for-profit corporations owned by the same Ones... I have found that if I look at things like a play or circus, produced by the owners, being played out on the LITERAL world STAGE, with live props and participatory audience, scripted to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, things make a whole lot more sense. Because there's too much that just makes Me scratch My head, otherwise.

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Exactly. It is totally orchestrated. It's a charade. And the reason they can do it is the ruling cabal, the Evil that seeks to rule humanity, holds all the high ground, but the most important ones that finance everything, which is the International Money Cartel owns and holds the Money Monopoly, which ENSLAVES EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH.

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Indeed, the reason They can do it is They have the money. Thus My work to be rid of that dangerous tool.

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it

Money Is The Hook (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-is-the-hook

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

I could go on... LOL! Yes, We would best do what We can to put down that VERY dangerous and highly archaic tool.

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WWIII actually began in 1954 with the Imperial Fabians with the Milners. It was determined after the U.S. Civil War of the U.S. being impossible to Militarily Occupy; therefore, the option was to eat it out from the inside with Unrestricted/Soft Warfare beginning with DEGRADING and ATTACKING the Family Oriented Christian Faith Traditions as the backbone of U.S. strength from its genesis. Rock Music with Illicit Drug (Both are direct avenues into the human soul for both good and evil) use introduced at Rock Concerts with far relaxed sexual morals (Another direct path into the soul for both good and evil) WAS THE BEGINNING as outlined in a Bilderberger document found in 1989 from a used copying machine. It was validated as legitimate. THIS WAR WAS NEVER DECLARED AND IT'S POSSIBLE TO MARK ESCALATION IN HISTORY WITH EVENTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES FOLLOWING WWII.

Wish I still had it...Tried to get to it last week when Commenting with you only to learn it's now gone from this machine's archives saved and not certain how it happened.

This is merely an escalation of WWIII Soft Warfare now entering into Conventional War in variety of locations...FOR NOT APPARENT REASON BEYOND THE ORDERS OF LONDON/SWITZERLAND.

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Yes, this was the date it was officially declared. But I still regard the 1944 United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference - called Bretton Woods, was the date that their planning all through WW2 came to fruition and they set the post WW2 new international order and handed the baton from Britain - which they had bled dry - to America, to keep the perpetual wars on humanity going.

Part of this was the entire Cold War Charades - they allied with the communists for WW2, and to create the U.N. and then made them the boogey man - so that they could squeeze nations around the world with the dialectic - 'communism or democracy' - except the democracy was fascism in disguise.

I've just emailed you my best copy of Silent Weapons - check your mail.

I've read this through carefully 3 times - and every time I have reread it I have understood it deeper each time - they spell out clearly who they are. They call themselves International Elites, but identify as the International bankers and magnates of capitalism.

This document spells out the digital nightmare unfolding today.

70 years ago. It's always been the plan.


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Get what you're saying...But, had that been true the CIA, Mossad and the rest of the Five Eyes wouldn't have been necessary to build based upon the model of GCHQ/Mi6 in Britain after WWII.

Chatham House would NO longer exist as The Council For Foreign Relations would have been all necessary and it's STILL taking orders from Chatham House. Beyond this is the fact of the infiltration into D.C. to be through Chatham House/Council For Foreign Relations...Almost all Deep State is exclusive to membership in the Council For Foreign Relations INCLUDING The Natl. Security Council that is supposed to be working directly FOR the President and they don't...As proven with Trump as they are the group behind the first Impeachment right before the Corona Attack with The Covid False Flag.

One of the most evil beings alive was Henry Kissinger claiming he reported to London FIRST and far more often to get his orders and confront/resolve problems arising when Secretary of State and then thoughout all his time in diplomacy. CIA and all Intel in the U.S. as well as State Dept secretly UNITED directly with Ding-a-Ling Upchuck and all the Merry Fabian Feudal Nazi's, Central Bankers of Central Bankers beginning with The Bank of England and the rest of 'The Committee of 300' as reps for the families.

There wouldn't be the necessity of draining U.S. Capital from their Drug/Slave Runner Cartels at the Southern Border to the Bank of England Branches located throughout the Caribbean on almost every Island doing business with EVERYONE. The largest Corporations in the U.S. have now transfered most production and wealth to China/CCP to carry-out the BRICS-Planned CBDC/Social Credit Scoring with the BIS behind them and fed with U.S. Wealth allowing the Bully Billionaires to OWN ALL IN THEIR NAC'S AS OWNERSHIP OF ALL RESOURCES INCLUDING AIR.

The Black Nobility's family's wealth came primarily and continues to come from ILLICIT PRODUCTS of Drugs and they have owned the Opium Trade for centuries necessitating Infrastructure Formation/Updating as now planned for Israel. THAT is the reason for this Israeli False Flag.

This is happening though Central America as they now also own the Cocaine Trade in the Western Hemisphere since the arrest of El Chapo. Nobody hears EVER of any arrests for drug dealing since The Black Nobility took over, do they?

ALL INFRASTRUCTURE IS FOR THE FACILITATION OF ILLICIT TRADE in Drugs, Slaves, Child Ritual Victimes, Weapons, Food; all rare and costly to find. The reason Kennedy was assassinated was his refusal to send the U.S. Militaryminto Vietnam and he threatened to completely destroy the CIA.

Vietnam was to BUILD INFRASTRUCTURE for updating the Opium Trade for The Black Nobility...The U.S. Military became the Mafia ENFORCERS instead of the British Isles...


To this day...Those installed into power in the U.S. are indoctrinated/brainwashed by the Rhode's Trust Scholar Program for EVERY SINGLE PLATFORM IN THE HIGHEST ECHOLONS OF POWER ACROSS THE BOARD.

Were the U.S. really the Top of the Hierarchy of Evil...NONE OF THIS INFRASTRUCTURE WOULD BE NECESSARY, WOULD IT?

The U.S. has only existed for a few hundred years and The Black Nobility has been around for thousands of years. Has NOBODY ever wondered at all those endless wars between the same family in Europe over the last 1000 years...That never seemed to end? Only difference now is it all involves THE WHOLE GLOBE and not merely Europe.

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All of that makes sense. And I for one have always wondered about the endless wars - and learning how they destroyed the Russian Emperor and Monarchy, and the German Emperor and monarchy, when those 2 kings were cousins with the British king, they looked like triplets, all with the same grandmother Queen Victoria, when I first realized this was all one big family I was confused by it - but when you realized the German Emperor and the Russian Emperor were competition for the chosen successor to the Holy Roman Empire, which was the Zionist-British Empire, then it all makes sense - they are simply destroying the competition - that's what the endless wars are about IMHO, the quest to be number one in the Crown Monarchy System, to be the King of Kings over not just a given nation, but of Europe and then the world. That's the evil quest.

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There are two authors providing almost all the information above;

Douglas Valentine writing since the Vietnam Age; much about CIA/FBI/Drug activity in Nam.

Annie Jacobsen is another...Lots of info about CIA and Intel Depts. of the Five Eyes. THEY ARE A NETWORK OPERATING TOGETHER.


If nothing else; the Western world is now exposed from all they've done and doubtful it will ever be hidden again.

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Thanks for that - the Intelligence Industry is a key asset of the global cabal.

It's endless!!! Everywhere I look today, and I mean everywhere, all I see is the fingerprints of this Evil. The biggest one is staring us in the face every day. They control the Money Monopoly. So everything you look at, every product and service, they are getting a slice of the pie. The CBDC system just represents an extension of the SLAVERY they have already imposed on mankind with the Money Monopoly. The digital payment system is simply the next step in capturing control of EVERYTHING. At least with cash, even though all cash is CENTRAL BANKERS CASH, you still have privacy and a modicum of freedom. God, I despise these people. It is so easy to create a free banking system that unleashes the full potential and pent up energy of all humans, in order to create abundance and a low cost of living. But they do the exact reverse - scarcity and a high cost of living.

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We aren't the only one's hating this current darkness; those shielding it as well as perpetrating it.

They're going to pull some outrageous maneuvers; but there is going to come time when the balance will be sought and found. THEY ARE GOING TO PAY AND THE TIME ISN'T FAR AWAY.

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Another WWIII perspective. Project Avalon??

The Anglo-Saxon Mission.


This one seems more regionally viewed vs global (ie: Iran Israel conflict and China tie-in, etc).

I’m favoring the global since CoV was definitely dispensed simultaneously throughout the globe

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Preaching to the Converted again, General? 🤷 There are a hundred mollion minions between me & Them. And I think that the greater bulk of Humanity doesn't WANT Free Will. Fighting battles for people that don't give a shit, it's getting old. How many just can't wait for their Bird Flu shots?

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🤔👍🏼Definitely a valid question.

Wonder the same thing often.

Less than a third of the US population

were supportive or active in the U.S. Revolution.

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I heard/read somewhere that it was actually only 5 to 10% of the US population/citizenry that actually participated in the Revolutionary War, supposedly 'freeing' the US from Britain. How wrong they were, unfortunately. The Brits continued supporting the South in an effort to split the US, and almost succeeded (but believe it or not, the Russians hated the Brits enough to support the US with Naval fleet/support).

Then the Brits turned around and pulled the USA into the two WW's (ie: sinking of the Lucitania) and the Jewish oppression/Balfour Declaration/etc. thing/stuff.

But yes, Ivan you are correct, the Cabal has spent $$gazillions 'dumbing down' US citizens with all the SMART toys and materialism/consumerism (but hey, at least we recycle, LOL).

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Ah-h, the reason I wrote with an ambiguousness as have also read those involved in the U.S. Revolution to have ranged anywhere from 5% to 35%. Some records I allow more value placed this number at 15%-20% which is probably most accurate. The reason that is probably more accurate is the second documented number due to the Foreign Occupiers 'QUARTERING, STEALING FOOD, AND ANIMALS/POULTRY' from a largely AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY of that time. There was MUCH animosity towards the Military representing a BAN UPON DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRY, TAKING THE BEST RESOURCES HARVESTED BY THE COLONIST FOR THEMSELVES, AND TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

Don't believe the Russian Monarchy hated the British FAMILY MEMBERS so much as they resented being ordered around by them...The House of Guelph which is now Windsor and should be Montbatten always had 'The Dragon' as their Crest with all it signifies. Russia was a vast area and wished friends and to develop their resources. Of course, supporting and helping the U.S. was in their interests. Lincoln was quite the player with his allies in the world's cities as an early 'Spy Network' allowing him to grasp the danger of Europe instigating the Civil War long before it began. Britain didn't merely support the south; IT SUPPORTED BOTH SIDES OF THE WAR and that is the origin of the DEBT THEY CALLED IN DURING THE EARLY 1870's.

The City of London's Central Banker Families have long supported ALL WARS FOR PROFIT AND POWER thoughout the world long before the U.S. Revolution. WHERE AND WHY DOES ANYBODY IMAGINE THE ENDLESS WARS IN EUROPE WERE SO COMMON IN THE LAST 1000 YEARS or even before then in the whole world surrounding the Mediterranean during the Empire of Rome?

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You might be right AussieManDust.

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November 17, 2024: Biden allows Ukraine to use US arms to strike inside Russia


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Trump the war president.

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11/17/2024: Biden allows Ukraine to use US arms to strike inside Russia


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10/28/2024: Iranian Leaders Vow Revenge With “No Limits” After Israel Bombs Iran


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Well gee, what a surprise!! Did you read the United Nations speech by the Zionist fool that runs Israel last month? It's worth reading just to fully understand how evil he is.

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You mean this speech right?


Is the correct interpretation of Netanyahu's words -> We need to keep this Mid-East war going, maybe enlarge it, but our UN "buddies", you are not supporting Israel !

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Yes. download the full text of his speech and read it.

It is vile, filled with Marxist double talk, lies, and Zionist LUNACY.

All Israel's usual rhetoric and tricks - "It's always the Arabs fault" "they made us do it, Israel wants peace" "We'll have peace in the Middle East if we eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran - they are all TERRORISTS."

It's vile.

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The Internet Connected parts of the world has wised-up. It will be hard for them to play the same old "Poor Me" Game, to start yet another big ole war.

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10/25/2024 News:

Israel bombs Iran: Explosions are heard across Tehran as 'IDF forces launch retaliatory strikes'


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10/19/2024 news: The recent China's " Joint Sword 2024B Exercise " the fourth large exercise near Taiwan in the last two years, seemed mostly a rehearsal for a blockade. Using a different way to compel unification than trying to seize Taiwan by landing troops to physically conquer the island.


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10/16/2024 News: North Korea has sent 10,000 troops to help Russia with the Ukraine war — and some are already dying on the front lines.


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Sad. The North Koreans were enslaved by COMMUNISM which is just a rebranded form of the Roman (Zion) Crown Monarchy Imperialism system, and now after decades of being starved into submission and skinniness, they are being sent off to a distant land that has nothing to do with them to be slaughtered.

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Really sad, especially their new young leader wanted to make N Korea a better country, met with Trump, when he just got started.

Now, .... " North Korean leader recent announcement that his country would end efforts to achieve a "peaceful" unification and would regard South Korea as a "hostile" nation. ... "


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Wars And Rumors Of Wars - World On Brink Of 4 Simultaneous Conflicts

Could the U.S. soon find itself involved in 4 major global wars? And we are not even prepared to fight one......

Possible Nations involved in these wars: China-Taiwan, North Korea-South Korea, Ukraine-Russia, Iran-Israel.


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09/09/2024 news:

US help isn't enough: South Korea wants its own nuclear weapons


10/15/2024 news: North Korea blew up the bridge between North and South Korea, which was expected but of great significance. The key to the subsequent situation lies in one point - iMedia

10/19/2024 news: North Korea threatens to declare war — RT World News

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10/16/2024 news: US officials expect Israel’s counterattack on Iran will come before US Election Day


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Zelensky vows to get nuclear weapons if Ukraine not invited to join NATO.

But, Ukrainian membership would mean its war with Russia would automatically become NATO’s war with Russia.


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Z wants to make sure NATO gets dragged into a big ole war ?

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