Hi Ivan, great article! The UN agenda on the “climate change” hoax is same as the scamdemic hoax - depopulation, poverty & slavery for the masses.

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Yes it is Cindi-it's a very ugly agenda! I have a list of articles on climate change this is the first.

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Did you hear about the 11 countries who put a fork into the UN’s “Agenda 2030” this week???

Russia, N. Korea, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.

Would never have dreamed we’d have dodged this bullet (for now) thanks to these countries.

But I’ve said all along that anything the demonic US admin is for, i am vehemently against & of course that includes all things WuFlu, “climate change” / “green new deal” AND Ukraine, just to name a few

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No I missed that thank for the tip. And while it seems like a win, the real win we need is to abolish the United Nations, which is the primary mechanism being used to drive international fascism. The UN's 2015 Paris Agreement is actually a culmination of nearly 50 years of lobbying which started with the global warming lies-the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth is where the agenda picked up impetus.

All of the international institutions in my opinion need to go. Including the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization - all of it is for world fascist government and to rig the rules of the game for global monopoly capitalism.

It's sickening, evil, and extracts wealth from the 99% to transfer it to the 1% - the source of all wealth and income inequality, the source of all poverty.

Ever noticed how 'humanitarian aid' never solves the problems of poverty-it's welfare for those impoverished by global monopoly capitalists and their perpetual wars - and we the taxpayers pay for it.

Ah Cindi-I rant. So much pent up.

I've been thinking - I might start doing a pod-cast or videos to get some of this off my chest. Writing articles is so time consuming - this one above took me all day yesterday. What do you think of a podcast or videos?

It puts a bullseye on us but who cares, it's there already - they've destroyed my reach on all the normal platforms. Nothing moves. Facebook dead. Twitter dead. Actually I have some great followers on Twitter but as Musk put it 'no reach.'

They've canyonized the Internet with censorship~!

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I wholeheartedly agree w/ ALL & most esp getting rid of the evil global organizations but there is a truism in the US that once any horrific bureaucratic entity is created, it is NEVER, ever undone or abolished.

I’m also completely on board w/ whatever format is easiest for you + max impact in getting the message to as many as possible! No clue what videos or a podcast would entail tho, as all of this tech is so far over my head 😅

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Great accurate article.

Of course it is a hoax. Much like nuclear winter was also a hoax.

Next they will be saying we need a little nuclear winter to stall the global warming.

Best location for the nuclear explosions will be the sparsely populated plains of America.

Around 450 explosions ought to do it. (This is precise, and it's 450 because we have 400 missiles in the silos, and that way they don't have to know which.)

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Let's hope it doesn't come to that Edwin.

But with these psychopaths it's not off the table.

Fighting the trillionaires is hard work-because they've got so many useful idiots and good Nazis on the payrolls.

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Oh, if Biden proposed it, it is because it was translated from the Chinese which was translated from the original Russian.

Where do you think Gorebull Warming came from, Armand Hammer and the KGB.

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You can track the global warming agenda to the Club of Rome and the book The Limits of Growth-I think this is where it really began in the globalists agenda. They were looking for a way to create crises to create ways to get more control. It's really clear.

I don't believe the KGB are in charge of anything. Nor the Chinese.

I see the entire communism movement as a creation of the British elites as a tool to take down Russia and China - it is a creation of the international bankers and financiers who as a cartel own and control the global economy and milk it through global monopoly capitalism-which is a big wealth extraction machine.

They amalgamated all their banks, finance companies and multinationals into one cartel where we can now see them - the WEF.

China and Russia under communism were rebuilt with international finance, western technology transfers and western management and training.

If you study the symbolism used in the communism movement what do you find?

It's all Roman Empire symbolism - the red flags - what color did the British soldiers wear? What is the color of the Roman Catholic Church's cardinals?

The hammer and the sickle - Roman Empire. Red white and blue flag in Russia. Roman Empire. Look at the Russian flag with the eagle - Roman Empire. It looks just like the Rothschild's logo and the same as is on most American Federal government logos. Roman Empire. All roads lead to Rome.

The IBFC, the International Banking and Finance Cartel - the banks that are too big to fail and the central banks - they own and control the international monetary system.

They run the world.

We see the Big Three own shares in everything - BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street - they are the icons of the IBFC and they are in every nation, and control almost every major corporation in every industry on earth.

Using other peoples pensions and investment funds.

So Biden is just a puppet of the international bankers.

He signed up for their World Government Alliance.

Which is what the communists signed up for.

The KGB are just one colony of the international empire.

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Oh yes, the WEF own and runs the world.

How many missiles does the WEF have?

How many thermonuclear warheads does the WEF have?

How many divisions does the WEF have?

How many naval ships does the WEF have?

What's the components of the WEF Air Force?

How many strike aircraft does the WEF have in its inventory?

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Maquis (The Conservative Treehouse) says the WEF is a Western suicide pact (by the KGB).

He's not wrong.

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P.S. Regarding all the questions you asked about the WEF.

The international banking and finance cartel don't run their own anything.

They own the international monetary system.

They control the governments as Rothschilds have boasted many times.

The bankers never do their dirty work.

It is all outsourced.

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I don't know him, I'll have to have a look.

It's not suicide - it's the global elites waging civil wars on all the citizens of all our nations.

It's global class warfare. The 1% attacking the 99%-using their useful idiots in the top 10% who staff all the global institutions, NGOs, Think Tanks, foundations and multinationals - all which are WEF or related. And the glue that holds them together is the quest for world government of the elites of the (hidden) Roman Empire Alliance. Bankers, monarchies, financiers, multinationals etc.

That's my take on it.

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I still have not finished but it seems to be a great job. But I am thinking: if it is deforestation causing the big increase in CO (two) then isn't that totally "man-made"?

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Yes I agree with you - I should have made that point in the article.

But the main point was that the claim climate change is man made is still a hoax.

Because we just don't know. And it's ridiculous to think that an additional CO2 of 133 parts per million is responsible. Imagine standing in a crowd of a million people and there are 133 people that are over heating - is that going to heat up the whole crowd. Nope.

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Sep 21, 2023
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Hi Sophie, thanks for that. Yes the increase in CO2 creates cooler weather. Maybe that's what they want because the cold kills. more people. The IPCC left it out deliberately-they don't publish anything that goes against their agenda. Actually regarding your hope that people will be less aggressive that's not going to happen in the camp of the useful idiots for the climate change industry. It's worth trillions and that's why there are disinformation agents and organizations promoting it everywhere. They are paid to. But the points I made in my article today, especially #1, #2 and #4, i use these exact points to wake people up and snap them out of the iilusions in my daily life. And I do it with great success. That's what inspired this article. More to come on this subject. Are you and your hubby handy with mechanical things. I've got a simple and great idea that you could probably use to create free electricity.

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Sep 25, 2023
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Hi Sophie,

I have a very simple idea for generating power - think of an existing windmill and add on to the wing tips tiny EDF motors, which are electric ducted fan motors, which are the same type of motors that are used to fly remote controlled hobby planes -

If these are placed on the wingtips of turbine blades through the principle of leverage the electrical power required at the wingtips to drive it will be a fraction of the output. And if it was combined with say solar power to drive the EDFs on the wingtips then it will be essentially free.

You can think of it as a long pole used as a lever to lift heavy weights. Same principle.

You might ask - why hasn't it been done. Simple. Like your friend's dad - the energy industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry, which is built on the principle of monopoly capitalism. Western capitalism seeks to create monopolies for cash cow businesses that act as wealth extraction machines. Usually on a global basis - think banking, central banking and multinationals.

All of the incentives in the west have been distorted to this purpose particularly since they introduced patents and intellectual property rights - a recent invention in human history. It is for monopoly.

In the next few months I want to build a little prototype and show the principle works. When I do that I'll post about it. This simple principle could revolutionize energy production worldwide.

Thanks for the tip on Amaterasu, I'll check it out.

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